Can we talk candidly here? I have A LOT on my mind, and I’m sure you do too, so let’s open up that “safe space” I mentioned in my last note and talk about some of the bigger issues, or at least start the conversation – because I’d love to hear what’s MOST important to you right now (too).
The common themes in my conversations around the web lately include: weight gain, stress & depression, chronic health issues, extreme hair loss (ugh!), recovering from various things (illness, surgeries, etc) – and a lot of people looking to “get back on track” with low carb eating, or get started for the first time. (Yay!)
In that last note I also said that I want us to talk about real life issues & solutions, whether you’re “eating keto” or not!, so I look forward to starting a series of discussions on a variety of topics (like the ones above) that will help us ALL drastically improve our health & happiness, and overall quality of life. 💕
Let’s start with some recent photos of me (taken this week) because… I “look” fine – and I am, but I’m also very much NOT.
I have good days (like ^ these), I have GREAT days even, but I also have a lot of really HARD days where I am very unwell with an insanely long list of bizarre symptoms that throw me into a full body shutdown. 😳
Would you like to hear about my experience with Long Covid aka long-hauler or post-viral syndrome? I personally think it would be a great discussion to have, considering how much crossover there is with a myriad of autoimmune disorders – and just how COMMON autoimmune conditions are across women our age. (I honestly had NO idea!)
Specifically I want to talk about ways to FIX bloating, gut health issues, inflammation, fatigue, mysterious weight gain and frustrating stalls associated with various metabolic health issues, hair loss, joint pain, mental health (stress, grief, depression) – and most importantly, what to do about these things. Because we do NOT have to live that way! Or there at least solutions to drastically improve how we feel and how much we can enjoy our daily life.
I know everyone is sick of hearing about covid. That’s why I stopped talking about my journey as a long-hauler. The stigma around the topic is ridiculous, and for those of us suffering… it’s incredibly disheartening.
I do think people need to know what it’s like, and also how to relate to people you love that have it, but it’s also REALLY opened my eyes (and heart) to people suffering with ANY chronic condition or autoimmune disorder. And the big positive/plus side to my struggle… is that I feel better equipped now, to help more people regain a sense of health & happiness.
So if it’s okay with you, I’d like to talk about it in future notes. But I promise to make it relevant to pretty much everyone, with simple ideas and helpful tips that ANYone can use to feel better – and live better. Specifically I want to share simple health hacks, what I’m trying and testing, and the results as we go.
Of course I’ll also be sharing low carb food diaries, keto recipes, reviews & discount codes, weight loss motivation & inspiration, and all the usual stuff I love talking about here – now that I’m finally able to start writing again. 🙂
So you can pick and choose which emails and blog posts you prefer to read, and which topics you want to join in on. Plus I’ll be starting a year-end low carb challenge again soon! 👏
What I’m FOR and AGAINST 👍👎 and what really upsets me…
What you WON’T hear me talking about is what YOU should or shouldn’t do, or how you should live YOUR life. I am all about balance, bio-individuality, personal choice, and helping each person (myself included!) become the happiest healthiest version of yourself – in every way, in YOUR way.
There are a lot of things going on around the web right now that upset me, and a few specific things that REALLY trigger me. 🤬 The biggest one right now is health shaming and fat shaming.
I am NOT okay with that.
I’ve mentioned before that the low carb / keto community has brought out some superior attitudes, elitism and extremists. We used to call them “keto police” but it’s just gotten way worse and many levels deeper than that over the last couple of years. 👀
For just a few examples of how I feel on this topic, especially if you’re new here (hi!), you’ll find these notes in my archives:
- Food Shaming Needs To STOP
- Atkins vs Keto: Which One Is Right For You?
- Keto Chaos & Confusion: Fat vs Protein vs Calories – What?!
Those are all great reads… if I do say so myself. 😊
Anyway, yes – the blantant “health shaming” totally ticks me off, to put it bluntly. Fortunately we have an AMAZING community of kind & positive people here, but if you look around the web you’ve likely seen exactly what I’m talking about.
As just one example, saying only “fat people” suffer from covid or have health issues is just flat out WRONG (proof: me). As another example, people saying “I have a strong immune system” or “I trust my immune system” is a slap in the face to people with autoimmune disorders, or that are struggling with a weakened immune system for any number of reasons – that are NOT their fault.
I don’t want to get all into that…
I want to share what I’m learning and what I’m doing to improve my immune system, and to help you improve yours, what I’m doing to lose weight against tough odds, so you can too, ways I’m learning to cope and improve my mindset and overall life – so you can have LESS stress and MORE JOY too.
I want to talk less about what I’m against, unlike what I see so many other people talking about lately… and talk more about what I’m FOR – which is you, your health, your happiness, your goals, and every little WIN we celebrate along the way on our path to improving our lives.❣️
If all of that sounds good, and you want to be part of a discussion and a group of positive happy healthy change-makers, you’re in the right place. 🙂 So let’s carry on!
