Here is my Low Carb Food Diary for Day 82 of the “Get Lean For Summer!” 90 Day Low Carb Challenge. It’s NEVER too late to join if you haven’t already!
Note: I haven’t set a start date for the next 90 Day Low Carb Challenge yet, but the group stays open & active year round. Join in and stay tuned…
We have 8 days to go in the current challenge, including today.
Just one more week!
I can hardly believe I’ve made it this far. What a GREAT run this has been!!
Even with two small off-plan days (well one, plus the cookie a few weeks ago on an otherwise healthy day), staying on track for 82 full days feels amazing.
It has given me a HUGE sense of achievement and really fueled my motivation and my commitment to my goals!
Constantly going on/off plan does exactly the opposite. That has been a good lesson for me to learn this go round. Every time I powered through cravings or pushed myself through tough days just took me that much further away from my old habits.
There are some off plan foods I would like to enjoy, but with only 8 full days left in the challenge… I have no problem waiting that out. 🙂
Day 82: Friday’s Low Carb Meals
I woke up craving blueberries. 🙂 I decided to make my Easy Low Carb Blueberry Crepes Recipe, but without pecans this time – and with 1/4 cup of blueberries.
I fry them in lots of butter, and like them nice and brown. They came out beautiful, buttery and full of blueberries! YUM 🙂
I had half the crepes for breakfast, and the other half late morning or closer to lunch. Then I had a snack/lunch later in the afternoon while I was working. It was just an easy plate of salami slices, colby jack cheese & almonds. All carefully weighed and measured, of course. 🙂
This was 1 ounce (28 grams) of almonds, 1.27 ounces of cheese, 6 slices of Kretschmar Hard Salami (28 grams, 1 serving) for a total of 3 net carbs and 407 calories.
For dinner I decided to cook again. I still have a lot of groceries in the house – including some fresh squash from the Farmer’s Market that I wanted to use. I decided to dice that up and fry it with Johnsonville smoked sausage…
I cooked it all together in one skillet, and overcooked the squash a bit 😛 lol, but it was delicious! I had a simple cucumber salad on the side – diced cucumber with salt & mayo.
No snacks yesterday – just three full meals. Unless you count my lunch which looks like snacks lol, or the fact that I grazed on the blueberry crepes all morning. 🙂
Here’s My MyFitnessPal Diary for Friday:
Tracking Macronutrients (Simple Explanation of Macros)
How To Get Net Carbs in MyFitnessPal
Calories: 1352
Net Carbs: 23
Total Carbs: 28
Protein: 45 Grams
79% Fat, 14% Protein
Water: 40 ounces
I didn’t get my workout in yesterday. 🙄
Cooking twice in one day takes up entirely too much of my time – time in the kitchen that I’d rather be doing other things. 😛
It’s been entirely too hot for daily walks here in Tennessee lately, but I woke up this morning thinking I’d like to do the Focus T25 Workout at home today. 🙂 I love that one! Or I may pull out my Zumba DVD’s… those are fun!
I have no idea what I’m going to eat today. Oh wait – I have leftovers from dinner last night! I’m making my usual Low Carb Cereal for breakfast this morning too…
What’s Next, After The Challenge?
A lot of people have asked me that, given we’re so close to the end of the current challenge. The answer: I don’t know yet. 🙂 The low carb challenge group stays open & active year round, and I am constantly running new challenges…
So stay tuned! I’m cooking up some fun ideas as we speak!
Note: Make sure you are subscribed by email so you don’t miss out. You can do that below, at the end of this post there is a form to sign up if you aren’t already getting email updates.
Joe even asked about it. He’s a curious sort anyway, but maybe he thinks this is a one-time thing for me and after the challenge I’ll go back to being fat. 🙂 haha.
I’m in my 6th year of eating low carb, at my lowest weight ever, working out more than I ever have, and on a MISSION to get in amazing shape…
So you can bet I’ll continue on with my goals, and we’ll have a fun new challenge to do together not long after this one ends. 🙂
In the meantime, don’t just wait around… stay strong, get back on track, dive right in, or whatever the case. Get and STAY committed to your goals!!
I’ll be right here with you, doing the same…
How have you done on this challenge so far?
I always look forward to hearing from you!
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

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