It’s so easy to let time slip by (years even if you’re not careful!) without accomplishing what you want most in life.
In all that time that goes by you’re thinking about, wishing, wanting to, berating yourself for not taking action, planning to start… or start and quit over and over maybe.
A lot of emotion and thought (and sometimes even money) is spent on the goal, even when action hardly ever is – or isn’t at all.
We get caught up in “the dailies” instead – the endless list of stuff to do, routines and habits, things that come up – and before you know it another day is ending…
Then another week, another month… another year. 🤦♀️
It happens to all of us.
Maybe you’ve accomplished some things you’re really proud of along the way.
I have! 🙋♀️
But there’s always that ONE nagging thing you haven’t quite achieved (yet) that should be SO easy (if you just DID it) – but you keep putting it off, or slowing down and/or sabotaging your progress.
Am I right?
An interesting thing just happened…
I’ll share the story with you, because it really put things in perspective for me.
My entire life got put on hold for a couple of weeks. I spent 11 of those days in someone else’s home and everyday life, caught up in THEIR “dailies.”
In January I spent 48 hours with my parents, and that little mini-break from my own life had a profound effect on my mindset. I shared that here and talked about how stepping out of your own life (even for a single day) can give you SO much insight.
This much longer stay forced me to set aside everything that makes up my normal life, and pitch in to help them with theirs while my stepmother recovered from surgery. She’s my father’s full-time caretaker, but fortunately they were both easy patients. 🙂
A LOT of things went through my mind over the last couple of weeks, while staying in the hospital through Terri’s surgery, sitting with my father while she rested, bleaching towels, making broth, and basically living a totally different life – and being completely outside of my own.
I thought about all the things I would be doing, should be doing, should have gotten done, needed to do when I got home.
I thought about the things I thought I could get done, and planned to do, while I was there – that weren’t happening, that didn’t happen.
Mostly I just let it all go and focused on the task at hand: taking care of the parents. I knew everything would wait, and I could jump right back into my to-do list after I saw things through there.
Being fully present in my role there felt important.
Still, your mind will spin and churn and sort through thoughts and feelings all on it’s own, even more so without your usual distractions – like when you’re in the shower, going for a walk or driving down the road alone.
Mostly I just let the thoughts come and go (or: let them go) but when I had time I jotted down creative ideas for work projects or heavier bits that were on my mind.
This piece from my journal stands out:
“I don’t want to waste any more of my youth. I’m in the prime of my life, and in the prime of my career. I don’t want to waste any more time spinning my wheels, procrastinating, putting things off, coasting or avoiding or waiting – or being unhappy or having any (more) regrets.”
I’ll be 47 this year, btw. The term “youth” is relative I discovered. I used to think my youth was long gone, but I have a whole new appreciation for my age and my health. 😉
.. and I don’t want to waste another second of it! 💕
If that’s what you really want, then why aren’t you doing something about it?
Interestingly, all the things I had to put on hold for about two weeks… were things I had already been putting on hold for awhile.
At first I had some anxiety about not getting this done, or not being able to do that. And then I realized, you know what? I wasn’t getting this or that done before – when I *did* have the time and energy to do it! 🤔
Why not?
Good question.
One I’ve been asking myself a lot lately:
“Why are you wasting perfectly good time?”
If you’re going to be thinking about it, wanting it, wishing you could do this or do that, then you might as well just DO IT.
It takes about the same amount of brain space and energy anyway. And you’ll just continue having negative emotions and feelings about NOT doing it….
Who wants to stay on that emotional hamster wheel of negativity?!
So why not just MAKE IT HAPPEN then – whatever it is you most want.
That puts me in mind of the most profound four words that jumped out at me while reading Skinny, Fat, Perfect: Love Who You See In The Mirror by Laura Fenamore:
If not now – when?
Why haven’t you DONE it yet, made it happen yet, FINISHED already, turned your goal or idea into your reality – or started yet, even?
Most of us will answer TIME or MOTIVATION, or perhaps both.
Fairly so.
But so much can be accomplished in such little amounts of time!
You can write a book in 17 minutes a day (that’s been proven). You can do body weight exercises while the coffee brews.
As for your diet, that’s an easy one: you have to eat anyway, so it’s simply a matter of WHAT you eat – there’s no rocket science there. 😉
And of course we all know that motivation kicks in AFTER the commitment is made.
You have to decide to do something (because you REALLY want the results), force yourself to DO that something or take the necessary actions, THEN you get excited about it – and motivation to continue and to be consistent magically kicks in. 🦄
Commitment + Action = Motivation
So if you’re waiting on motivation to magically appear… it’s time to stop sitting on your hands, and go chase it down. 😉
On that note I recently read a great piece titled How To Be Consistent In Life. She covers some great points, such as:
“If your brain has already told you that you’ll fall off the wagon, you will.”