On a Scale of 1 to 10 – Where are You?
* How interested are you in improving your health or losing weight?
* How motivated are you to improve your health and/or lose weight?
* How confident do you feel about the RIGHT ways to lose weight and/or improve your health & happiness, ie: how to do it & what will WORK for you?
I think we’re all “interested” in being happier and healthier and even leaner. That doesn’t always equal action though, even for me. So that brings us to the next question: How motivated are you – to actually take action, to do the daily things it takes to SEE improvements?
And finally: do you have any questions about getting started, or any specific issues/solutions you’d love to see discussed in more detail?
Low Carb Meals, Keto Recipes & Daily Food Diaries are coming back!
I need the accountability as I work through some of my health issues, and sharing my daily food diaries has always forced me to hold myself to a higher standard – ie make better daily food & meal choices, knowing I’d be sharing them with you. Because I like to set a good example!
I’ll be hosting a new low carb challenge too, so we’ll use those notes for group accountability, and to discuss WINS and progress and issues along the way as we work on our year-end goals together. 🎯
I’ve remained “consistently keto” (eating very low carb) this year, and stay as active as I can given my health challenges, but even with both combined I’ve gained weight. So while I’m still “on track” I could use the accountability and motivation to drill down and FIX those issues. Which will hopefully help others who are struggling with stalls & gains too, or various other health issues.
Before I kick off another challenge though, I’d love to hear where you are in your journey…
Restart vs Reset – For Weight Loss
Some of us have been eating low carb for a long time, some off & on for a long time, and some are just getting started – or interested in learning more about it.
Everyone who joins in on my low carb challenges is at different places in their journey, but I think addressing the “getting started” points is helpful for all of us! I know for me personally, going back to the basics is KEY for me as we close out this year.
I’ve been “eating keto” for just over 10 years now, so sometimes I lose sight of how my own journey started, and some of those SIMPLE things that work so well.
Earlier this year my daughter came home to stay with me and help out while I was at my worst (ie unable to work, drive, or even function!) and she decided to also start eating low carb when she got here.
Um, kinda smart, given there are no carbs in my house. 🤣 haha!
Anyway, watching her go from a high-carb heavy-snacking junk food kinda lifestyle to easily and quickly losing weight HAPPILY without ever feeling deprived… was a great reminder for me. It took me back to my getting started days, and everything that worked so well!
So I figure there are two main groups of us:
Restart: Those that want to start, or restart, that are currently NOT eating low carb and would like to try it out – or get back on track. You’re the easy group! 😉
Reset: Those that already eat low carb but are experiencing a weight loss stall or even weight gain, or other health issues (IBS, bloating, inflammation, etc). We’re the harder group. 🙋♀️🤪
I think it would be best to go through our next challenge acknowledging those two different tracks, and addressing both “restart” vs “reset” or hard/easy options so that everyone can pick their track and get the most out of the challenge. Because for some it’s not JUST about losing weight, but rather improving health issues – or both, like me.
How does that sound to you?
I wish I had more interesting daily food diaries to share with you lately, but I haven’t – which has kept me from writing to you as much as I used to. It’s been all about coping these last few months, so I’ve been eating super simple with “easy options” only. Thank you for your patience & understanding this year! I’m excited to get back to our challenges & chats. 💕
As an example here are two of the meals I’ve been eating several times a week for months now:
These are “evolve meals” – chicken salad and chicken broccoli alfredo. I eat a lot of their other meals too, and my daughter loves these as well, but these two are on repeat/rotation for me lately. 😉
I’d love to hear what points resonated most with you in today’s note, and how you feel about doing the “dual track” style challenge – addressing beginner & advanced low carb’ing at the same time. Also…
Anyone else struggling with longcovid, autoimmune disorders, chronic conditions or weight gain? Or feeling stressed, anxious, depressed and not entirely sure you’re motivated – or can GET motivated?
I’d love to hear from you!
Drop a comment and let’s chat. 🙂
Lynn Terry
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I’m really (REALLY) loving the Evolve low carb meal delivery service. They have a keto meal plan, but I usually just order “a la carte” (straight from their website menu) so I can get the chicken salad, grab & go meals, snacks & fat bombs, and the breakfasts too (I love the carnivore scramble!) plus hand-pick the heat & eat lunches & dinners I want.
I scored you 15% off if you want to try it out. Use code LOWCARBTRAVELER at checkout to get the 15% off any meal plan or hand-picked order today at:
The chicken salad tray is a full pound for only $8.66. It’s 4 servings, but it makes 2 meals for me, so that’s a GREAT deal compared to takeout or delivery when I need something I can just grab and eat for lunch at my desk, or on busy/tired nights. It’s called the Old Fashioned Chicken Salad on their menu (1 carb per serving) and it’s FABULOUS! 😍
p.p.s. It makes a GREAT gift too. I sent a box of meals to a sick friend recently and she really appreciated that(!!), and also sent a box of hand-picked meals to my son and DIL as a housewarming gift while they were getting settled into their new home.
