I mentioned several times over the last week both here and on Facebook that I’ve really been struggling with cravings.
I set out to challenge myself the last 18 days of the year in a year-end low carb challenge, which started on Monday December 14th.
Hundreds of people joined in, which was great! The majority seem to have bailed already, and I started feeling like I was doing this alone. I pushed through though, trying to set a great example, and really REALLY wanting to reach my weight loss goal by New Year’s Eve! 🙂
Unfortunately I’ve really struggled with the exercise part of my challenge, which was to work out daily. I’ve made an effort, and got in a few good workouts here and there, but nothing like what I intended. 😛 I have to work on that – MAKE it a habit!
Today… I weigh more than I did when the challenge began.
How did that happen?!
My goal was to get below 150 pounds (into the 140’s) by year-end.
I started the challenge at 158 pounds (again! ugh), well – officially 155 on Monday the 14th because I started a couple of days early. Here’s how my weight has fluctuated:
12/12: 158
12/13: 155.8
12/14: 155
12/15: 153.6
12/16: 153.6
12/17: 152.8
12/18: 152.8
12/19: 152.8
12/20: 151.6
12/21: 152
12/22: 152
12/23: 152.6
12/24: 152.6
12/25: 154.4
12/26: 154.4
12/27: 156.2
You can see all of my daily food diaries here: Low Carb Daily Food Journals
What Happened Exactly?!
Well, food obviously. 😛 Things really kind of stalled out for an entire week after the beer & bbq night (12/17), and maybe that entire week of being ~152 pounds got to my head. I had a slight dip of losing ONE pound after that night, but otherwise my weight pretty much held steady for an entire week after that.
That’s NORMAL. I expected that. I was powering through. I was seriously determined to break through it! I was eating super clean, feeling lean, I was on a roll.
It was the following week (the week of Christmas) that things started slipping in. It was a half a cookie here and there, nothing major. I saw a half pound increase on the scale, no big deal. I wasn’t sweating it. I was eating super healthy, and that bite or two here and there wasn’t a big deal.
On Christmas Eve I decided to have a “splurge” for dinner (not the whole day, just one meal). It was actually a lower carb splurge, and the healthier choice compared to what I could’ve eaten. I had hot wings and green bean crispers (both breaded) – but still stayed below 100 carbs for the day. That resulted in almost 2 pounds gained overnight. 😯 lol. Ack! So of course I just did what I do – I ate super low carb on Christmas Day and powered through it, back on track!
I woke up yesterday (December 26th) with serious cravings. I fought it ALL day. I got on the road that morning to drive home from my daughters, and stopped for a coffee & danish. WHAT?! Yes, that went through my head too. 😛 I took a few SMALL bites of it and threw it away. It gummed up in my mouth, felt weird, and didn’t even taste good. I trashed it and stopped for sausage & eggs at the next exit.
Power through, power through, power through…
Then there was lunch. I made a big bowl of healthy low carb foods. Yesterday was going good. Between my super low carb Christmas Day, and eating simple & healthy yesterday, I expected to be right back on top of things – and pleased with my number – when I stepped on the scale this morning.
Then BAM! I totally gave in last night with an off plan meal. 🙁 It just happened. I thew in the towel. I couldn’t take it anymore! I was tired from the trip, feeling a little “off”, fighting cravings ALL day – they were totally CONSUMING. I finally just gave in and curled up in my PJ’s and totally binged out in bed with a movie.
It’s a slippery slope. I blame the “bite of cookie” here and there, and the higher carb meal on Christmas Eve, for inducing the cravings. You just don’t have (real) cravings otherwise on a ketogenic low carb diet. Well, outside of mental/emotional cravings – especially for emotional eaters.
I have been doing GREAT, then a few very minor slip-ups during the holiday week totally derailed me. I gain weight SO fast. Seriously, it’s not like I was on a total binge or anything – that’s just my body, and how it responds to carbs & sugar. 😐
Here was part of my journal entry this morning:
The binge meal was stupid. I woke up weighing more today than when I started the challenge on December 14th. :-9 What a waste.
Today you can start over, make a difference, and go to bed feeling GOOD instead of “blah”. Ok? 🙂
It’s not like I did HORRIBLE. I’m just really disappointed that I worked SO hard over the last two weeks and was making such great progress – only to derail myself back to my starting weight. Ugh. That just disgusts me. 😛
I did get some good exercise in over the holiday, including a great fast-paced walk with both of my Danes on Christmas Eve. If you take out the two meals, and the few bites of cookie here and there, I think I actually did pretty darn good over the holidays. I know a lot of people eat their way through December (lol), and pay for it a heckuva lot worse than I am right now.
