I realize my emails are NOT mobile friendly. I’m working HARD to fix that (coding all morning gave me a headache worse than the keto flu, lol). Anyway – if you are reading this via email, click to read it online. The mobile version of the site works much better! Hopefully my next update will come through better in the inbox. 😉 Thank you for your patience while I pull my hair out & get this fixed!:)
My big goal this month is to get back to my Daily Food Diaries here.
I’ve been sharing my meals with you, but I know most people REALLY like seeing my daily MyFitnessPal logs.
In case you’re wondering, YES I’m still tracking every crumb still and staying within my LCHF Macros. 😉
Speaking of crumbs (lol, mmm!) I got another box of FatSnax Low Carb Cookies last week.
I was actually just enjoying some while writing this to you from my back deck.
I work from home, and this spot on the swing is my favorite. My deck is a mess at the moment with rugs hanging out to dry, my hiking shoes by the back door, I’m in the middle of potting plants & rearranging the deck, and of course there’s my great dane (Slim) lounging on an old chaise:
I’ll catch you up real quick with a photo tour of some of the great meals I’ve enjoyed this week. Then I’ll get back to my regular daily food diaries. Sound good? Cool… here’s a fun photo tour of my low carb week to give you some ideas:
Low Carb Meals & Snacks I’ve Been Eating Lately
Nuts & Cheese (real cheese, sliced off the block) are an easy go-to LCHF Snack for me. This is raw pecan halves, macadamia nuts & colby jack cheese:
Last night’s low carb dinner was EASY. It’s grilled chicken (pre-cooked/frozen chicken breast strips) over cauliflower rice (also frozen, and sauteed with plenty of butter & salt) with roasted broccoli. The broccoli was also frozen, drizzled with olive oil and garlic powder then baked crisp:
That was delicious. 🙂 And SO easy!
See this Cauliflower Rice with Seared Shrimp & Roasted Veggies Recipe too. 😉
I mixed it all together. I’m getting SERIOUSLY addicted to cauliflower rice!! It makes it so easy to throw a meal together real quick.
I finished off the last of the Low Carb Brownies. This was a double batch made with peanut butter & walnuts (instead of pecans). We used 6 full eggs in the double batch, and they came out fabulous!
The brownies were made with Good Dee’s Low Carb Brownie Mix.
I’ve been eating A LOT of eggs lately. Almost once a day actually. It’s usually 3 eggs, sometimes 4, scrambled in real butter with colby jack cheese cubed off the block:
I’m calling this one “Low Carb Strawberry Shortcake” 🙂
It’s chocolate chip FatSnax Cookies with cream cheese & fresh strawberries.
TRICK: put cream cheese in the microwave for a few seconds and it fluffs up, kinda like thick whipped cream!;)
On Friday I was in a rush – but hungry – and got delivery from a local bistro.
This is a Turkey Spinach Wrap (“without the wrap, please”) and a caesar salad as the side – in place of chips:
I threw it all in a container and chopped it up together into a “Turkey Spinach Caesar Salad” (lol) and just had to eat it on my lap on a 2-hour round trip into the city & back:
Who doesn’t love peanut butter & chocolate?!
This is a Lily’s Sugar Free Chocolate Bar (coconut dark chocolate) with a TBSP of Peter Pan Natural Creamy Peanut Butter, plus pecans and macadamia nuts:
That was delicious! I called it a “meal.” 🙂
My LCHF breakfast this morning was a mix of raw pecans & walnuts, plus two Peanut Butter FatSnax Cookies. Just something quick & easy to eat at my desk so I could dig straight into work!
I rarely eat these “low carb products” straight out of the package. I tend to “dress them up” and at least make a MEAL out of them. 🙂
Like these delicious Zero Carb Smartcakes for example: 3 chocolate cakes topped with cream cheese & walnuts! And a few fresh strawberries too…
Did I mention they’re Gluten Free?
And ZERO net carbs?!
🙂The cinnamon smartcakes are GREAT for breakfast. They remind me of coffee cake! I had some the other morning with cream cheese, strawberries & pecans:
I think this was my low carb lunch on Saturday while I was out: A low carb style Frisco Burger from Hardee’s. They’ll make ANYTHING on the menu low carb for you – you just have to say “make it low carb” or “lettuce wrap instead of a bun.” Easy!
Today for lunch I made Low Carb Blueberry Pancakes. 🙂
The NHM Low Carb Pancake & Waffle Mix is the BEST. It makes the most delicious FLUFFY pancakes and waffles, but I find I prefer making pancakes. I just use plenty of real butter to make them buttery brown & crisp on the outside. 🙂
I top them with real butter & Nature’s Hollow Sugar Free Syrup:
Wednesday night I had another Roast Chicken Bites Salad from Bojangles, which made for a quick & easy low carb dinner after my hike that day:
I’ll have to tell you all about that hike! 🙂
This is me standing at one of two lookouts, at what is said to be “the best view of the waterfall.” 🙄 And of course I’m standing there figuring out how to scale the gorge… (lol)
Heh, you know me… I found a MUCH better view! 😉
How are things going with you?
I would love to hear an update! If you have any questions or comments, drop me a note below. I look forward to catching up with you.
I hope you enjoyed this “food photo tour” of my recent low carb meals, and it gives you some fun ideas for mixing things up a bit – or figuring out what to eat in a pinch, or when you don’t have time to cook…
For another fun photo tour full of creative low carb meal ideas, see:
Creative Low Carb Food Ideas, Fun Snacks & Simple LCHF Meals
And: 10 Easy, Creative Low Carb Meals To Mix Things Up!
I have SO many fun updates to share with you, so stay tuned for my next posts. 🙂
Remember the NUSH Foods organic/low carb carrot spice cake we got in a recent Keto Krate box? They’ve asked me to help test some of their new recipes, so that’s going to be FUN! I’m already in LOVE with their Low Carb Banana Nut Bread. ♥ YUM!
Warm that up with a little butter and you’ll be in low carb heaven.;)
Speaking of, the next Keto Krate box is shipping later this week. You can check it out here if you think you want one, because they always sell out fast. 😉
The June Box was GREAT so I can’t wait to see what we get next!
So there’s my update, and what’s going on in my low carb life. 🙂
Your turn!
I would LOVE to hear from you. Are you on track, feeling GOOD, frustrated – what’s going on in YOUR life??
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. It felt GREAT to get out for a hike this week and get some solid exercise! I’m ready to really STEP IT UP with my fitness goals, so keep an eye out for my EASY workouts… that you can do anywhere.;) *cheers*


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