Hi, I’m Lynn! 😀 Thank you for stopping by my blog here, and taking a minute to get to know me. I’d love to get to know you too! Leave a comment, introduce yourself, and let’s connect on your favorite social sites too:

Instagram is a great way to see EVERYTHING I’m eating. 😀
Need help getting started with a healthy low carb diet? Click here. 😀
This blog is where I share all my weird eating habits, my fun travel adventures, how I maintain the low-carb diet with a high-travel lifestyle, and everything I learn along the way. Including what to eat, where to eat, what to do when there’s nothing to eat but bread (LOL) and all the funny stuff that happens in between…
I’ve been working from home for more than 18 years. As you can imagine, not only do I sit most of the day – but I have easy access to the kitchen all day long! LOL 😛
I also travel a lot, eating on the go. And when I am home – well, it’s often take-out for dinner or something super simple. Between traveling, running a business, and being a single parent, I simply don’t have time to cook as much as I used to. Besides…
Life is too short to be stuck in the kitchen all day! 😉
Call it age, call it life, call it whatever you want – but I mysteriously started putting on weight in my 30’s! I’m now in my early 40’s, had what I refer to as a “horrific hysterectomy” a few years ago, and I’m now battling those same issues everyone else does with weight & health.
I decided to “go low carb” and I am SO glad I did!
I lost 8 pounds the first 10 days, and while I’ve struggled here and there like any normal human, I’m happy to say I’ve maintained a healthy low carb lifestyle for 4 years now – and enjoyed fast, easy weight loss. On top of that, the unexpected result: I’m out of pain! I was really suffering with what my doc wanted to label “fibromyalgia”. Guess what? Eating a low carb / ketogenic all but eliminated my symptoms… and I am now enjoying a super active lifestyle again. 😀 Awesome!!
No Complicated Recipes or Weird Foods.
I’m big on the KISS (Keep It Simple!) concept, so you’ll find tons of EASY low carb ideas here on my blog. No complicated recipes or weird products. I’m big on “real food” and LOVE anything with 3 ingredients or less.
You’ll also find lots of ways to eat low carb… everywhere BUT the kitchen. 😀 I eat out A LOT, including fast food and take-out, and restaurants around the world. Follow along to discover creative substitutions and simple meal ideas.
I host FUN low carb meetups around the world! See the Asheville, NC Low Carb Meetup and Atlanta Low Carb Meetup for example. Make sure you subscribe by email so you get notifications and invitations of upcoming low carb meetups!
^ That’s me, with Jimmy Moore of Keto Clarity at the Asheville Low Carb Meetup.
I hope you enjoy my blog, and that you’ll leave a comment and say hello sometime! I would love to connect with you on Twitter and Facebook, as well as Pinterest and Instagram – and Tumblr too if you have an account there. Let’s connect. 😉
Lynn Terry
All material provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace professional medical advice. Please consult your physician before starting any diet or exercise program.
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