Plus how to overcome that negative thinking that holds you back, of course… and more. It’s a quick read, but very empowering!
I suppose the biggest insight I gleaned from this experience is how easy it is to waste the time and abilities you have… until you no longer have them.
I thought a lot about the choices I make on a daily basis, and how different it feels when you don’t have those choices and options. Which made me feel like I (we) should not take another single moment of life for granted…
Imagine your absolute best life, the IDEAL version of yourself.
From this moment forward, spend EVERY second living that life – or working toward that vision.
That’s what I’m going to do.
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I’d love to hear YOUR story, what holds you back, what helps you most, and what seems to always stump you up… leave a comment & let’s discuss it! Every share inspires someone else, and every question helps others too. 💕
Judi Brown says
What get’s me down is living in Australia, and not having access to all of the amazing products you guys in the US have. And if they do ship to Aus, it’s sooo expensive! I would LOVE to try so many of the foods I see advertised for low carb diets, but it’s just impossible. If you know of any sites that I as an Aussie can access Lynn, please let me know! Thanks for your amazing work!
Lynn Terry says
Hi Judi! I so love Australia. 🙂 I’ve been five times, but it’s been awhile – and I’m anxious for another trip to your side!
I imagine you will see more and more options become available with the keto diet becoming more popular. Here we are seeing things like keto bakeries and cafes pop up due to the trend, which is new but very cool!
I haven’t actually visited any yet, but I need to do that. 😉
Most of the things you might buy online (low carb products/foods) can be easily recreated in the kitchen, or at least close. My advice would be to look for recipes that are similar, where you can control your own ingredients and tweak them to your preference.
What kind of products are you most interested in? It might be fun to discuss home made options even for people here that don’t want to pay for the packaged products. That would make for a fun discussion!
Lori says
Great, thought provoking post! This year is going to require a lot of “just doing it” for me as I’m going to run my first half marathon(13.1 miles) later this year. Training started yesterday and I know there will be many days when my mind tries to talk me out of doing what I know needs to be done to meet my goal. I just turned 60 last month….what?? It’s just a number, right? Thank you for this site and all you do for the LC community.
Lynn Terry says
That’s exciting, Lori! 🙂 And yes, it IS just a number. I love that you’re already committed to being consistent, because that’s exactly what it takes. It’s human nature to wait until the last minute to start making any real effort, which is never enough. 😛 Been there! lol – But commitment helps you be consistent, and being consistent turns a hard thing into an easy habit, and that’s how WINS happen!!
Crystal DiPiero says
I’ve been following you for a while so I think I know this but do you take ketones? I’m getting closer to 50 and my energy is pretty low, these help but are very expensive.
Also trying to tweak my macros because I don’t seem to lose any weight.
Lynn Terry says
Hi Crystal 🙂 No, I don’t take exogenous ketones and I don’t recommend those. They ARE expensive, and they aren’t necessary. I’ve been eating a ketogenic low carb diet for 9 years and have never needed them – and personally wouldn’t try them.
I would start with your macros. If there is something keeping you from losing weight and/or from being in ketosis consistently, that may very well be what’s causing your lower energy.
Let’s start with that. How are you tracking your daily macros, for how long, and what do they usually come out to on most days? Also, do you have any usual meals or shakes/products most days or weeks? I’m happy to help you tweak for better weight loss and more energy!
Crystal DiPiero says
I’m not sure how to track my macros, I’m going to start there and I use Carb Manager when I am good about tracking them. I started over today, I just need to be consistent. Do you track calories? I try to keep my carbs under 20 because I’m diabetic and this way of eating took me from an AIC of 9 to 5 (no meds). I also may be having too much protein because I heard that can turn into glucose too. Thank you for the help. You are amazing!
Lynn Terry says
Being consistent got easier and easier for me with time. The more days you choose YES and stick with it, the more easy it is to stay on track and see great results. 🙂
This is my post on the ketones you asked about:
I never tracked calories, no. Just stick to 20 net carbs max and make the healthiest choices I can each day. Mostly I’ll eat meat & greens or very simple meals. But if I feel like caving, I’m not against having sugar free (keto friendly) ice cream or something instead. 😉
I’m not sure about protein turning into glucose… I got the MOST lean and lost weight easiest and fastest eating a high protein diet awhile back. But that can sound deceiving if you’re not tracking it. Here is my post on that with example food diaries:
I hope that helps 🙂 Let me know if you have any questions along the way!
Lynn Terry says
How To Figure Out Net Carbs:
plus – a video walk through for those using MyFitnessPal to track meals & macros…
MyFitnessPal Net Carb Calculator – Tips & Tricks Video: