I had a great food day yesterday, and my stomach finally stabilized around 7pm last night. It was much better, and I FELT much better all day, but now I can finally say… this too HAS passed. Yay!
Below are my meals & macros, including my MyFitnessPal net carb food diary.
And also a fun “test recipe” I tried – that should be a fun one to tweak. 🙂
Oh, and I’m down another .4 lb (almost half a pound) this morning, so the scales are finally moving again. It really does help to eat plenty. You would think food poisoning, liquid diet days, ridiculously low calorie days etc would result in weight loss naturally. But for me – my body just goes in “hold mode” when I’m sick. Now that I’m back to eating well, the weight is coming off again.
Saturday’s Low Carb Food Journal: Meals & Macros
For breakfast I had my favorite (minus fresh berries, which I’m out of): 1/4 cup pecan halves, 1/4 cup Daisy Brand cottage cheese, and 1 TSP of sugar free preserves – all stirred together into a low carb “cereal”.
For lunch I had a grilled chicken breast leftover from my takeout the night before, with a small slice of cheese (.67 ounces) off the block.
Cheese off the block is healthier (less ingredients, preservatives), and usually cheaper too. I’m LOVING my new Ozeri Food Scale for knowing how much of something I’m *really* eating. 🙂 It was very inexpensive (cheap, even) but super effective!
Above is the full meal I ordered out. I had one chicken breast the night before, the other at lunch yesterday – and then I had the broccoli for dinner, along with the other half of Ricky’s 12oz Delmonico Ribeye (that he didn’t finish).
I had an Atkins bar around mid-morning. And I had two “pecan bars” – one for an afternoon snack, one for an evening snack. I ate smaller meals more frequently as I was definitely feeling better, but didn’t want to push it. 😛
I’ll show you the pecan bar next but first, here’s my food diary for the entire day:
Here’s how I have MyFitnessPal set up to track net carbs (free).
My attempt at creating a Low Carb / LCHF Bar
This “attempt” at a recipe failed, but could easily be tweaked – because it showed great potential! You know me: I’m no cook, lol. I basically looked around my kitchen at what I had on hand, trying to figure out something I could whip up real quick.
I love showing you my “recipe fail” kitchen experiments, because you always come up with creative ways to fix them! 🙂
I had a whole bag of Fisher Pecan Cookie Pieces – which are basically just crushed pecans (nothing else added).
What to mix with it? I know with “nut crusts” (a low carb pie crust) you would add butter – and maybe cinnamon and sweetener. I thought about just making a thicker “pie crust” type thing, and cutting it into squares or bars.
Sounds simple enough, right?! But then I considered what I could add for a little flavor, and to make sure it “set up” – besides just plain coconut oil (which might have been fine too, minus adding any real flavor).
I had some of my low carb peanut butter fudge in the freezer:
I grabbed 6 squares of that, measured out 1 1/2 cups of the crushed pecans, and used 5 TBSP of salted butter. Yes, I was just guessing on the butter, lol – I had no idea how much to add! In hindsight, it was a little too much butter – very rich, perfect flavor – but it didn’t set up as well.
I baked it for 10 minutes, let it cool on the counter, then put it in the refrigerator to “set”. I sliced the (I think it’s an 8×8 baking dish?) “pie” into six large pieces, for 2 net carbs each. I used the Free MFP Recipe Calculator for that, btw.
It did set up, and it did hold together, to clarify.
It was just hard to get out of the dish “as a bar” without it crumbling. Which was fine with me. I could eat this with a spoon! And I DID 🙂 lol. Because I had to have one before it fully set…
The only thing I would do different with this recipe is use 1 less TBSP of butter, and make it in a silicone mold instead – and make little squares instead of trying to make one big pan of it. It’s delicious. 🙂 I guess you could call this a “fat bomb” given the macros, but it’s very low carb and all healthy ingredients:
Have fun with that one! You could use all sorts of variations…
Here are my totals for yesterday, as seen on the MFP chart above:
Calories: 1752
Carbs: 17 net carbs, 30 total
Ratios: 73% fat / 23% protein
Protein: 99 grams
Water: 48 ounces
Exercise: Walking & Stair Climbing
Weight: 151.4 pounds
Total: 5.8 pounds lost in the last 2 weeks. It definitely could have been more if I hadn’t gotten sick, but that’s just the way things go sometimes.
I feel like I finally broke a barrier! That “152.8” has been a haunting weight for me. One that I shy away from, sabotage, etc. It’s a mental thing – I associate that exact weight with negative things, times when things went horribly bad in my life.
As silly as it sounds, self-sabotage (and even “fear of success”) are very real things we have to deal with – right along with food addictions. So I’m VERY happy to be past that number, and moving DOWN from there. 🙂
That feels GOOD, and “good” equals encouragement & motivation.
Whatever your goals are right now, whatever you’re going through, whatever you’re shooting for… I wish you all the best! *cheers*
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

This looks yummy. You know you could crumble it up in your cottage cheese for a breakfast cereal alternative. I think I’m going to try it.
I agree. I thought about a “crumble” with a bit of sugar free almond milk over it as “cereal” too. Lots of possibilities! π
Hi Lynn,
Did you melt the fat bombs to add them to the pecan bars? I haven’t attempted fat bombs yet so wasn’t sure if that’s what you meant?
Hi Naomi,
I just called them “peanut butter fudge”. π I melted them with the butter in the microwave… Easy!
1) Have a great vacation!!!
2) Can you send me a link or tell me how to find the recipe for the Peanut butter fudge…so I know amounts and what kind of peanut butter to be using.
3) Do you ever eat peanut butter on celery or as a snack? Is it low carb enough?
Thanks again π
Here’s the link for the fudge recipe: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/6247/low-carb-peanut-butter-fudge/
And thank you! I don’t really like celery that much, so I just eat peanut butter off a spoon. But you do have to measure it to stay within your carb limits. π