Merry Christmas, Low Carb friends! 😀
I’m spending Christmas alone this year, which is a first. It’s actually kind of nice in a weird sort of way. No pressure, no stress, no expectations.
I do have BIG plans for New Year’s Eve though, which I’m really excited about! It includes a super fun low carb road trip too. 😉 (Alone, this time.)
What about you? What are you doing for the holidays?
So… I woke up 174 pounds today. Ack 😐
I got up and put on my favorite (oversized, lol) comfy PJ’s and made a coffee. I did a little holiday shopping online and ordered some nice sweaters and a cute pair of heels I’ve been wanting for awhile now. The diamond earrings I ordered for myself arrived yesterday too, on Christmas Eve. Yay! I decided to put them on. They look amazingly fabulous with my PJ’s! 😀 haha. Then I logged into MyFitnessPal, boiled some eggs, and decided it’s high time to get back to eating healthy (ie: super low carb).
I’ve gained 15 pounds since the end of August. I weighed 159 pounds on August 27th, and things just went downhill after that. Newsflash: I’m not perfect. 😛 I have no excuse. There are tons of reasons of course (aren’t there always?!), but no excuses. Speaking of reasons, I’ll tell you the short version of the story…
My youngest child left home and started college (hello Empty Nest syndrome!), I got dumped by the man I was madly in love with (twice. yes, twice.), I came down with a wicked respiratory virus that totally kicked my a## for almost a solid month, I wrecked my back and finally got that straightened out only to come down with an excruciating case of tendinitis. I couldn’t even lift my coffee cup 😐 (the horror!). I spent Thanksgiving completely alone (unexpectedly), I broke a tooth – which cost $1100 to repair – which of course happened on a Friday evening (as it usually does) so I spent that weekend eating mashed potatoes and oatmeal…
Let’s see, did I leave anything out?! Probably. lol. You know how life is. When it rains it pours. Fortunately I got an umbrella for Christmas. 😀 lol. The thing is, LIFE HAPPENS… to everyone. To me, to you, to ALL of us. When I woke up this morning and stepped on those scales, here’s the question I asked myself:
Do I want to be FAT when “life happens”, or do I want to look & feel amazingly fabulous while I’m slaying those dragons? Duh. I don’t know why but the image of Lara Croft just came to mind. Yeah. That’s the me I want to be. Definitely!
I stepped off those scales feeling empowered. Instead of letting it tank me even further, I decided it’s time to GIFT MYSELF with “feeling good”. I’ve been off track for way too long now. I lost my mojo somewhere along the way. I stopped blogging and traveling (which I LOVE), I stopped pushing myself, I stopped trying. I just let everything go. But I think 90’ish days is long enough to curl up and ignore real life and walk around this big now-very-quiet house alone wondering what to do with myself. Way too long even, I’m sure.
That’s the power of Christmas.
I could have easily decided to “treat myself” today – and to what end? Is it really a treat to feel even more bloated, gain even more weight, feel even more disappointed in yourself? NO. Instead, I am going to treat myself to the gift of “healthy and happy”. That decision alone made me feel totally amazing, like an instant transformation. 😀 Who knows, I may even break out my Zumba DVD today and DANCE, I’m feeling so good!
It’s funny how the simplest things can change our mindset in a single moment. I still miss my daughter. It’s still been a ridiculously sh*tty few months. I’m still in pain with my arm and my jaw. Yes I’m totally alone for the second major holiday in a row. I’m still “chubby” too. But today is the day I start over.
I miss going to the gym, and I’m tired of my weight fluctuating with the roller coaster of life. It’s time to GET healthy & fit and STAY there!
We have ONE week left in the year. This is it, friends – the home stretch. Are we going to let the curtain close on 2014 feeling down and promising to do better next year? Or are we going to glide into the New Year with a smile – feeling on top of our game and on track to have an amazing year?!
I’m ready to be HAPPY again.
It’s the best gift I can possibly give myself. And it goes exceptionally well with my sparkly new earrings. 😉
Who’s with me??
– Lynn, aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. If you’re on Facebook and you haven’t signed up yet, consider joining us in the low carb challenge group. We’re 30,000 strong and it’s a great place to find low carb recipes, motivation & inspiration, creative low carb meal ideas – and to make friends who will support you in your goals as we head into the New Year together. The group is open & active year round, so join in anytime!
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