I’m totally “food stressed” in this video… 😳
Yesterday was a tough day, and a long one. I’m sure you’ve been in this same situation yourself, or at some point you’ll find yourself feeling the same way.
You can listen in to the video chat while you scroll through a photo tour of my low carb food choices yesterday including keto snacks on the go, my Starbucks order and dinner from Hardee’s (fast food).
Plus a screenshot of my MyFitnessPal diary and how I logged everything.
I was at the hospital in the city and popped on to chat about my meal options while I was waiting for an update from the surgeon about my stepmother…
I’m not one to do meal prep or plan out keto menus. I don’t cook that much at all actually (even when I am home). Although those are all great ideas for making it easy to stay on track and stick to keto friendly foods and low carb meals.
I do keep something on me at all times though, just in case, and I was really glad I threw low carb snacks in my bag yesterday!
At the very least I’ll have compact nut butter packets on me or with me if I’m on the go. Those are SO convenient in a pinch. 😉
When it comes to dining out, I do “prep” for that because I’ve been caught off guard one too many times. If I know which restaurant I’m going to, I’ll look up the menu and the nutrition facts online in advance, and KNOW what I’m going to order before I get there – and even log it in MyFitnessPal before I go usually too.
Like I said in the video: it’s always best to stick to the cleanest “whole food” options on the menu when you’re out & about. Example: IHOP Menu
Busy/Rushed Day – My Keto Food Diary & MyFitnessPal Log
I had good intentions of getting up early and frying a pork chop for breakfast before I left the house yesterday, but that just did not happen.
There was a little mini emergency to tend to that threw my morning off track, so I grabbed a keto collagen bar and ate that while I was throwing my stuff in a bag to head out the door for the day.
I fixed a collagen coffee to go ☕️ and knew between that and the bar I’d be set for awhile and could probably find a hot meal later.
But just in case I packed a few snacks too, because: Always be prepared!
These are the snacks I mentioned in the video above that I had with me while I was out all day yesterday. I have discount codes for each of them too. I love my savings!
That link ^ has a 15% off discount coded into it, or use code LOWCARBTRAVELER for a discount on anything at Perfect Keto. I use their unflavored collagen powder daily in my first morning coffee, love their bars, and their new flavored nut butters too (but those are not single serve portable packets).
* FBOMB Macadamia Nut Butter Packets
Our discount code is LOWCARBTRAVELER for 10% off.
These are all natural, not sweet, and a staple for me in my keto lifestyle. They’re super convenient on the go, and SO satisfying!
* Legendary Foods Flavored Nut Butters
Our discount code is LOWCARBTRAVELER for 10% off there too. Their flavored nut butters are RICH and delicious. 😍 I love baking with those and using them in delicious keto recipes, and also love that they come in squeeze packs now too!
* FatFitGo Strawberry Lime Nut Butter
Our discount code is LOWCARBTRAVELER for 20% off. This is a NEW favorite, and it’s crazy good! Think: strawberry margarita. 🍓🍈🥰
This comes in both jars and single serve squeeze packs. I’m going to get a couple of jars and make strawberry margarita muffins (yum!).
Here’s my keto muffins recipe.
These are the new Birthday Cake Perfect Keto Bars:
These bars have become a staple for me lately. They’re made with great ingredients and they hold me over better than most bars, so they’re a great grab & go meal replacement. ✔
Here are ALL their flavors:
🍫 Almond Butter Brownie
🍋 Lemon Poppyseed
🍯 Salted Caramel
🍪 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
🍮 Cinnamon Roll
🍰 NEW Birthday Cake
Can you see those yummy little birthday cake flavor crystals?! 🍰 😍
They’re soft and creamy in texture like their newer Cinnamon Roll bars, if you’ve tried those.
Use my coupon code LOWCARBTRAVELER at checkout to get 15% off anything at Perfect Keto, or this link has my 15% off discount coded into it for you.
The new Birthday Cake bars are GREAT. Almond Butter Brownie has always been my FAVORITE, and lately I’m loving the Lemon Poppyseed and Cinnamon Roll bars too.
Have you tried any of their keto bars yet, or anything from Perfect Keto?
I’d love to hear YOUR favorites. 👀
Nut Butter Packets, Trick: Body Heat! 🔥
I mentioned the nut butter packets are a staple for me on the go, but there’s a little trick that makes them easy to knead/mix up inside the packet – and to get ALL the yummy goodness out of the packet!
I stick them under my shirt, or under my leg while I’m driving, and warm them up with body heat before I knead the packet.
That softens them up and makes them even BETTER, with all the tasty bits of sea salt or flavors well mixed.
Then after I rip off the tab and enjoy it, I peel one side open and lick the packet clean. 😍
I never did get a chance to sit down for a hot meal while I was at the hospital yesterday. I had less time than I thought I would because right after that video the surgeon paged me to discuss issues with my stepmother’s surgery.
I ended up eating the Birthday Cake keto bar and the Macadamia Sea Salt nut butter packet between hallways, and during a short wait before I could go back to see her.
