I’ve been trying a lot of super easy low carb foods and keto convenience meals lately.
These are great for busy days, easy lunches, or when you’re traveling low carb.
Obviously it’s best eat “real food” and keep your low carb meals as simple as possible.
I prefer 3 Ingredients or Less as an ideal keto diet…
But sometimes convenience wins over – and you need to stay in ketosis or continue eating low carb, even when you can’t cook or prepare meals. 😉
My Experience With A Few Low Carb Convenience Foods
Some of these I’ve tried before, some were new finds, and some I’m trying in new ways to mix things up a little – or make them even better.
I’ll start with some grocery finds & easy low carb freezer meals…
I found these Simple Truth Omelet Bites in the frozen food section at Kroger near the other breakfast foods. They had several flavors / combinations with varying carb counts. The Ham & Swiss bites were only 1 net carb per serving.
A serving is 4 omelet bites and they come in little microwavable trays, making them convenient for a quick bite – or to keep at work.
The bites are SMALL and low calorie, so they aren’t very filling. But they ARE delicious!
I bought two different flavors to try, and ended up eating both boxes – all 16 bites – for breakfast one morning. 😛
I can’t always find these at my favorite little locally owned grocery store, but Kroger had the Oscar Mayer Smokies so I got those for easy low carb lunches last week.
The Smokies are 1 carb each, and a perfect quick lunch drizzled with a little mustard and/or sugar free ketchup – or dipped in mayo (my favorite!).
Next up: the Atkins Stone Fired Pepperoni Pizza in the frozen food aisle.
I did this, but I won’t do it again because it’s 11 NET CARBS and one of the first ingredients is wheat gluten 😳 and… I’ll just stop there.
Oh and it was small. I could have eaten two. 😉
It WAS really good though.
Probably the best “low carb pizza” I’ve tried yet.
Several people have asked my recommendation for a good low carb pizza crust. There is a Fat Head Pizza Crust you can google that I’ve heard is the best.
You have to be cautious about some of the store-bought frozen crusts because they are HIGH carbs, so be sure to read your labels.
The best low carb pizza crust I’ve ever personally tried is Outer Aisle Gourmet, and it has hardly any ingredients too – it’s real food, and REAL good. 😉
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One of my favorite low carb freezer meals is the Atkins Crustless Chicken Pot Pie. I love the Beef Merlot and the Chicken Margherita too.
The Crustless Chicken Pot Pie is great though, quick and easy with plenty of veggies in it.
I actually had it for breakfast the other morning. 🙂
I just fried three eggs and had those on top of it. Delicious!
My breakfast today though… was low carb chocolate chip waffles with lotsa butter & zero net carb Know syrup. 😍
The Know Foods waffles are THICK. I usually have a hard time finishing two whole waffles in one sitting, lol. But I put this breakfast DOWN today. 😉
Use code LYNN for 15% off ✔ on Know Foods Waffles 💕
The syrup was from Know Foods too, and it’s zero net carbs – and delicious. Right now you can get their syrup FREE with any order over $100, plus you’ll get free shipping.
The waffles are one of the BEST sellers. They’re not personally one of my favorites but apparently they’re really popular. I do like them, but more as something to pop in the toaster and eat on the go as a quick meal replacement.
Or made into a HUGE grilled cheese waffle sandwich. That was good too. 🙂
Shakes are always super convenient for a quick breakfast, or a keto meal replacement on the go. I prefer the Ketologie shakes. They come in chocolate and vanilla, and the the vanilla is only 1 net carb and the chocolate is zero net carbs. ❤
They have collagen in them too, which really helps with your hair & nails.
Great news too: the individual Chocolate & Vanilla Keto Shake packets are back!! Finally 🙂💖🙂
The sachets are SO great for making shakes on the go. Plus they’re the best low carb shakes EVER. 😍 They’re thick, creamy & delicious – even just mixed with water.
See ingredients at: https://www.TravelingLowCarb.com/ketoshake ☕ [OUR COUPON CODE: LowCarbTraveler]
Sometimes I mix it with hot coffee for a great keto breakfast shake. ☕
Both flavors are sooo good, with no aftertaste, and filling – these really hold me over compared to other low carb or protein shakes. It’s great as a keto coffee creamer too, with perfect lchf macros. 💪
I love to take them hiking because you can just add water & shake.
That wasn’t easy, lol. I don’t know why I didn’t take my shaker bottle with me! You can get the 16oz Shaker Bottle separately, but it comes in most of their pantry kits too. It’s definitely a better deal to get the jugs, but I love having the packets – especially when I travel or hike. 😉
https://www.TravelingLowCarb.com/ketoshake 💕☕ [COUPON CODE: LowCarbTraveler] ✔
These keto shakes already have both coconut oil and collagen in them, so it’s a great (delicious!) source for both if you don’t like BPC (Bullet Proof Coffee) or taking supplements. I don’t like either. 😛
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Another thing I really like on the go is the FatSnax chocolate chip cookies. They’re not sweet like traditional cookies, but more like shortbread cookies, and the chocolate chip are my favorite flavor.
