Our Spring 2017 Low Carb Challenge is coming to an end today (July 1st) so it’s time for the Final Weigh-In. You can click that link to post your total weight loss for this challenge in the private group, or you can leave a comment here – or both! 🙂
Share how many pounds and/or inches you lost since this challenge began on April 3rd… plus any cool NSV’s (non scale victories) or insights you had during the low carb challenge.
I can’t wait to hear your results! ♥
Side Note: the next Keto Krate will ship soon. 🙂 You’ll want to sign up today to make sure you get one, because they always sell out fast!;)
~ It’s time for a Summer Break! ~
Wait. What?! No, it’s NOT what you think, lol. Keep reading…
The next official Low Carb Challenge will begin September 1st, so for July & August we’re going to do a “casual challenge” with no weekly weigh-in and no focus on weight loss, but rather a practice on simply “living low carb and enjoying life” – which naturally results in weight loss, of course! 😉
I’m ready to REALLY RAMP UP my goals this month, so stay tuned – and expect to get seriously challenged with me through August!
During July & August, our “summer break” challenge, I want you to RELAX on your weight loss goals – but NOT on your goal of living a healthy, active lifestyle.
Read this: Ditch Your Weight Loss Goal! Here’s Why…
In that post ^ I shared why you should STOP “dieting” and what I learned as well as the results I experienced when I did.
That’s what I want to challenge YOU to do this month… with me.
Don’t worry. All you have to do is stay tuned here and read along.
I’ll lead you through the month with lots of motivation, inspiration, low carb meal ideas, easy FUN exercise ideas, and even some fun recipes. 🙂
Make sure you’re signed up by email so you don’t miss out!
~ Fun Things To Look Forward To ~
Moving forward I’m going to be hosting a lot more Low Carb Classes and a variety of FUN Mini-Challenges. I’m also in the process of setting up a special group for serious motivation & accountability, and I have some training guides & “cookbooks” (I use that word VERY loosely, lol) coming out soon for you.
I have even more changes & updates in the works too…
Fun stuff! Stay tuned for updates.;)
I need your feedback! 🙂
If you’re struggling to stick to your health & weight loss goals, what do YOU feel would help you MOST? Any ideas, suggestions or feedback are welcome too.
Simply leave a comment with your thoughts. I would love to find ways to better help you achieve your goals, and a TRUE lifestyle change…
Summer Low Carb Classes You’ll LOVE!
Together we are changing lives! ♥
Be sure to share the link above!
The more our community grows and the more people we can reach, the more lives we can change together by spreading the motivation & inspiration to become stronger, happier & healthier! 🙂
How is your Weight Loss Journey going?
I would love to hear an update!
If you have any questions or comments, drop me a note below.
I always look forward to catching up with you.:)
Like I mentioned above, I’m feeling SERIOUSLY MOTIVATED and excited about achieving ambitious goals during this last half of the year! I look forward to sharing that journey with you, and ALL of us achieving our goals – together.
Stay tuned for BIG doses of motivation, FUN mini challenges, and EASY ideas for eating low carb and getting in shape… that don’t require hours in the kitchen OR a gym. 😉 *cheers*
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. the next Keto Krate is shipping soon. 🙂 You’ll want to sign up today to make sure you get one, because they always sell out fast!;)


My biggest obstacle is making LC a lifestyle and not a diet. I just don’t know how to do it. When I start cutting food groups out it feels “diet-ish”. When I worry if there will be anything I can eat when I go somewhere it doesn’t feel like a lifestyle but a pain in the butt! lol I have started/given up on LC to many times. I just don’t know why I can’t make it a lifestyle. I feel better eating LC but for some reason that isn’t enough for me to stick with it. I’m rambling but so tired of starting/stopping.
Hi Barb 🙂
I totally understand. It has REALLY helped me to find low carb replacements for things I felt like I had to cut out, like: bread, cake, pasta, cereal, ice cream, etc. Those were things I *used* to go off plan to eat again – now I don’t have to! 🙂 The Halo Top Creamery ice cream (on sale at Kroger stores lately!) is as good or better than any ice cream I’ve ever had in my life. 🙂
As for restaurants, that part I find easy – but I guess you can tell that from reading my food diaries here. 🙂 I actually ENJOY eating out because it’s always something delicious and different, given I don’t cook much at home.