The question is, can I get & stay on track this last week of the year – and drop the ~4 pounds I put back on? Sure! But did I totally blow my goal – can I lose 6.3 pounds in less than a week to get below 150 before the New Year? I’m not sure… That kinda bums me out. 😐 More than a little.
Don’t Wait.
If you haven’t been eating healthy, or sticking to your low carb diet over the holidays – that’s okay. But don’t wait until the New Year to get back on track. Start today. Start NOW. Otherwise you’ll just have even MORE to undo.
I’m sick of my weight yo-yoing up and down and back and forth. I’m sick of being the one to cause it! I aim to finish this challenge (and this year) STRONG, starting today.
I refuse to feel bad about it, because that will just get me down (which makes me want to eat, lol). Yes, I regret my “binge in bed” last night, but maybe I needed it. Emotionally, I mean. Whatever. I can get up this morning and get right back on track (and I did) and just keep powering through.
I let myself down, yes – but worse than that… I feel like I let YOU down.
I apologize for that.
I want to be a good source of motivation and inspiration for you. I want to show you that it’s EASY. I want to show you it CAN be done. It’s a struggle though, for me too, just like it is for everyone. I could say all sorts of things: I’m only human, it happens to everyone, blah blah blah. I’m ready to rise above that. I’m ready to STOP struggling, because I’m the one MAKING it hard.
Will you still love me when I’m skinny & fit? 🙂
I hope so… 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I’m kicking off a new Low Carb Challenge on January 1st. Plan to join us! You can sign up for the low carb challenge here if you haven’t already. Make sure you’re signed up by email to get official challenge updates. 😉 *cheers*

I am so in your shoes, am loving that the holidays are over, so I can focus again, I am throwing out the crap today and will force myself out of the cravings right now…hang in there…
Thank you for being human. I have been doing this for the past year. But, even with my weaknesses and failures, I have managed to lose almost 20n pounds. Now, I have about 40 more to go, but the fact that I’ve been able to regain focus is a good thing. The fact that you’ve been honest is a great thing and motivates me even more to do what I need to do. So, you didn’t let me down. You’ve given me the drive to keep on pushing. Thanks!
Good morning!
Id like to thank you for your blog! It is exactly what I needed. First holidays to have no sugar, grains or booze. My weight has stalled but hopefully tomorrow it will move again. You are a motivator so thank you!!!!
Hi Lynn,
Congratulations on fighting through things and staying true to your diet plan! I do think you may be causing yourself some unnecessary stress by worrying about staying really strict and worrying about a little cheat here and there, especially during the holiday season. It seems to me that you’re doing all you can possibly do to stick with the diet part and I agree with you, it’s probably time to focus on the exercise component to break through the last remaining weight loss plateau. At the end of the day, even though diet accounts for the lion’s share of weight loss, it can only take you so far. Turbo charging things with exercise may be just the ticket. It can also serve as a safety net for those times that an extra bite of a cookie or one too many lowcarb beers happen.
Not sure what kind of exercise routine you’ve been doing. Was it the video workouts? At some point, you may want to investigate some resistance training (weights) to build some lean muscle to help burn a few extra calories while at rest. Even joining a gym (if there’s one nearby) and hiring a personal trainer for a few weeks might be worth a shot. Might help with both getting set up on a good program as well as help with accountability if missing workouts has been a problem. You can still do the home workouts on the days that you don’t hit the gym and for getting in a daily workout.
Anyway, just my .02. You’re looking great and all the best for 2016!
There are so many low carb blogs out there, but I follow yours because you keep it real. Sometimes just a couple bites of a cookie can lead to so much more than those few bites. I struggle conveying that to family and friends who are food pushers, especially around the holidays, so it helps me to read your honest heartfelt blog and know I’m not the only one. Your experiences will make me stronger the next time someone says “a bite won’t hurt!”
Thank you for sharing! I fell off this week I had tragedy in my family so that kind of took me in the route of emotionally eating, I haven’t weight myself but I’m sure I gained a few lbs but that won’t stop me just like u I will remain strong and get back on it. It’s been a very hard couple of days but I will get back up! Thank you for sharing again that inspired me to not give up and keep trying. I’m still in this journey with u!
