If you Get Serious now… you’ll look AMAZING for the holidays!! 😉
“This class was very good and fun!! I recommend it to everyone!” -Chuck
Right now you can still get Instant Access to all 5 Low Carb Classes on the “name your own price” model. This is a SWEET deal, if you act fast…
* The “name your own price” option is only available for a couple more days.. I wanted to make it affordable for EVERYONE to attend and get the help they need. It means that there is no minimum, and any amount you choose will get you instant access.
“Thanks so much for hosting these classes. They got me fired up to get back on track. You are such an inspiration!!” -Debbie
Discover the SIMPLE way to lose weight eating low carb, how to break stalls & plateaus, and the ONE thing you MUST master to keep the weight off for good.
Are You Sick of Struggling with Your Weight Loss Goals?
If you’re frustrated, overwhelmed, tired of the dieting roller coaster and ready to see some REAL results… you’ll want to join us live for the Low Carb Classes this week.
If you promise to show up, I promise to answer all of your questions – and help you FINALLY get on the right track! 😉
“Watched my first class with you last night, very inspiring. After about four months of slacking I’m ready to get back to pure keto –Thanks for your work.” -Kaye
This Week’s Low Carb Class Schedule
Saturday August 12th: Noon Eastern / 9am Pacific Time
Q&A Style Class: Mindset, Motivation & Living Low Carb
Join us live on Saturday for an open discussion about EASY ways to overcome your biggest hurdles, struggles and excuses… FAST so you can stay on track and see amazing results! Open Q&A style class with practical help that will make your low carb lifestyle SO much easier. 😉
“In this series of online classes, Lynn not only explains in detail all the low carb lingo (no question went unanswered) she also motivates you and shares her own experiences.
After taking her classes I truly felt that I could be successful this time around, not only losing weight but keeping it off for good.” -Tawnya
Get Instant Access To All Five Low Carb Classes To Watch Immediately:
Q&A: Mindset, Motivation & Living Low Carb
MyFitnesspal, Macros & Meal Tracking Made Easy!
Weight Loss Motivation Tricks… for GREAT Results!
Weight Loss Motivation & Goal Setting Strategies That WORK
Q&A Style Open Discussion Class: Mindset, Motivation & Living Low Carb
“This class was great. You are breaking this down so well. I let myself get overwhelmed and then paralyzed. I have been reading and watching a lot of KETO information for a couple weeks and WOW. Now I see that I don’t need to get lost in the technical details. Thank you sooo much. I am looking forward to the next class!” -Lori
Cost: Choose your own price based on the value you receive from me, my blog, my challenge group – and what it’s worth to you to get live access with me in these interactive sessions, PLUS a bonus email consultation! Click here to register
There is no minimum payment required. I want to make this affordable to anyone, and give you an opportunity to “give back” at your own discretion.
There are only 100 seats available for live classes, so claim your spot today:
Note: After you submit your amount, you’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll register for the class. Do that, then check your email for a confirmation request. If you don’t see it, do a search for travelinglowcarb@gmail.com in your inbox – in case it got filtered out. If you have any problem signing up, just email me at that address! 😉
“You are so great at what you do! You are very informative and I love how you keep it so simple! My biggest take away is that this can be a very easy WOE! I am trying to make it more complicated than it needs to be.
I can’t wait to watch the rest of them!” -Judi
Each session lasts 60-90 minutes, and includes Live Q&A.
We’ve done this before… and it was A LOT of FUN!
- Get instant access to 5 FUN & detailed Low Carb Training Classes. Simply “choose your price” when you click here to start watching! Enter any amount.
- Bonus: In addition to unlimited access to the interactive replay of ALL Low Carb Classes (7.5 full hours of motivational training!) You’ll also get a FREE email consultation with Lynn Terry regarding your low carb journey & weight loss goals.
- Discover the SIMPLE way to lose weight eating low carb, how to break stalls & plateaus, and the ONE thing you MUST master to keep the weight off for good.
Click Here To Register and Get Instant Access To All 5 Motivational Low Carb Classes
If you have any questions, simply leave a comment below.
If you’ve attended my Low Carb Classes before and want to share YOUR experience, I would love for your to leave a comment with your feedback too!
Here’s to no slacking, daily tracking, a SIMPLER low carb lifestyle with less stress… and GREAT results!
Lynn Terry
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I really enjoy hosting these low carb classes in exchange for whatever amount you want to “tip” because I want to give everyone the opportunity to discover the happiest, healthiest version of themselves!
“Thank you for giving of your time to help others!” -Lindsay
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