I found some GREAT deals on keto friendly sweets, snacks & staples this week. I wanted to share them with you real quick – in case you need to stock up too, or just need something new to mix things up & help you stay on track through the holidays…
📲 Get 20% off ALL Perfect Keto Products Just add discount code LYNN20 at checkout. I love their unflavored collagen powder and original Almond Butter Brownie protein bars. ☕️🍫
They also have this 40% Off Deals Page so always check there first too! For anything else, use code LYNN20 at checkout for 20% off.
📲 NEW ChocZero Keto Sweets & GREAT Deals!
* add discount code TRAVELINGLOWCARB at checkout too, and save even more!
Watch the ChocZero video and join the discussion on Facebook here
They have A LOT of new stuff, like Keto Fudge & Honey, and Caramel Filled Chocolate Squares + GREAT sales right now. 🍫😍 And they just released their new keto friendly TRUFFLES!
📲 25% Off Keto Krate + Keto Guide & Meal Plan
*use that link, or add this code at checkout: LOWCARBTRAVELER to get 25% off
See the unboxing video on Facebook here …
📲 Shop Low Carb / Keto at Netrition
I just discovered Netrition changed hands earlier this year. We now have our own discount code! I’ve been shopping there for over 10 years, because you can buy singles of a lot of your favorite brands – so that’s a great way to create your own low carb variety box. 😉
I hope that helps if you’re shopping or stocking up this week. 💕 xo
Lynn Terry
aka @LowCarbTraveler

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