Lynn Terry, host of the Official Low Carb Challenge and Low Carb Classes, was featured in Woman’s World Magazine (August 2017) on Page 20.
I mentioned in my 3 Day Low Carb Food Diary post back in July that I would be in Woman’s World Magazine this month. Did you get a chance to see it? If not, flip through a copy at the store – I’m on page 20! 🙂
The magazine article is specifically about “Fast Food Atkins” or eating low carb fast food on the go.
While I eat tons of healthy “real food” low carb meals which you see in my Daily Food Diaries here, I do love that you can easily stay on track practically anywhere – including:
– and anytime you’re on the go!
Of course, I also catch a lot of slack for that. 🙄 😛 lol…
We had a good discussion about eating low carb at McDonald’s on Facebook recently, following some negative comments about that on Instagram.
Note: When you order the “round fried eggs” they are real eggs, cracked on site. The sausage patties are not the best option in the world, and they are 1 carb each, but it is a quick & easy low carb meal when you’re on the road.
In the discussion I shared what you should know about eating low carb fast food.
Tip: Know what you’re eating.
McDonald’s provides a Nutrition Calculator right on their website: McDonald’s Nutrition Calculator. My 3 sausage patties & 3 fried eggs was 790 calories and 4 carbs. Not 2000 calories like someone fussed.:)
Is it the healthiest food you can eat? Nah. But it’s not a quarter pounder with fries & a milkshake either! 😉 And it’s low carb and within my macros – and keeps me fed when I’m on the road or on the go.
Your choices are your preference, and mine are mine.
My main tip here is: KNOW WHAT YOU’RE EATING.
For example, if you use the nutrition calculator you’ll KNOW that the ranch dressing at McDonald’s has TEN net carbs – and is not a good low carb choice.
Every major fast food & restaurant chain publishes their nutrition facts online, and many have nutrition calculators. Make good use of them! 🙂
Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr fast food chains even have (Hardee’s spelled backwards, “the other side” of Hardee’s) for example.
I talked a lot about this in my Low Carb Class on “MyFitnessPal, Macros & Meal Tracking Made Easy!” You should always look up your meal choices before you eat them, make them, or order them. 😉 And ideally: log it before you eat it! Or at least log as you go – so you can easily stay within your ideal LCHF macros.
Anyway, this was my response to the “food snobs”… 😛 lol
Photo taken on my hike in July following a low carb meal at McDonald’s
This is what the front cover of this issue of the Woman’s World Magazine looks like, in case you’re looking for it while you’re out & about this week:
It’s VERY misleading, lol
That is not me on the front cover of course, and I do NOT eat hamburger buns. 😉 Unless they are Low Carb Hamburger Buns, which are just fine!
But I always eat my burgers in a lettuce wrap:
People ask me all the time if I miss bread…
I don’t. But I do still enjoy bread, even on a low carb diet!
I love the low carb sliced bread (ONLY from ONE company – the rest are no good!) and I also make easy low carb bread recipes at home including shortbread cookies and garlic cheese bread from almond meal.
Plus my personal favorite: Spinach Biscuits. 🙂
But for the most part, I eat very simple and “real food” low carb meals. Generally 3-5 ingredients max, even when I’m eating out or having take-out.
My health is important to me, and I do strive to make the healthiest choices no matter where I am or what I’m doing – whether I’m running errands, traveling, on vacation or just eating low carb at home alone.
That said, I’m all for whatever it takes to stay on track!
That includes enjoying low carb ice cream (instead of an all out sugar binge on the high carb stuff!), getting a lettuce wrapped burger or sausage & eggs from a drive-thru instead of high carb options, and finding low carb replacements for foods I like – like these delicious low carb cakes.
It’s those options that make it EASY to stay on track! 🙂
All you have to do is browse through a few of my food diaries here to see that I eat simple & clean most of the time. But this is “real life” and life is busy and full… and sometimes you just WANT a cupcake or a burger or a chocolate bar.
Fortunately… you can do that, with no guilt!;)
That’s one of the things I love about getting the Monthly Keto Krate Box, by the way. All of the products are guaranteed to be under 5 net carbs, to be Gluten Free, and to contain NO malitol. They are usually premium specialty products like organic foods and higher quality food products – which helps me mix things up and keep things interesting, and never get bored eating low carb. 🙂
Did you see the magazine article?
I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the article, and on dining out or eating low carb fast food. Do you find it pretty easy to “stay low carb” no matter where you are, or do you have any questions about sticking to low carb choices on the go?
Leave a comment & let’s chat.;)
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. Speaking of magazines, I found this on Amazon recently:
Lose It! The LCHF Way ~ Magazine


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