Surely my own fast food & restaurant meals here have given you some good ideas that are GREAT meals you can actually ENJOY? 🙂
When I do go out to eat, I always mention when they come to take my order not to worry with bread (or chips). I simply say “I eat diabetic.” I never say I *am* diabetic, but I say I *EAT* diabetic – because that’s a universal language everyone understands (vs “I eat low carb” which is the same thing, lol).
I understand what you’re saying though, because I used to feel the exact same way. Getting consistent and staying consistent really changed things for me. That and finding GOOD replacements for my favorite foods.
I think back to how frustrated and unhappy I was with the roller coaster of on/off dieting, and with myself personally (how I looked, how I felt, lack of confidence in my willpower or ability to stick to ANYthing, etc).
None of that is worth a donut to me – anymore. In fact, eating a donut just makes me feel MORE miserable (physically AND emotionally).
I actually LIKE feeling great. 🙂 I remind myself of that… daily. 🙂 *hugs*
Thanks for responding Lynn! Finding replacements is a good place to start. Eating out doesn’t worry me, it’s other events like weddings, dinners at others homes, sporting events, etc where I don’t have as much control. Maybe I just need to relax and deal with things as they come. I tend to have an “all or nothing” attitude which can be detrimental at times.
I look forward to your new challenges this month! Vacation is over so I have no more excuses. I felt lousy in a swim suit on vacation so that should be motivation enough!
I talked about that here: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/5686/eating-low-carb-at-buffets/ following a big catered event I attended for work, that was FULL of carbs (pardon the carb display in that post, lol – but what I shared there helps me A LOT).
I’ve learned that you do not have to eat at parties, or at sporting events, and you don’t even have to snack at the movies!
Who knew?! 🙂 lol
If I go to a matinee, I go out to lunch before the movie – an evening movie, dinner. And guess what: a whole healthy meal is cheaper than junk food at a theater!
At weddings, showers, parties… there is usually a new mom that would LOVE to have her hands free to indulge (or even just relax). Be that person that holds the baby, and ENJOY that beautiful gift to the universe fully. Or find someone really cool and neat and interesting and get totally engaged in a fascinating conversation. 🙂
There’s so much more to enjoy than food at these social events. Figuring THAT out not only made my healthy lifestyle easier… it actually made social stuff more FUN to me. Now it’s like a game or a challenge, to see just how much FUN I can have – when my focus is on the fun, instead of the food. 😉
I love you Lynn! Lol You are just blowing all my mental road obstacles into oblivion! There are no excuses, I just have to do it! Thank you so much!
You’re welcome! I’m glad you posted, as I think our discussion here will be helpful for A LOT of people. 😉 *cheers*
Holy cow. I could’ve written this post Barb.
Good to know I’m not alone!
Hi Shell & Barb 🙂
I hope the thoughts & links I shared above proved helpful. If you have any questions, let me know. Happy to help! *cheers*
Barb’s post and your replies were just what I needed this morning. I tend to make things complicated and you always make it look simple. Thanks!
I’m really glad, Kim! 🙂 *cheers*
So, I call it a LIVE-IT Barb. Most important for me (and not saying I 100% in all the time..NOT)
But, it is all about food planning for me. Shopping for my LIVE-IT. Then it is about cooking meals a head ( not always, but, mostly). Example: I love making my Italian patties… I add things like spinach, mozzarella, and pecans. (a few approved fruit). I can freeze and take out when I am getting thinking of the bad stuff. lol Meal planning. My daughter and granddaughters like to eat out. I love to be with them. So, when I am invited. I order lemon and water and think about what I will eat when I get home. But, I know that is hard for most people. I love to cook and food in restaurants turn me OFF. So the best advice is meal planning. Never get really hungry. U will blow it every time. (side note, I have to do this in away that it is ok for my thyroid. So, I do not do the Low Carb to the letter.
I started late but lost 19.2 lbs…. onward we go
Way to go, Kathy – that’s awesome! 🙂 🙂
What are your goals for this last half of the year?
I’m really anxious to get more active… again. 😉
I started April 5th, didn’t meet up with this group until sometime in May and was glad to find you! Since I started my journey, I’ve lost 40 pounds and have gone from a sive 24 to a size 16 in jeans! It’s absolutely amazing… I have major degenreative arthritis that has hit every joint in my body (I’ve had it since I was 9 years old) and the first thing I noticed after a couple of weeks on keto was that my joint had lost that “gummy” feeling I was so used to. They still hurt just as much as always, nothing will stop the destruction and pain, but they move so much freer and easier now! If somehow I do something that kicks me out of ketosis or dlose to it, that’s the first thing I notice. And losing the weight and thr pant sizes makes me feel great! I have followed you, Lynn, and tried many of your recipes as well as others I’ve found for substitutes for a few things- almond flour biscuits are a biggie and have become a favorite! Fresh fruit season is here and blueberries and strawberries are at the farmers markets with me every week, so I have a steady supply for my morning cottage cheese and fruit breakfast… Onward and downward!!!