I’m with you! I started my journey 7 years ago on Dec. 28, 2008. I’ve maintained for quite a long time until I started dealing with a bully at work (2.5 years) and put on 18 lbs. I got it off this year with LCHF and I must say, for this 60 yr old woman, this is TRULY the best way to eat. I had a few “bumps” during the Christmas season… all at work where the CARBAGE is non-stop and I have my “low time” of the day at 3pm. (yes, emotional eater here) But you know what… This morning I am 142.2, within my 140 to 145 goal range (actually I WANT to live at 137 but I can’t seem to STAY there) and I just keep on keeping on! Tweaking as I go. You’ve given me great ideas as I tend to get in ruts, bulk cook and then get tired of eating the same thing all week. We GOT this Lynn! Just keep on keeping on! Aren’t you glad you understand that eating this way is the best!?! You’re NOT alone… I’m not dropping off… EVER! I also PACK it on quickly with carbs. Sheesh! Oh well, we do love GOOD food better than carbage! π You didn’t let us down… you are showing us that you get right back on the LCHF lifestyle! It’s a journey… and a WONDERFUL one with LCHF. And by the way… YOU look GREAT!! Buck up Buttercup! π Handing you a piece of my delicious smoked turkey. π
Thank you for sharing ..this sounds like my last 2 weeks ..starting @ 158 went down to 153 now back up to 159..its my doings so now it is time to un do..we are human ..
Trying to get in more exercise that seems to be key in my case .
Good luck to all .Happy New Year 2016 is going to be the best year yet !!
Oh man, I have failed miserably! since I live by myself, I only buy groceries that will keep me on track. I know my cravings, I know that I have binging issues when it comes to sweet and salty things, so I just don’t bring them into the house.
Since my son is home from college, it’s ALL in the house. Initially I did really good with not snacking, but then Christmas Eve came and all the homemade fudge, and peanut butter balls surrounded me and I gave in. It was my drug and I overdosed on the sugary high.
Now I feel bloated, fingers swollen, and miserable!! I was doing so good prior, and had lost 33lbs. Now gained back 10lbs of hard work.
Today is a new day. I’m brushing off my skinned up knees, standing up straight, and taking charge again. I’m focusing on why I want to lose the weight and get fit, and I’m doing it!!
Goodbye chocolate and peanut butter fudge, hello cottage cheese and steak!
Thanks for your honesty. Truth be told it’s never easy. Most importantly forgive yourself. Move forward and don’t look back. Ill continue following your progress and wish me luck as well! I’m struggling with the exercise and work outs as well. Happy New year!
(((hugs))) You ARE a great example for everyone, Lynn. You’re human, and I know I love that you keep it real. People need to realize that changing your way of eating, and achieving goals, isn’t done without effort, and struggle.
you have done well though.you could have weighed a lot more if you didn’t put in all that hard work to start with!
Thanks for being real and honest. I lost 25 pounds with the low carb lifestyle, then gained 8 back over the holidays…too many parties and too many holiday goodies. I’m ready to get back on the wagon January 1st! I look forward to the support from y’all!
You are so real and I love that about you! So often I think the only person struggling with being a carboholic is me until I read your blog. I lost 45 lbs in 2014 and did so welll through last Christmas, even through the first of this year. One lb by one lb crept back on during the late summer when I began readjusting my diet to what I thought I could get by with and obviously couldnt. I have gained back 20 lbs most since october. I don’t feel good and am so afraid of putting it all back on. But reading this today I feel ready. Thanx for your encouragement!
I was doing very well when I started the 18 day challenge and didn’t lose anything. On Christmas Day I cheated pretty badly because I thought “Well, it’s not working anyway.” Then I hopped back on yesterday and did well, only to get on the scale today and be up 2 lbs. I’m still trying to stay on track, just very discouraged
Thank you for this post Lynn.
I have been doing so well, and even through Christmas Eve/Day I didn’t go totally crazy with carb eating. I did have a few little things here and there. But I feel swollen and bloated and I am up almost 4 pounds because of it.
Yesterday, I was right back on LCHF eating and I will get back down to where I want to be before year end.
This is the first year I can remember where I didn’t just completely EAT the holidays away, so I am proud of myself for that…. I will get this little hiccup back under control BEFORE the end of 2015.
We CAN do this!!
It happens to all of us. Especially with the Holidays. I’ve gone far off track but each day I try my hardest to get back on. Not totally committed again but I am trying.
You are still an inspiration to us and I am glad that you can admit to us that you are HUMAN……….some have the I am above this attitude and it turns me off. Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work and I’ll be totally committed with you again soon.
Thank you so much for sharing your struggles. We all love this WOE, and I firmly believe it is the way we should be eating, but in modern carb society, we all fall off once in a while. I appreciate you so much, and your willingness to talk about the struggle. You have NOT failed anyone, you are human, like the rest of us. Don’t waste anymore time beating youself up about this. I myself am restarting today, it is a fresh day. You help me everyday, and I will continue to draw strength from your posts.
Thank you for being REAL! You are an encouragement.
You didn’t fail, my friend. You just took a detour.
