The holiday season seems to be a hard time of year for sticking to a diet, whether it’s the stress of the holidays – or the mindset of “treating yourself”. I discussed that in my last post, about how ridiculous it is to treat yourself to feeling bloated and sick or disappointed in yourself. Yet we do it anyway. WHY? 😐
It’s hard to believe I gained back 15 pounds in less than 90 days. It’s not like I was binging, or NOT eating low carb a good part of that time. I just find that post-40 AND post-hysterectomy I really have to eat super healthy (consistently!) to even maintain my weight – much less to continue losing weight.
The thing is, it’s not just about my weight. Eating low carb makes me feel better. Carbs promote inflammation in the body, so if you have any type of inflammatory issue like arthritis or fibromyalgia then you’re just back in pain. Or if you have health issues like high blood pressure or diabetes, you’re putting your health at serious risk by not eating healthy. Not to mention being overweight or eating unhealthy/processed foods is just plain bad for you.
I have inflammatory arthritis in my lower back from an accident when I was 20. My doctor wanted to diagnose me with fibromyalgia due to all the muscle and nerve pain, but I’m quite sure the sciatica and other issues are due to the inflammation in my lower back. The thing is, when I discovered the low carb diet a few years ago… I did it initially just to lose weight. And I did. What I didn’t expect was to instantly be OUT OF PAIN for the first time in years! That was a nice benefit. 😀 Many of the members in my low carb challenge group have experienced the same, and some have come off medications they thought they’d have to take the rest of their lives. And that’s on top of losing weight and feeling GREAT! So again – why would we EVER get off track??
How To Get Your Diet Back On Track
1. Stop beating yourself up. Forgive yourself. Accept where you are, and look forward to where you’d rather be. Decide right now that from this moment forward you want to take care of yourself, and commit to becoming the happiest healthiest version of yourself! Imagine what that looks like. Imagine what YOU look like. Get that image clear in your mind, and do whatever it takes to BECOME that image!
Instead of being sad, discouraged, disappointed in yourself, etc… get EXCITED about your goal! 😀
2. Keep it simple to start. I find this really helps me get back on track with my healthy diet. There are certain staples and favorites that are easy to make or keep on hand, so I start there. I like boiled eggs, almonds, colby/jack cheese, pecans, cottage cheese, etc. All things I can grab easily anytime I’m hungry or want to snack. I’m not a big cook, so I know making a huge grocery list or trying to make new recipes is going to make me hesitate a bit. Don’t over-complicate it. Start back with your “staples” – your favorite go-to foods.
3. Be conscious of what you’re eating, and why. Every single time you decide to eat ask yourself if this takes you closer to your goal, or away from it. If you’re tempted to “cheat” ask yourself, do I want this MORE than I want to be healthy / happy / thin?
4. Get rid of your excuses. “I can’t” is total bullsh*t. You CAN. Anyone can. It’s a choice. That’s the only difference between the person you are, and the person you wish you were – choices. Take personal responsibility for every single choice you make. Retrain your brain and retrain your mouth – stop telling yourself you can’t, or it doesn’t matter, or however you rationalize being overweight / unhealthy / unhappy.
You don’t deserve a cupcake. You DESERVE to be healthy, happy and amazingly beautiful!
5. Find something to look forward to – or create something in the near future. It might be a reunion, a hot date, a party, a vacation, etc. It needs to be within the year, and it needs a date attached to it, meaning: a very real deadline. Vow to strut yourself into that event looking awesome and feeling confident! Decide that you want to turn heads, surprise people, and feel like a million bucks. 😉
“If you fall off the wagon, cut your losses, don’t worry about it, and get right back on track. Immediately. It’s minor damage that can be dealt with.” -Craig Ballantyne
6. Are you an emotional eater? I am. When things get totally out of control, I tend to “let go” and often turn to comfort foods. This is an old habit, and a BAD one – that makes absolutely no sense. I’ve been through a particularly challenging time lately, and I woke up the other day and realized something. If life is going to continue to be so challenging… I can at least not be miserable about my weight TOO. It’s one thing we CAN control. And you know what? Being in control makes everything easier to handle!
Yes, life happens. It’s not going to stop either, so if you use that as your excuse to get off track… then you’re just going to add to your problems. There are so many things outside your control like the behavior of other people, loss of loved ones, injury, lost jobs, house fires, car trouble, you name it. But your weight and your health are not. It’s the ONE thing you can CONQUER.
If you’re going to have to deal with life’s issues anyway (and you are!), wouldn’t you rather be in good health and have the energy to deal with it? Of course! Not to mention when you’re in control of yourself, you have a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence that makes handling “problems” SO much easier than when you’re down & out and feeling miserable anyway. That just makes me want to crawl in a hole and pull the hole in behind me. 😛 So here it is:
Get yourself back on track and stay there. Be your most amazing self.
It will make tackling anything life throws your way SO much easier!
If you’re feeling miserable about yourself right now, you’re not alone. The day I decided to get back on track, I instantly felt 100x better – instantly, I tell you! It was like a magic transformation. I took back control. I felt empowered, and I felt pleased with myself – instead of mad at myself. I’m standing up straighter, smiling more, and excited about what’s ahead of me instead of sulking about where I am.
Don’t you want to feel that way too?? It’s easy. You make a choice. You decide that TODAY is going to be the day you stop making yourself sad, sick, fat, unhappy, etc. Not tomorrow. Right now. From this point forward, every single thing you put in your mouth should be to FEED that beautiful person you WANT to become. Period.
Lynn Terry, aka LowCarbTraveler
I started this way of eating last January 1st and have lost 33 lbs. I have done well all year until the last week where there has been lots of candy, cookies and etc. at work and I had a couple of chocolates and a rice crispy treat. Today was family Christmas and I had 2 home made dinner rolls, cheesy potatoes and some apple crisp that was not low carb and now I am miserable and bloated. Tomorrow is another day and I hope this bloated feeling will work its way out of my body by then. I will definitely think twice before having a carb fest again. Not worth it.
I know what you meant, Jer – it’s never worth it. The misery, bloating, and the “carb coma” feeling (lol). Ack! π Eat light, drink lots of water, and move a little. It only takes about 72 hours or so to get back in Ketosis and feel amazing again. π
I like this post a lot. Thank you. I read it twice and I’m going to read it in the morning. I’ve gotten off track and need to get back. My beautiful clothes ( I work at Anthroloplogie ) are so tight. I feel blah, determined to get back. I wish you the best with whatever challenges you are facing. Thank you for your encouragement and beautiful written piece. Xoxo
Thank you, Erin! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and that you’re getting back on track with us! π I was sick of feeling blah, I totally get that feeling. Here’s to feeling amazing just in time to ring in the New Year. π *cheers*
I got off track back in June while my grandkids were visiting and have not managed to get back on with any consistency. As if this morning, I weigh more than I did when I started this way of eating over a year ago. Very discourging. Thanks for your encouragement. Starting over right now.
If you’re like me Kim, you’ll feel SO much better when you get back on track – and physically too, of course. π Here’s to a healthy New Year! *cheers*
This was just what I needed to read today. I have been totally off track and my body has been in pain every day as a result. There are so few things I have control over but this one I do. Thanks for the reminder!
I’m glad it came at a good time for you (too!) Birdie. π I’m ready to feel better, be happier, get thinner, and have an amazing year!
My story is that I started this woe a year ago. I have lost 60 lbs but I have been at 234 for a couple of weeks now. I did go off it over the holidays but only gained 4 lbs back and I have already taken those off but I am at a stand still. I never counted carbs because back in the day we didn’t have to.,,,we just knew meat, eggs and cheese and as much as you wanted. I have added leafy green and other veggies but didn’t count the carbs. Now I’m wondereing what I should do at this plateu. Add fats (not sure what a fat bomb is and is that the way to go?) I haven’t exercised at all except some walking so do I need to add that (Ugg it’s 0 degrees here in upstate NY right now). I never tested with the strips to see if I was in Ketosis but now I have bought some and I am wondering if there is a better time to test. Before or after a meal, first thing in the morning or at night. Can someone please address my concerns? You are all so helpful!
Hi Ellen,
I don’t use the sticks or strips, so I can’t help you there. I suggest that you track super close. That has been the SAVE for most of us. This is how I track, and what I track:
For healthy fats, I don’t do Fat Bombs. See: I stick to real foods for my fats like salmon, avocado, eggs, pecans, ribeye, etc.
I needed this, I have both a 30th Class Reunion and my son’s wedding coming up this September, I do not want to look and feel like I do now. I am starting over today, and I am going to refer to this as I attempt my journey. Thanks Lynn!!!
Hi Carlene π That’s a great motivation!! If you haven’t already, join us for the Low Carb Challenge: It JUST kicked off last week but you can join right in. π
Thanks, Lynn. I too needed this. I’m having a terrible time staying on track even though I know I will feel better. Did you do anything else or any meds to help with sciatica pain? I’m battling that also.
Hi Lisa,
The best thing is an ice pack, 10 minutes at a time every four hours. But eating low carb really eliminates a lot of inflammation in your body, which helps A LOT. That alone is reason enough to keep me on track! π
I totally agree with all of this. Great post! I especially agree with making the decision for now, right now in this moment and not “starting Monday”. I am not giving up and keep working day by day to feel that magical transformation (I know exactly what you mean there) of mindset. I keep reminding myself that every day is a new day to do better!
This getting back on track article is super! In fact, I’m going to pin it to Pinterest so I can refer back to it!
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Pam – and found it helpful. π We’ve all been through tough times, and I even refer back to this piece myself now and then! *cheers*
Just what I needed to read!! Have lost about 30 lbs in the past 7 months, this week I went CRAZY!! and feel yucky, so glad I stumbled across your article!!βΊ
Thanks much
I’m glad it helped, Karen. π Just jump right back in! That has happened to me over and over (and over again, lol). The faster you get back on track the happier you’ll be. π *cheers*