I totally get the reoccurring joint pain. I fell off the wagon after a year and 3 months – I have Fibromyalgia . First thing I noticed is joint pain and feeling really sluggish. Keto flu hit me for 3 days after getting clean again.
Kudos Jenny – those are amazing results! I’m so glad you love the almond flour biscuits. They’re a favorite, a recipe I got from my mother. 🙂
There are SO many benefits to a healthy ketogenic low carb diet. Many of us have experienced relief from chronic pain. For me, inflammatory arthritis in my lower back (from an accident) that caused sciatica. That’s miserable! Anytime I’m out of ketosis, that’s the first thing I notice too. 😛
Congrats on the awesome weight loss, and for taking control of your health & happiness! 🙂 *cheers*
I am happy and proud to say I completed the 90 Day Challenge. I lost 34.6 pounds, since April 2nd and 54.6 since January 1st. This with a two month derailment. Your challenge was the spark I needed to get back on track. I am excited about your new challenge because I need to incorporate more movement into my lifestyle. I am still morbidly obese but I feel so much better. I am recovering from a knee injury but I think I am to the point where I can gently challenge myself to move more. I am looking into a water exercise class that I can do a few times a week. Thank you Lynn for all you do for this group!
Way to go, April!! KUDOS 🙂 🙂
I love water aerobics. That’s a GREAT way to start moving that won’t stress your knee as much. There are some upper body exercises you can do sitting down too. Take it slow & easy, but yes – the more you move, the better you’ll feel! 🙂
I have been back and forth about LCHF for about 10-11 months! I am diabetic and I am plagued with the American Diabetic Association saying one way diabetics should eat and then some diabetic groups I have been on are saying LCHF ! I am type 2 and on metformin,so all of this scares me and I do nothing but go back and forth with what I am going to stick with! Like Barb said previously,she has a hard time going to social functions where food is such a constant struggle! We eat out a lot for convenience and I do not like cooking too much after 54 years! Like Barb we just got back from vacation and I was not happy in wearing my bathing suit and knowing I was eating everything that a diabetic should never eat! I know you are not a Dr. but I respect your in put in my situation.Their are some friends who say you should never go into ketosis and I have never understood what it is and how is it bad/ good for you to do! Thanks for listening Lynn.
Hi Sandy,
True, I cannot give medical advice. Here is some information on ketosis though, and how this diet works: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/4606/lchf-diet-explained/
Also see: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/4689/ketosis-symptoms-and-low-carb-flu/
The best advice I can offer is that you try one or the other, because your health is SO important. It’s definitely something you want to take seriously. You might try what your doctor suggest first, and do that consistently for 90 days. Then try a ketogenic low carb diet for 90 days. That’s an option.
Talk to others that are type 2 and on metformin too, and get their input!
Also see: https://www.atkins.com/how-it-works/library/articles/how-atkins-can-stop-or-reverse-diabetes 😉 I hope that helps!
i lost 9 lbs this challenge, have lost 66 lbs since August 2016. Started following you in about October and started tracking with MFP at that time. I really need to add some physical activity to my life! thanks for all you do to inspire me.
Wow, Kim – 66 pounds in under a year is GREAT weight loss! 🙂 Way to go. 😉 I think you’ll REALLY enjoy adding in exercise. Not only does it make you leaner and make your shape nicer, it just plain FEELS GOOD. 🙂
Here’s to a great summer together!! *cheers*
Good Morning everyone! I started this plan on April 16. Since then I have lost 12 pounds. I lost those very early on and have bounced around the same two pounds (gain, lose) since mid May. So now I’m looking closer at macros and starting today journaling what I eat so I can see where my stall is. My sister is doing the same thing and we challenged each other for the month of June and we both had the same results (no loss). So for July we are doing measurements, journaling and encouraging each other.
I just want to thank Lynn and all the group for constant encouragement and amazing tips. I’m 56, 5 feet-2 inches and 230 pounds. I’m diabetic taking metformin and a byeduron shot once a week. This month we are going to focus on macros and making sure we stay within them to see if that shakes up the weight loss! Any suggestions are welcome!!!
