This morning’s Low Carb Class was probably my FAVORITE of all five classes we’ve done lately. 🙂
We had a FUN open discussion, and the topics and questions were GREAT!
We talked about blasting through weight loss stalls, the “3IMAX Method” of eating low carb, how to replace your favorite high carb foods for delicious low carb versions without “cheating”…
Plus the difference between keto and low carb, what to do when you “binge out” (eek!) – and lots more. 🙂
Debi said, “This was a great session as were the others…well worth your time and your chosen amount $ if you are serious about making a change! I wish I had known how great they were sooner!” *(chosen amount meaning: you can “name your own price” to watch ALL the classes! -but that’s this weekend only)
Stay tuned for what’s coming next. I have something really special (a secret!) lined up for everyone that signed up for the classes, and you’ll LOVE it!;)
My Low Carb Food Diary
As usual, I want to share with you what I ate yesterday – plus my MyFitnessPal diary so you can see how I logged it. I feel like I haven’t been eating enough lately, so I tried to make what I *did* eat really count. Meaning: good nutritional value.
I just haven’t had much of an appetite lately. Even when I am hungry, nothing (NOTHING at all) appeals. 🙄
I think it has to do with the summer humidity here in Tennessee, my allergies, and going on/off an allergy medication – which I did NOT like. 😛 I’m just guessing though…
My Low Carb Meals on Friday
For breakfast I had 3 eggs scrambled with cheese, and 4 small diced strawberries with kosher cream cheese. A nice healthy “all whole foods” LCHF breakfast:
There was a long stretch after that, where there was probably supposed to be lunch, but I had a super busy work day and ZERO appetite so I just had an early dinner.
I ordered take-out from the local Mexican restaurant. It didn’t exactly come like I ordered it, but close enough! It was meant to have chicken AND shrimp, plus cheese sauce on the side (which I like to drizzle over my salad).
I ended up with a taco salad (minus the taco, of course) with grilled chicken and avocado slices instead of guacamole. Simple & delicious!
I couldn’t eat it all though, so I just logged what I *did* eat.
Several people asked me why I asked for “avocado slices instead of guac, please.” The reason is because I don’t know what they put in their guacamole, and plus I just prefer whole fresh avocado slices. 🙂
I *almost* went to bed hungry, because I really did NOT feel like eating again, but I remembered I still had some Low Carb Brownies in the fridge so I decided to eat half of one.
This is a double batch of low carb peanut butter brownies, made with my original recipe except this time I used walnuts instead of pecans.
That satisfied me enough for the night, and I called it a day. 😉
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Friday:
Net Carbs: 17
Total Carbs: 31
Calories: 1345
Protein: 61 grams
76% Fat / 19% Protein
Water: 56 ounces
The Free Plugin I Use to Get Net Carbs in MyFitnessPal
LCHF Macros: A Simple Explanation & Illustration
I’m really excited about our next Low Carb Challenge kicking off on September 1st. But of course I’m continuing to stay on track, eat low carb and challenge myself – and encourage you to do the same right along with me, right here!
I keep saying I’m going to get back into my exercise and strength training routines… but I have NOT done that yet. 🙄 I’m quite annoyed with myself over it too, lol. My arms are starting to get flabby and jiggly again! 😛
So hold me accountable to that, okay?! 😉
How are things going with you?
I would LOVE to hear how things are going on your end. What are you struggling with, how is your weight loss going – any questions?
Leave a comment & let’s chat.;)
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. The August Keto Krate box is shipping out NOW. If you sign up today you can still get one! 🙂


Wondering what the 5 tbsp of powdered creamer are used for in Snacks. Coffee?
Also, does myfitnesspal app you use automatically figure net carbs or do you pay for that?
Great questions, Sally! 🙂
I use the free version of MyFitnessPal with a free plugin that makes it calculate net carbs. Here is how I have it set up:
The coffee creamer is what I use in my coffee, and I use 1 tbsp per large mug, so I had 5 mugs of coffee yesterday. 🙂
You are so inspirational! Thanks for all you do.
