Have Questions? Watch this FUN Keto Q&A Chat where I share tips to make your keto life MUCH easier!
⏳ The year is coming to an end… FAST.
Get a Head Start on your 2020 Weight Loss Goals! 🎉
The official 2020 Keto Challenge will kick off on Friday January 3rd with FUN mini challenges, accountability, weekly weigh-in’s and daily motivation.
I’ll be working with you every step of the way to help you see GREAT results and EASY weight loss. But I don’t want you to WAIT until Friday to get started…
I know the holidays and the end of the year are a tough time to stay on track. I ran several polls and the results & discussions leaned HEAVY (no pun intended) toward feeling miserable – and planning to get back on track sometime in January.
Get Ready for AWESOME results in 2020!
If you’re one of those people that’s been on/off over the holidays, NOW is a great time to get a head start on the new year – and get back on track, or at least start getting prepared to kick off 2020 STRONG! 🙂
Why Wait? How many more days of “goal damage” do you REALLY want to do?
If you do want to wait until January 1st or 2nd, or even Friday January 3rd when our official Keto Challenge begins, that’s totally okay!
This is YOUR journey, and YOU are in total control.
There are still things you can do NOW to start getting prepared, and make it a super easy transition you’re EXCITED about!
Here are just a few ideas:
* Get an inexpensive kitchen scale if you don’t already have one
* Set up MyFitnessPal to track net carbs
* Read this post and watch this video to make macro tracking EASY!
* Clean out the cabinets, pantry, refrigerator, etc and make your keto grocery list.
If you want GREAT keto meal plans, you can try this meal plan for free.
* Get a GOOD goal planner or a diary/journal to plan out your weight loss goals and track your progress in 2020.
* Journal: How do you FEEL right now? How do you WANT to feel?
* Get a GOOD keto cookbook that makes new recipes FUN and helps you replace your old favorites with low carb versions you LIKE!
Those are things I’ve done or use that help ME stay on track (or get back on track). But I think the most HELPFUL thing ever is this:
Focus on the GOAL instead of focusing on the DIET
For me “the goal” is about feeling healthy and happy and LEAN and confident. That “good feeling” you get when you’re working toward a goal and seeing results. Which is WAY better than that BAD feeling you have when you’re working AGAINST your goal and feeling crappy about it (and crappy in general). 😛
Weight loss starts with getting your head straight…
Focus on things that excite you or motivate you. Do you have an event or trip coming up in 2020 that you want to feel AMAZING for? That always works for me!
It also really helps me to hang out with the right people. Get active again in any low carb or keto groups that motivate you, watch this fun motivational chat, look up low carb before & after weight loss photos. Do ALL THE THINGS that get you pumped up and ready to make some positive changes!
YOU are in control!
It’s such an EMPOWERING feeling to know that YOU are in control. Every decision you make, every food you choose to eat (or not eat) is totally your choice.
In a world where we’re affected by so many other people’s decisions (all the time!), this is at least ONE part of your life that is totally YOURS.
I don’t know about you, but I find that very comforting and grounding in my otherwise chaotic and unpredictable life, both at home and at work – lol.
Stay tuned for updates & details on the 2020 Keto Challenge…
In the meantime, get a HEAD START by getting back on track now, or by getting PREPARED for the start date YOU choose.
I’m here for & with you!
We’re going to ROCK this new year… together. 🙂
I would love to hear your goals for this coming year, and your start date if you’re in “the SOON camp” and getting back on track after the holidays.
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. ChocZero peppermint white chocolate chips are back in stock ONE LAST TIME, but they’ll sell out FAST. Our discount code is TRAVELINGLOWCARB at ChocZero.


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