The KetoCon event in Austin, TX is less than 3 weeks away and I cannot wait to meet up with low carb friends and taste-test all the keto fun at the vendor booths. 🙂
I’ll be hosting at least one and maybe two Low Carb Meetups while I’m in Austin, so if you’re in or near the area let’s plan to meet up while I’m there!
Note: use discount code “ketocon2018” for a 15% discount if you’re interested in attending KetoCon in person or from home!
I’m working out the details for the Austin Low Carb Meetups, and I’ll need to get a headcount and some feedback before I can finalize those details.
If you’ll be in Austin on June 14th or 18th, click here and join us for the Austin TX Low Carb Meetup Discussion. 🙂
You’ll see I’m still looking at venue options, but I have to admit Whataburger sounds fun for at least one casual get together, as I’ve been wanting to try it for awhile now.
Here’s a good post about Eating Low Carb at Whataburger. Lots of great options in that post if you have one in your area!
There are other great options in the area for dinner too, which you’ll see on the map here.
KetoCon (the Keto Conference)
Tons of my favorite bloggers, merchants and friends are going to be there – all in one place for three full days! I’ve made some of my BEST friends and some of the coolest connections at events over the years.
There’s truly nothing like a big group of people with a shared interest all getting together in one place. Especially for the stories from so many different people, and the HUGE dose of motivation & inspiration you get from that. 🙂
I’m planning to negotiate some fun giveaways for you while I’m there too! 🙂
Check out the KetoCon Event Schedule to see some of the talks they have lined up.
Note: use discount code “ketocon2018” for a 15% discount if you’re interested in attending KetoCon in person or from home!
It’s in Austin, TX the weekend of June 15-17.
They offer a live streaming & download of the session recordings too if you can’t attend in person and the discount code above works for any of those options.
I booked through Southwest Airlines again for two reasons: nonstop flights, and 2 bags fly free. 🙂
I’m also a Rapid Reward Points member, and I like to cash those in for free flights or free restaurant cards – which is a nice perk!
I hear it’s HOT in Austin in June, probably like it is here in Tennessee in July or August – so I found a couple of cool & comfortable summer dresses on Amazon that I can throw on for the long weekend.
Stay tuned for pictures. 😉
I’m REALLY looking forward to this event for SO many reasons.
There are people I’ve been working closely with for the last few years I’ll finally get to meet in person like Jason of Pili Nuts and the Keto Kookie (Nui) guys, plus Keto Krate – just to name a few. And so many bloggers I’ve been following forever but never really had a chance to connect with.
It should be LOTS of fun!!
If you’re in or near Austin, TX I would love to meet up for a meal while I’m there. If you’re attending the KetoCon event, even better – it would be great to be able to spend more time together over the weekend. 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I’ll put together an official event page for the Austin Low Carb Meetups, but for now I need to hear from those of you that are in or near Austin or will be attending KetoCon. Click here to join the discussion so I can get a feel for how many to plan for:


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