I haven’t shared a food diary in a bit, mostly because I feel like my meals have been boring lately.:)
It’s been a busy week here with work, and with planning for upcoming trips & events – where the food will get a little more interesting at least. 😉
I’m preparing for the KetoCon Event and Low Carb Meetup in Austin, TX in a few weeks.
Plus a meetup in Nashville, TN on June 12th and also scouting other potential summer trips.
I’ll be in Atlanta again in August too…
* the coupon code for KetoCon is ketocon2018 if you’re interested in attending in person or from home
I just got the May Keto Krate the other day, and can’t wait to open it up and see what we got this month. They’re already sold out (again!), but I’ll share what came in the box – as well as the April & May Keto Delivered boxes – because it’s always fun to browse & discuss the new low carb products!:)
Below are the meals I’ve been eating for the last five days. In my last food diary post I shared 34 low carb meals & food ideas with you…
And of course Aaron and I ate the Low Carb Chocolate Cake since then too. 🙂
Low Carb Meals: 5-Day Low Carb Food Diary
I had a nice dinner date Sunday night on the patio at Gondola, following an evening in the sunshine by the river.
I ordered the 12oz Delmonico ribeye with roasted broccoli & cauliflower:
I ate half of it at dinner, and finished the other half later that night at home.
Monday’s Low Carb Meals
On Monday Aaron brought me a big breakfast from McDonald’s – my usual order of “3 sausage patties and 3 round fried eggs please.” 🙂
I made two meals out of that, then enjoyed a quick trip to Rock Island for some sunshine and fresh air in the late afternoon.
Slim and I both enjoyed stretching our legs a bit!
I work late on Monday evenings, so dinner was take-out delivery from a local bistro: a half pound hamburger steak with roasted veggies.
Tuesday’s Low Carb Meals
Breakfast on Tuesday morning was cheesy eggs: 3 eggs scrambled in real butter with colby jack cheese. And I discovered there were NO forks clean – so I ate them with a spoon. 😛
Lunch was a second breakfast. 🙂
I had my favorite low carb meal of 1/2 cup of pecans, 1/4 cup Daisy brand cottage cheese and 4 small strawberries:
For dinner I had a low carb style Frisco Burger from Hardee’s.
They’ll make anything on the menu low carb for you. They have a “make low carb” button on the register and will lettuce-wrap any sandwich!
Wednesday’s Low Carb Meals
I haven’t mentioned this anywhere else on the web, not even Facebook or Instagram yet, but…
I recently got my hands on TWO boxes of the original Keto Brownie bars.
They are no longer making these bars, which makes me crazy sad – and I’m crossing my fingers they bring them back, because they’re one of my favorites!!
They have new products out now at Keto Brownie that I am about to try – so stay tuned for my review. 😉
I had two of those bars on Wednesday.
I also had my favorite “low carb cereal” made with 1/2 cup (60 grams) of pecans, 1/4 cup (half a serving) of Daisy brand cottage cheese, 4 strawberries and 18 grams of blueberries.
For lunch I had a simple tuna salad with mayo, mustard and dill relish – and added some shredded cheddar to it too.
I intended to make bacon & eggs for dinner, but I got lazy and just ate the bacon. 🙂
Thursday’s Low Carb Meals
I had another Keto Brownie bar for breakfast with a bottle of water.
I’m seriously going to have to ration what I have left of these! 😛
For lunch I had cheesy eggs…
And for dinner – crispy bacon dipped in ranch dressing! 🙂
Friday’s Low Carb Meals
I didn’t eat much on Friday (yesterday)…
I did have another beautiful Keto Brownie bar while I was doing my morning work.:) I’m going to do my best at talking them into bringing this one back!!
The only other meal I had was 3 fried eggs with two pieces of Smithfield brand zero carb (keto friendly) sausage. You can find it in the frozen foods section at some stores. I believe Publix carries it.
Nick sent me two full boxes of his original Keto Brownie bars recently, and I did NOT realize he stopped making them – OR that they were the LAST two boxes of these bars they even had left!
I’m anxious to try the new Keto Brownie products (low carb brownies & blondies) and I just got those in today… so I’ll keep you posted.
Aaron I both LOVE these original bars. They’re (correction: they WERE) 4 net carbs and have NO sugar alcohol – with a nice rich cocoa flavor and awesome texture with crunch & chunks. *sigh*
Hopefully we can vote the original KB bars back in. 😉
We’re almost half a million strong here now, so surely we can be convincing!
Today I had more of the same – sausage & cheesy eggs and my favorite cereal combo. Not to bore you, I just go with what’s easy and whatever I have on hand. I’m all for keeping it fast & simple!
My macros have been on point all week:
under 20 net carbs, over 70% fat.
You’ll be happy to know that I did go to the grocery store today though, and I got shrimp & chicken – plus some veggies. So expect a little more variety in my next update. 🙂
How are things going with you this week?
Leave a comment and let’s chat!:)
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
Our Links & Coupon Codes for Discounts:
* 25% off 12-Week Low Carb Meal Plans
* Keto Krate FIVE2018
* ChocZero TravelingLowCarb
* Ketologie TravelingLC


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