Thank you so much, Andrea. 🙂 🙂 You totally made my day!! *cheers*
Confession time….I’m still not back on the LC wagon. I keep delaying it and I don’t know why. Right now my excuse is my kitchen is torn up due to a mini remodel and it’s just to much added stress to deal with what to eat. I’ll also confess that I left your FB group for a week but then rejoined. I’m not really sure what’s going on with me. I haven’t stepped on the scale in weeks. I managed to hurt my back last Monday and have been babying it all week. So I’m not really sure what my point is! I still read your stuff and hope to get back on the LC wagon soon.
I’m so sorry you injured your back. That’s a miserable kind of pain! I hope it clears up soon. If not, see a good chiropractor for sure. 😉
With your kitchen remodel… you have to eat anyway. And I’m sure you aren’t NOT eating, so it’s just a matter of *what* you eat. That’s all!;)
I understand having an internal conflict. My advice: sit down and journal it out. What’s stopping you from starting? What’s holding you back? What is it you think will happen, change, be bad/good if you do just commit to going low carb? And how do you FEEL about that?
I suggest that, because being conflicted about it like that is NO fun at all. I’ve been there! 😛
Great suggestion about mutual accountability Lynn! 🙂
I have missed the session on Saturday unfortunately, but will be watching a replay today. It’s not quite the same as the live session of course, but your classes are simply too good to miss – there is so much information, but even more motivation and encouragement. I am more than happy to be part of your accountability team to make sure you to get things done, workouts and all. 🙂
I have figured out what was stalling my progress – not recording what I was eating, and my water intake. Plus, I was replacing carbs with protein which was not a great idea at all. And cheating – my berry allowance was just a bit too high. Now that I have started recording it I can see what needs adjusting/ changing. And I am down on my protein, having upped the good fats for energy.
I am really looking forward to the start of the Challenge on 1 September! 🙂
Those are great tweaks, Galina! I weigh out my berries by grams, because that’s the only way to log them accurately (since they are all different sizes). I weigh / measure & track everything! That way you can easily tell what is affecting your weight loss, as well as your energy levels – and any other things you experience. So that’s great to hear!
You’ll enjoy the last session when you watch it. 🙂 And thank you for the accountability! I’m aiming to get back to feeling tone and strong like I did last Fall! That felt SO amazing, and really doesn’t take hard work: just short, easy focused muscle targeting. 😉
I am so angry with myself. I started out doing one of your 90-day challenges, lost 30 pounds and kept it off for quite a while. It was coming so naturally for awhile. I have back issues and reflux and I felt so much better after I lost that weight! My mom has developed severe memory issues and in addition to my full-time job, feeding my family and running back and forth to my mom’s, I got back into my old food habits and have gained almost all of it back. So disappointed in myself! Now I’m tired, hurt all over and I know I need to correct my way of eating to feel better, but can’t find the motivation. My current plan is to try to stay under 20 carbs starting back today, read all your facebook posts, walk 30 minutes a day and take a yoga class 1-2 times a week. But I’m tired just thinking about it, almost to the point of tears. How do you find your motivation to just do it?
Hi Valerie,
That’s exactly what we talked about in the last two low carb classes. I know how hard that is. But here’s the trick:
Commitment comes first (forcing it, MAKING yourself take the action). Motivation comes as a RESULT of that commitment – and the momentum kicks in. 😉 Just like it did before!
Focus on how you felt, vs how you feel now, and be very deliberate with every single choice to get yourself back to that place where you felt GREAT – and away from the place you are now, where you … don’t. 🙂
I hope that helps!
Thanks Lynn. Wasn’t home to catch the classes, but I’m going to try to find time this week to go back and watch all of them. Thinking that will help a lot. Thanks for being such a great support to everyone. Also want to order some of your suggested items on Netrition so I’ll have plenty of low-carb things on hand.
I think that will give you some GREAT motivation! 🙂
I do like keeping easy low carb foods on hand, and find that really helps me too. Life is full and busy, and food can be a hassle sometimes (no matter how you eat, lol)… so having things that are EASY and that you like (!!) makes a big difference.
p.s. I’m still working on this list, but I listed some of MY favorites on this page:
If there’s anything specific you’re looking for, just let me know! I’ve probably tried it. 😉
Thanks so much Lynn!