Hi Jean 🙂 Are you Type 1 or Type 2? I was just sharing this link with Sandy above: https://www.atkins.com/how-it-works/library/articles/how-atkins-can-stop-or-reverse-diabetes
I’m so glad you and your sister are doing this together. How fun! 🙂 Are you tracking with MyFitnessPal? This page will really help with that: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/7006/macronutrients/ You want to do 20 net carbs max, 70% fat minimum – and keep it that simple.;)
Just that alone (the correct macros) should make a BIG difference. 🙂
Things you want to cut out first too are bars & shakes, or any processed foods/meats. Those tend to cause stalls. Next on the list would be to limit: cheese, cream cheese, nuts. The simpler you eat the better! And the easier it is to track macros. 😉 lol
I am Type 2. The blood sugars were good a week in. My physician tweaked my meds and we will re-evaluate in 3 months. But if I want to do it sooner, all I have to do is call her.
Thanks, Lynn for the links.
You’re welcome, Jean. 🙂 I’m so glad you have a doctor you can work with closely on your journey to improving your health. That really helps! *cheers*
I’ve lost 6 lbs.since April 1. 40 lbs since Sept. 2016. Averaging about 1 lb. a week, overall. Slow and steady. Working out almost everyday. think the exercise has slowed the weight loss down, but feel stronger and much more toned. I also continue to enjoy my occasional glass of wine.
Thanks for all the great ideas, Lynn!
Hi Liz 🙂 A pound a week is a GREAT weight loss rate, especially after losing 40 pounds in less than a year. Way to go!!
And yes, working out makes a big difference. I am close to the exact same weight I was one year ago, but can’t wear any of the same clothes – because I’m so much leaner.
So at this point in your journey it’s less about weight loss, and more about fat loss + muscle gain. How that plays out on the scale isn’t nearly as important as how it looks in the mirror or how it FEELS. 😉
Are you doing body measurements too, btw?
I have not been consistent with measurement, but my clothes are falling off. Definitely need to invest a few new outfits, but would love to lose 20-30 more lbs before Christmas.
It’s great to have a long-term goal & focus like that. 🙂 I can tell a big difference in my clothes too, as I mentioned.
I recommend just a few mix & match pieces that work well together for now since you’re still changing sizes. I find that helps a lot!
Starting today! My favorite thing about your blog is seeing the pictures of what you eat. I can do this.
You CAN do this, Amy! I always say that if I can do it… ANYone can. 😉 lol. I’m so glad the food photos and meal ideas help. I love to see creative ideas too. It has really helped me break up the food boredom and try new things – and find replacements for old favorites, so I can easily stay on track long term. 😉
Welcome to the low carb world! You’re going to LOVE it. This is the BEST thing I have EVER done for myself. I’m positive you’ll feel the same way! 🙂
Hi Lynn.
You have changed my life, and my wife’s as well. I started the 90 day challenge on January 2nd and have lost 72 pounds so far. I cleaned out my closet today and filled two big bags of clothes to go to Goodwill tomorrow. This is the first sustainable lifestyle change I have ever found, even after a lifetime of trying everything in the world to lose weight and be healthier. I know without a doubt I will never go back to my old ways, and my body is thanking me for making these changes. My blood pressure is on the low side of normal, and I am eager for my next checkup to see if I can get off the cholesterol meds.
I just wanted to thank you for all,the inspiration and great information you pass along to all who need it most!
God bless you.
WOW, Nolan! Congrats to you both! 🙂 KUDOS for taking control of your health, and your weight loss goals. What an amazing life-changing transformation… in such short time! 🙂 That literally brought me to happy tears.
Thank you so much for sharing your story, and taking the time to leave a note here… because you totally made my day. May you both be blessed as well! *cheers*
Lynn I was doing so good for a month and down 9lbs and then this weekend I fall off the wagon.
You wanted feed back: I follow you on instagram, love your food photos and website. I am not on Facebook And I am so bummed I can’t join your challenges but hope there could be another way to do so in the future.
You continue to inspire myself and so many. Cheers on your success.
Thank you, Becky. You are STILL “doing so good”. All the work you did for that month is still in you, and you STILL lost nine full pounds. One unhealthy weekend does not define you. 😉 You are on a mission!
The best thing you can do is shake it off and get right back to your happy, healthy low carb lifestyle. Said from YEARS of experience. 😉 *hugs*
p.s. You can participate in challenges right here with me, even if you’re not on Facebook!