Just an idea in case you know someone that could use easy healthy meals – that you can “click & send” to them in a few short minutes!


LOVE this! I need a reset, I am actually doing great and have been for the past 3.5 months but gained allot of weight due to steroids for Lupus and RA and now I have Cushings Syndrome. Specialist expected this to go away once I was off the steroids for a few months but labs indicate still have Cushings sooooo they are trying to figure out the cause. Meanwhile I am struggling to lose the weight….Specialist has been SHOCKED that I have been able to take off 24lbs with very clean eating but I have been seriously strict and it is hard to get off. Even with the loss I still have the Cushings body which will not go away until we somehow get my Cortisol level down….round face, fat tummy and Buffalo hump. I used to be almost 300 lbs, took it off myself with IF and low Carb lifestyle and kept it off for 10 years until the Cushings.
I totally get that battle with health challenges. It’s tough! KUDOS though for being persistent and consistent with your health goals. Way to go!! π
I think in another conversation somewhere online you mentioned being more low carb than keto – ie VERY low carb, am I remembering right? If so, have you tried getting and staying in ketosis to see what effect that has? Curious!
Have they given you ideas for lowering your cortisol level – besides the usual list to try: improved sleep quality, lowering stress, dark chocolate, green tea, cbd oil maybe? I just looked up Cushings – it sounds like A LOT to deal with.:( There’s some crossover with some of the symptoms I’m experiencing that are common across many autoimmune disorders. I read that it can also spike your blood sugar (I’m experiencing that too, which seems so bizarre). Now it has me wondering what the root source or cause is of all these autoimmune issues that are so common… Very frustrating. With most of them you get the typical advice: more rest, eat healthy, be healthy, sunshine, fresh air, less stress (the basics). But surely there has to be a flip that’s switched or some trigger we could work backwards from. Just thinking out loud – and wishing there was more I could do, besides say: I understand (it’s hard). xo
Yes on all the above!! You know my autoimmune & health struggles – itβs frustrating for sure. Sign me up for all of whatever youβre doing
I know them yes, but I understand them WAY more now. Although, the more I learn (and experience myself), the more questions I have. π I’m excited about testing out a few things, some that worked for me in the past with other health challenges, and testing new things as well – both for recovery or at least relief, but also for state of mind & quality of life. That’s been a big part of it for me, shifting my focus on what I *can* do – or what I might want to do in life going forward, if that’s not what I had planned (ie mindset). It was also the hardest part, way harder than any single symptom or setback. Today was beautiful and perfect for wading in the river or a good waterfall hike, but I simply was NOT up for it – so my compromise was to make it to the lower deck and sit in the sunshine with my pup. It’s been work, but I’m to the point now that I can ENJOY the warm sun and the time sitting in it, without crying over what I’d rather be doing. Some days I can still do short hikes or long drives, so I feel fortunate for that – and just wait for those next good days, while doing what I can to enjoy the one I’m in. xo
I have been doing keto consistently for a year now (use to do on and off of it for years). I have lost 50 lbs yay! I am planning to lose another 50. I am a little frustrated because my cholesterol went UP in the last 6 months, triglycerides too. So I am trying to make diet tweaks (ie, more veggies than dairy) and see if that helps. Fingers crossed! But my blood pressure and blood sugar are amazingly low and the best they’ve been since my 20s!
Well done, Amber!! That feels amazing, doesn’t it? π How much did your cholesterol levels rise? Is it a concerning level? It sounds like all of your other health markers are great. Diet tweaks is a good place to start, but I’ve read it’s normal for them to rise them level out once you get consistently in ketosis. Healthy fats are important in ketosis, but think: avocado, salmon, pili nuts or macadamia nuts, ribeye – basically superfoods rich in nutrients, but just real whole foods. Some people struggle with portion control on nuts, but I love a few on a grilled chicken salad over a bed of fresh baby spinach for example. Yum! Avocado is rich in potassium and magnesium too.:)
Thanks Lynn, I will have to keep myself focused on those superfoods! My LDL and triglycerides went up 30 points each, putting them both into high zones and my total cholesterol at 239. My doctor said to keep doing what I’m doing and we will retest in February. Fingers crossed!
It sounds like you have a great doctor. π If you search Amazon and YouTube for “keto cholesterol” I think you’ll find it’s normal to see it rise then level out, quite a few doctors in the space have talked about that. But yes to superfoods and clean eating and exercise – pretty much the cure for many things!:)
Thanks Lynn!