They released her and the first thing she wanted was a COFFEE ☕️ so I went through the Starbucks drive-thru and got her a hot coffee – and I got my favorite keto friendly iced coffee order to enjoy on the drive home. 🙂
The bar and the nut butter kept me satisfied through a busy afternoon, and the heavy cream in my coffee curbed the bit of hunger that started to set in again by early evening, so I powered through the day and the drive home, even without a big meal.
By the time I got her home and settled in with a caretaker, then got myself home… I was exhausted. Especially since I’d been up since 3:30am and on the go all day.
I did want something solid (and savory) to eat once I had a chance to wind down for a bit, but I did NOT feel like cooking or going out for dinner after being out all day, so I got a Low Carb Charbroiled Chicken Club from Hardee’s.
That really hit the spot!
Their chicken club isn’t the BEST choice because it’s 7 net carbs, due to the bbq sauce on the chicken. But it’s what I was craving and it was delicious. 🙂
They have GREAT burgers, and they have low carb (lettuce wrapped) options right on their menu!
Here’s My Macros In MyFitnessPal For Yesterday…
I had a coffee from the hospital earlier with half & half, which I didn’t finish – and I didn’t finish the Starbucks iced coffee either (about 3/4 of it).
I also had my coffee & collagen I made at home before I left (and took on the go), plus an evening coffee at home before dinner.
21 Net Carbs
Calories: 1450
Protein: 72 grams
Fat 73% / Protein 23%
I realize it says 22 net carbs in my MFP log, but the collagen is actually zero net carbs (it has 1 gram of fiber) I just haven’t bothered to fix that. 😉
I use the MyFitnesspal mobile app to log everything as I go, on the go. At home I use the MyFitnessPal website where I can log recipes using their free recipe calculator (so convenient!) and also see net carbs.
I use a free plugin to get Net Carbs in MyfitnessPal.
I don’t normally get “food stressed” 🤪 lol.
I’ve been on the go A LOT lately, plus I’ve had a heavy workload, and it was a stressful day. I just found myself feeling rushed and anxious and overwhelmed – especially standing in the middle of a noisy crowded room full of way too many options (and not being in the best state of mind).
It’s moments like that it really pays to be prepared and have an alternate option.
I could have very easily caved and indulged in one of the many great dishes they were serving up. This particular hospital had a GREAT cafe with at least five different serving stations!
I’m so glad I didn’t though. I would have felt miserable, and suffered through the rest of that long day…
I didn’t have time to sit down and eat anyway though, like I said, so it’s a good thing I didn’t bother grabbing something there – even any one of their delicious low carb options.
Fortunately I am ALWAYS packing snacks, or at the very least have my handy nut butter packets. 😉
That birthday cake keto bar really hit the spot though, especially after being faced with rows of desserts in the hospital cafe 😳 lol.
I love that the new birthday cake flavor is sweet… but has just enough perfectly portioned sea salt crystals to make it POP with flavor!
That was my day yesterday…
I’d love to hear about yours!
How are things going for you this week?
Today I’ve been in all day working, and have already had TWO fabulous hot meals. 🙂
I’ll put together a new post with a photo tour of easy keto friendly low carb meals for you, in case you’re looking for some new ideas to mix things up a little…
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


I love the Cinnamon Roll Perfect keto bars! I’ve just ordered 2 boxes of the birthday cake ones. You had mentioned before – I think – about perfect keot nuts butters…so a few weeks ago I ordered a variety pack in the squeeze pouches! I love them – I keep one in my purse for just in case I need!
Thank you so much for all your information and encouragement!
Hi Angela π I’m so glad you’re enjoying their new nut butters. Those are delicious! And that reminds me – I was going to do some FUN baking with those. I need to go grab some eggs and see what I can whip up in the kitchen this weekend. π
You’ll love the new Birthday Cake keto bars. It’s not normally a flavor I’d like, but they’re REALLY good. They’re soft and creamy like the Cinnamon Roll bars too so since you love those, you’ll enjoy this new flavor too! xo
Lynn, We have a couple of feet of snow on the ground and it’s dancing around the freezing point with a bitter wind chill. I can’t see myself ordering iced Starbucks, although I love your standard order in the summer. What is your standard cold-weather order?
I struggled with that one, David. I tried this same combo as a hot coffee instead of iced, and just didn’t like it. When I’m on the road, I take my sugar free powdered creamer with me – it’s coffeemate sugar free hazelnut powder – and just use that. Otherwise, I still drank iced coffee in the winter sometimes too. π lol – brr!
I have put the info in the YFitnessPal. How do you get it to show the percentage of each macro?
Hi Debbie,
Are you on a mobile device or phone app – or online on a computer or laptop? In the mobile app, tap the graph icon at the top right corner of the app. Online scroll to the end of your food diary for the graphs.
Also see: https://www.travelinglowcarb.com/4448/myfitnesspal-hack/ I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions. π