It’s been a miserable week. I’m glad to finally see it come to an end. 😛
I’m guessing it must have been food poisoning that had me so sick. I feel better so far today, and even felt like eating when I got up this morning. But that was after a restless sleep of chills & sweats all night.
I decided to go back to my super simple 3IMAX low carb diet, which is basically simple meals of 3 ingredients or less.
This morning I had my usual cottage cheese & pecans, which was nice! I decided with my stomach so “off” it would be good to add back in some fiber and certain nutrients, which feels like the right decision – for right now.
I expect a week away in Vancouver with girlfriends will do me a world of good after all of this. I fly out on Monday. 🙂 The break will be nice!
I’m a pound lighter today, for a total 5.4 pounds lost in the last 2 weeks.
That was 4.2 pounds lost in the first 5 days – with the last 1.2 pounds being a real struggle, lol. I feel like I’m back on a good roll though. I did hop over on my other scale to check my body fat and water weight, just to see if those had changed – especially since I drank NO water yesterday. But nope, the numbers were all the same as earlier this week! Just a pound less…
Friday’s Low Carb Food Journal: Meals & Macros
I was still feeling quite sick yesterday, so I didn’t eat breakfast OR drink my usual morning water – and I only sipped on coffee through the day, and didn’t even finish most of those.
Without an appetite, I finally decided I felt like I needed some food in me, and made a bowl of tuna salad. I made it simple to go easy on my stomach: Just tuna, mayo & pecans:
It’s a whole can of tuna, 1/4 cup seasoned pecans & 3 TBSP Duke’s Mayonnaise – all stirred together. I *almost* finished it. I ate maybe 80% of that.
I snacked on a small piece of cheese in the afternoon with a few sips of diet soda. Mostly to settle my stomach. And then I decided to try to have a solid dinner of meat & greens for dinner.
We ordered out, but I saved the roasted veggies that came with mine and had some fresh green beans on the side instead (that I had stashed in the freezer). I only ate one of the two chicken breasts, but I was happy to finish this meal.
I still didn’t have an appetite, but that meal did make me feel better – and I laid down not long after. It also left me with some nice leftovers to enjoy today. 🙂
Here’s how my macronutrients & ratios worked out for the day:
Calories: 934
Carbs: 10 net carbs, 17 total
Ratios: 76% fat / 20% protein
Protein: 45 grams
Water: -None-
Exercise: -None-
Weight: 151.8 pounds
Again, that makes a total 5.4 pounds lost in the last 2 weeks, with the first 4.2 pounds lost in the first 5 days. I won’t have scales all next week during my trip to Vancouver and White Rock Beach… which will actually make for a really nice “scalecation”… lol. 🙂
My stomach is still working out whatever went on this week, but I do feel less icky and I have more of an appetite back. Finally! I have quite a bit to do this weekend before I fly out on Monday, but I also plan to rest plenty – and take care of ME.
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

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