Guest Post by Jedha of Best You Bootcamp
I’ve got a few questions to ask you and some valuable tips to share about breaking the dieting cycle…
How many diets have you tried?
I’d like to ask you this question because what I’ve found with many women I talk to is that they have tried many different diets in their lifetime, from weight watchers, to the soup diet, to the shake diet, or whatever other shiny name the next diet might come under.
If you’re sitting there nodding your head and trying to count how many, then you’re not alone. For many women this goes back to early teenage years, which is quite a scary thing don’t you think?
How much success have you had with these diets?
Over that time you’ve probably experienced some successes and also failed a few times too. But for the times you did experience success how long has it lasted?
Stories from the many people I talk to tell me it doesn’t last that long. Have you lost weight only to gain it all back again, plus some?
It’s a common thing and there are even research studies to back this up and show that most people who follow a ‘diet’ program usually gain it all back.
But what comes along with this cycle is self beating, disappointment, frustration, self criticism, and constantly feeling like a total failure because you’ve given up on yourself again and you’re back where you started!
In the end this cycle leads you nowhere and you’re left going around in circles and still wishing you could change it. You’re left searching for another ‘diet’ solution because you really want to lose weight and feel great about your life.
Are you tired of starting your diet over & over & over again?
Here’s the simple recipe for success:
When you can stop dieting and find one plan that is going to suit you as a long term lifestyle plan, then you can take small steps every day to adjust the diet to your eating style and keep working toward overall improvements. This is the key to successful weight loss, improved health and a life that’s free from the ‘diet’ stress.
I know you’re confused right now because you’re thinking, that’s what I’ve been doing but chances are it isn’t and here’s why.
You’re still thinking it’s a diet.
Remember you’ve probably had this diet thinking in your life for years and years and you’ve never been taught how to break it! When you can kick this thinking you’re on the fast track to success.
You keep switching plans wanting a fast solution.
This is the worst thing you can do and will slow down your metabolism and weight loss results. You have to stick to one plan for best results.
You haven’t adjusted the diet to YOU.
Trying to fit into a ‘diets’ rules and regulations never works. Sure you have to change some of your habits to make them healthier but you need to adjust them to YOUR life and YOUR eating style.
You’re taking on too much too fast.
We all want a fast fix and so we run like a bull at a gate supercharged and ready for massive action, only to find ourselves unable to keep it together. Small steps are the key to long-term change.
You don’t have the right support.
We all think we can do it alone but the honest truth is we can’t! We might go well for a week and then we’ll struggle to maintain consistency and fall off the wagon again. We need help to accomplish habit change. We need help to overcome obstacles and challenges. We need help to know how to change our thoughts and routines so that we don’t keep starting over!
YOU CAN transform your life!
Everyone can and if you need some help to finally stop this dieting cycle then come and join my 6 Week Best You Bootcamp. The Best You Bootcamp teaches you the right way to lose weight and more importantly how to keep it off long term so you NEVER have to start over again!
Click here for all the details…
If you enjoyed this post, you’ll LOVE Jedha’s “Best You” Bootcamp!
Note: This post was written by Jedha using Lynn’s referral link to Best You Bootcamp
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