A few months ago when I made those delicious Cinnamon Spice Keto Muffins I mentioned that I wanted to try my hand at a Low Carb Zucchini Bread Recipe next… and that’s exactly what I did this week. Successfully! 🙂
Here’s the Cinnamon Spice Keto Muffins Recipe which was fabulous too, but just LOOK at this beautiful zucchini bread! 👀
It has a warm, cinnamon, nutty fall flavor that really hits the spot!
Per my usual this is a VERY simple recipe chock full of healthy goodness.
You can make this recipe as Zucchini Nut Muffins too, which are ideal for “meal prep” and making an easy grab-n-go healthy breakfast for the week.
Not only is it super low carb (only 1.5 net carbs per serving) it is also gluten free, ketogenic and vegetarian friendly.
It’s very moist just like a traditional zucchini bread recipe – not at all dense or grainy like most gluten free or low carb bread recipes.
The Secret Ingredient
The STAR ingredient of this recipe is the insanely nutrient dense Pumpkin Spice Pili Nut Butter with super clean ingredients – plus the health benefits of Lion’s Mane Mushrooms (a brain-boosting, potential cancer-fighting “power food” with anti-aging properties, very popular in traditional Chinese medicine).
Tip: coupon code LOWCARBTRAVELER will get you a discount at their website AND they have a HUGE sale coming up soon. 😉
I’ve been enjoying Pili Nuts and creating delicious keto meals with both their nuts and Pili Hunters Nut Butters for a few years now, and LOVE cooking with their products.
I’ll show you where you can find those fun, creative recipes in a minute!
They recently came out with a few new products and new recipes and sent me some to review, including the popular new Pumpkin Spice Pili Nut Butter.
I have a working relationship with them as a taste-tester, affiliate, as a paid sponsor of recipe development posts like this one – and as fellow adventurers & friends. 🙂
That relationship allowed me to score you a discount too. Use code LOWCARBTRAVELER on any Pili Hunters products for our discount.
The Pili Nut Butters are a newer addition to the product line, made from the wild-harvested pili nuts the company is known for.
What IS a Pili Nut?
It’s “a super-nut with a rich buttery taste, containing magnesium, manganese, and Vitamin B1, and the lowest carbohydrate content of any nut.”
~source: What is a Pili Nut?
See: The Perfect LCHF Keto Nut: Pili Nuts With A Purpose (Beware Knock-Off Brands!)
Now that you know the main ingredients are power-packed with nutrients and health benefits, let’s get on to the actual recipe! 😉
Speaking of, you can get a GREAT deal on both the Pili Nuts and the Pili Nut Butter for this recipe by selecting the Pumpkin Spice Flavor on this Pili Hunters Combo Deal:
Low Carb Zucchini Bread Recipe
Note: this recipe makes a smaller loaf so you’ll want to double the recipe for a larger, more traditional sized loaf. There are photos & baking dish measurements below.
This smaller recipe made 10 servings at 1.5 net carbs each.
- 1/2 cup Pumpkin Spice Pili Nut Butter, room temperature
- 4 Large Eggs
- 2 TBSP Melted Butter or Coconut Oil
- 1/4 Cup Almond Flour
- 2 TBSP Granular Swerve (or equivalent sweetener)
- 1 tsp Baking Powder
- 1 TBSP Cinnamon
- 1 tsp Vanilla
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1 Cup Grated Zucchini
- 1/3 Cup (62 grams) Coconut Oil & Himalayan Salt Pili Nuts, chopped
* I recommend adding a dash of nutmeg too. 😉
Tip: the pili nuts / nut butter combo is the best deal. Plus use code LOWCARBTRAVELER for an additional discount
You can use ANY kind of nut butter in this recipe. The Pumpkin Spice Pili Nut Butter has a nice “fall spice” flavor to it already though, so if you use a plain nut butter you’ll have to add your own flavoring and spices.
It helps if your eggs are not TOO cold, to prevent the melted butter or oil from clumping on you, and you definitely want your nut butter to be room temperature.
I whisk my eggs first and set them aside on the counter while preparing everything else.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Break up the Pili Nuts into smaller pieces.
Grate the zucchini into small pieces, and use paper towels to soak up any excess water. (I used Zoodles from the produce section and diced them up smaller.)
Stir together the first three ingredients (eggs, nut butter & melted butter or coconut oil) until smooth. Add the dry ingredients and mix with a hand mixer.