And of course the Fat Bomb Packets from FBOMB. 🙂
TIP: It helps to warm them up with body heat first. It makes them easier to knead and mix up real good, and I like them better slightly “warm.”
I’m being conservative with this illustration, lol. I usually put them in my pants or stuff them in my bra before I eat them. 😉
We have a discount code: LOWCARBTRAVELER.
Back to cookies, I had said awhile back that I felt like the NUI Cookies (formerly Keto Kookie) were too sweet. But I’ve been enjoying them again lately!
I don’t like them alone because they are too sweet for me, definitely more like a “cookie” or dessert/treat, and they tingle on my tongue. But topped with peanut butter or cream cheese I can make a quick meal out of them – or at least a snack that holds me over for awhile. 😉
Use code LOWCARBTRAVELER for our special discount.
Even better was this delicious “dessert bowl” of a meal with two Snickerdoodle NUI Cookies crumbled up with cream cheese and peanut butter… and then all topped with FBOMB Macadamia Coconut Nut Butter. Yum! ♥
THAT was delicious! 🙂
The other thing I’ve been making use of on-the-go lately is the new Know Cookies. They come in Cinnamon, Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate, Lemon and Peanut butter.
These are less of a cookie though… and more like a meal replacement, as a thick chewy cookie. 🙂
They don’t have ANY aftertaste at all, and they’re VERY filling.
Right now all of the Know Keto Cookies are $4 off AND you can still use code COOKIES for another 15% off – too. 😉
Up until recently the Lemon Know Cookies were my LEAST favorite. Until I topped it with cream cheese! That made it taste like pie. 🙂
I’m really loving their new Peanut Butter Know Cookies though.
Those are my favorite for a grab-n-go, or if I’m at home I’ll top one with peanut butter and that holds me over for HOURS.
Another super convenient low carb meal on the go is fast food, and my personal favorite is the sausage & eggs from McDonald’s since they have All Day Breakfast now.
I love going out to eat too. 🙂
Like this GREAT meal the other day…
😍 Applebee’s Grill & Bar Fiesta Lime Chicken with no rice & no tortilla strips, steamed broccoli as the side. The mexi ranch on the chicken is 3 carbs, and delicious! ❤
👉 This is on the 2-for-$20 menu and that comes with 2 side salads as one of the included appetizer options. Great meal, great deal! 👍
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I had some other snacks around the house from recent Keto Boxes (monthly subscriptions where you can get a variety of gluten free, low carb foods to try every time).
I really LOVED the “Crazy Go Nuts” Garlic Parmesan Walnuts. The Pizza Jerky you can get at Wal-Mart, or if you order online our discount code is LOWCARBTRAVELER.
Pork rinds or pig skins I have a hard time with. They’re too hard for my teeth, or some of them are at least. Definitely not a personal favorite.
Another snack I really LOVE is the Legendary Foods seasoned almonds. I take these hiking with me a lot, and definitely on flights and road trips!
Oh, and good news! The Legendary Foods Sampler Pack is back. AND they now have their delicious flavored nut butters in new Squeeze Packs! 🙂
You’ll find the Sampler Pack on this page and our coupon code is LOWCARBTRAVELER for anything on the site – or use code SAMPLERSHIP to get free shipping on the sampler pack.
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Another new thing I tried recently is the Catalina Crunch keto cereal and Milkadamia milk that came in a recent Keto Krate box.
I’ve always LOVED the Milkadamia Milk but the cereal – no so much. I say that but I did finish it. 🙂 It wasn’t awful, it was pretty good actually, just not something I would HAVE to order again.
The latest Keto Krate box was full of fun new things to try too. 🙂
You can see everything inside the box in the comments on this Facebook post. It’s a public post so you don’t need a Facebook account to view it.
I just cashed in my Southwest travel rewards for gift cards for Applebee’s (which I used for the meal I showed you above) and O’Charley’s and Starbucks.
I have a little cash left on my last Logan’s Roadhouse gift card too, and they often do 20% off specials and afternoon 8.99 meals, so I’ll be eating there again soon too. 😉
I hope that gives you a few new ideas to try or check out.
My life has been FULL and hectic and crazy and great and such lately, lol, so I’ve been doing whatever it takes to get by and “keep it keto” no matter what – even when I have to just grab something and head out the door!
How are things going with you?
I would love to hear some of YOUR favorite low carb convenience foods, freezer meals, or what you tend to grab when you don’t have time for meal prep or don’t feel like cooking…
Leave a comment and let’s chat!
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


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