Lynn, i’ll love ya skinnyβ₯ because your always real and honest friend!!! Your such an inspiration to me and so many others!!! Your struggles and determination is what gives me so much hope that I can do this!!! I believe in you and I know you can hit 140’s by New Year :)) LETS DO THIS GIRL!!!!!
Hey, Lynn! Thank you for sharing your story! I have been gaining/losing about 4 pounds. I’m just trying to get to under 300 by January 1. Exercise has been the part I’ve struggled to get going. I keep saying I’m going to go work out but my follow through is lacking! Definitely a struggle but I’m still going to try! You have given great inspiration and tips/tricks.
One thing I do want to say…I was one of the folks who bailed on the Facebook group page. I wanted you to know it’s not because of anything really wrong with the idea behind the group page. I felt the group feed consisted of quite a few folks who were determined keto/lchf would not work. I don’t have time or patience to wade through all of the nay-sayers’ posts. I felt frustrated at times rather than motivated after reading some of the postings.
There were plenty of others, yourself included, proving this is a viable plan. I follow you on Instagram, get email updates from your website, and look at your website almost daily.
I have had great improvement in my health since starting in August 2015. It’s been slow but steady and the scales don’t show the whole picture.
Again thank you for all you share with us! I know it takes a lot of time to update your blog daily. I truly appreciate all that you do! You’re an inspiration to a lot of folks!
Lynn, Thank you for being so honest. I did so well all thru Christmas until the day after. One bite and I was a goner. I beat myself up for a little while, but I’m working thru the bloat and know this is a journey. I know we’re all going to make it. We’ll make mistakes along the way, but we are determined ladies. We got this. You are helping us with this blog and this challenge. I so look forward to your posts each day. I was worried that I was the only one who fell off the wagon. We are a sisterhood. We are here for one another. We don’t have to do this alone. Thank you so much for all you’re doing to help us all. You go girl. God bless you! Brenda
I love your honesty! I’m going to join in the 90 day challenge! My goal of dropping my 15 pounds this year
Next month I have actually been doing this way of eating for a year. I have lost 80 pounds in that year and my total weight loss is 180 pounds. I said all that to say this. I have done a lot better with the low carb than I have with any diet. I was able to stay on it with no cravings and the foods I use to love I didn’t want them anymore. I had surgery on October 27th and was not able to say on the program and have not been on it since that day. I am going back on it tomorrow. I am going to make it. I have about 50 or 60 pounds to loose yet and I am going to make it by the grace of God. Thanks for listening. Will keep you posted as I am loosing.
I’ve been following your posts on what you’re eating and have been wondering how you’d been losing weight making the poor choices you’ve made.
Good luck with your future WL journey. Hopefully, you’ll make better choices and encourage those who blindly follow you to make more appropriate choices, too.
lol Angel π Which “poor choices” are you referring to? I actually eat very healthy, outside of one crappy fast food meal last night – and the half a cookie here and there over the holiday week. But perhaps you’re referring to something else?
Thank you, for letting us know you are human like the rest of us. I am encouraged to make it work, want lose 20 by April but do not want to gain it all back in two days, determined Lynda. Angel, your comments need to be backed by what you consider a better way.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, if it was easy, we’d all be a thin-ish healthy human! It is our challenge for the New Year. We can go this journey together! We CAN do this !!
You didn’t let anyone down. You just showed us again how human you are and how you are truly one of us. I’m soooo in for this New challenge. Thanks
I appreciate your honesty and motivation. I was also surrounded by family and goodies for a long week. My family knows that I try really hard to live a low carb lifestyle but sometimes cravings get the best of me. I am now home and weighed myself. Not as bad as I was imagining. I think getting my water in and using my fitbit helped. Thank you for you posts and recipes!
Happy New Year, Lynn! 2016 is going to be awesome! I’m looking forward to the new challenge. Thanks again for sharing with us.
Lynn, we ALL are human and I for one am glad that you are! I can relate and can’t wait for the new challenge on January 1st
Happy New Year Lynn!!!
Hi Lynn! And happy new year!
I declined the end of year challenge because I had decided to allow myself 2 weeks off. It’s been ‘meh’ really. Not all it’s cracked up to be. π There’s really not much out there in high carb world that we can’t replicate as low carb. I haven’t gained any weight, but haven’t lost any either Looking forward to a fabulous 2016 filled with gorgeous low carb food and great health!
I will be experimenting with more low carb recipes, in search of the perfect low carb crunchy snack! π π π
Thank you SO much for all you do,
I really appreciate you all – your support, encouragement, your kind words here… thank you! π It’s so nice that we have such a great community to share the struggles with as we work toward our goals together!!
Here’s to a healthy, happy, LEAN, fit new year! π *cheers*