Save the chopped pili nuts and grated zucchini, and fold those in at the end.
Grease a glass rectangle baking dish liberally with coconut oil.
TIP: Definitely use coconut oil! I tried a well-buttered dish with my first batch and it wasn’t as easy to get out of the dish as the batch where I greased the baking dish with coconut oil. 😉
NOTE: This recipe makes a smaller batch, which is ideal if you’re the only one eating low carb or keto in your home. You can simply double the recipe for a traditional sized zucchini bread loaf.
For this smaller half-sized recipe I used a 6″ x 4″ glass dish that is 2″ deep. I kept enough batter out to also make 3 muffins.
Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 40 minutes – until golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean.
(Muffins take a little less time, start checking those after 25 minutes.)
IMPORTANT: Let the zucchini bread loaf cool completely before slicing, or attempting to remove from the baking dish.
I personally let mine cool to room temperature, then refrigerated it overnight. That made it easy to remove from the baking dish, using a rubber spatula to gently loosen it from the edges first.
While it’s very moist, and not at all grainy or dense, it still holds together very well – and has a nice crust on the outside with a soft nutty bread texture:
It’s exceptionally good topped with real butter. 💚
The muffins will do best in a silicone muffin pan, or in a muffin tin well-greased with coconut oil.
If you use muffin papers – feel free to dive right into one as soon as it cools enough so you don’t burn your mouth. 🙂
Optional: mix a little cinnamon and sweetener of choice (I like Granular Swerve) together and sprinkle it over the hot muffins or loaf for a pretty & sweet topping:
Using the exact recipe above, my Low Carb Zucchini Bread slices & muffins made 10 servings (7 slices and 3 muffins) and came out to only 1.5 net carbs each with perfect LCHF macros.
You can use the Free MyFitnessPal Recipe Calculator to add in each of your ingredients, and the number of servings based on how you slice yours – or how many muffins you make.
This is 2 servings logged for breakfast:
It came out nutty, super moist – and absolutely delicious! ♥
I have a lot of fun coming up with creative ways to use Pili Nuts and Pili Nut Butters in recipes and easy low carb dinner dishes. They are extremely nutrient rich and VERY low carb, making them a perfect addition to any keto kitchen.
Plus I love knowing the passion & purpose that goes into bringing these super foods to our kitchens. You should see: Why I Love Pili Hunters to get a REAL feel for the quality & value of these products.
I especially love baking with Pili Nut Butter. The original flavor makes great blueberry muffins, and also fabulous blueberry pancakes & waffles.
Note: it is very rich in magnesium and a great source of potassium!
Shop Pili Hunters
They’re also available on Amazon but they do have some GREAT sales on their website right now AND we have a coupon code (above) that works on the site – but not on Amazon. 😉
I’m really pleased this Low Carb Zucchini Bread came out SO well.
I “messed up” the first batch by adding twice as much zucchini and pili nuts. It was still delicious (and I ate the entire pan, lol) but it didn’t rise as well as THIS recipe – or have the nice moist bread texture as it did with half as much of each.
This version was GREAT, and even better topped with the Pili Nut Butter. 😉
I worked hard on this one, tweaking the amounts to get it just right. I do think it would be even better if you add nutmeg, and of course feel free to experiment with the ingredients & amounts to suit your tastebuds…
I hope you enoy it! 🙂
You may want to order more than just a sampler pack because you’ll fall in love with Pili Nuts and Nut Butters in your kitchen. Or if you have some on hand already and you’re looking for creative ways to use them…
See my “pili recipes” in this Keto Muffins Recipe post (there are additional recipes/ideas at the end!)
If you make this recipe, let me know how it turns out.
If you have ideas for improving the recipe, leave a comment and share those with us! I always enjoy your feedback & help- especially in the kitchen. 😉
Warning: after eating both batches of this delicious but super low carb zucchini pili nut bread… my ketone levels spiked (improved dramatically) and my weight started dropping. That’s Pili-Power for you! *cheers*
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. Both the Pili Nuts and the Original Pili Nut Butter pair VERY well with dark chocolate too, by the way. MY favorite is to mix the original Pili Nut Butter with dark chocolate, then add chopped Pili Nuts – for a nutty, delicious, healthy fat bomb. ♥
Shop Pili Hunters


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