I don’t know why I just realized that my pant size matches my shoe size, but it struck me as funny today. 🙂
I’ve been in a size 8 jeans for awhile now. I dipped down into sizes 6 and 4 last winter. Not intentionally mind you. At 44 years old I don’t care to be stick skinny!
It’s less about your weight on the scales and the size of your jeans though, but those are the things we usually go by. Right? 😉
Right now I’m tracking my overall body composition more closely, with the goal of burning off some more body fat and building some shapely lean muscle.
There’s a current photo of me below, that I took on Thursday after lunch. In my size 8 jeans. 🙂
Here’s what I’ve been eating this week…
Wednesday’s Low Carb Meals
For breakfast I had my favorite “low carb cereal” which is just a healthy combination of foods: pecans, cottage cheese, strawberries & blueberries.
I had a full workday and busy afternoon, so for lunch I grabbed a Know Foods Cinnamon Cookie. They make such a great meal replacement when you need to grab something quick & easy, because they’re HUGE. 🙂
For dinner I browsed through the freezer and found a bag of broccoli and a bag of cauliflower. I dumped them both out on a baking sheet, tossed them in olive oil & garlic powder, and put them in the oven at 400 degrees.
That makes for quick & easy roasted veggies! 🙂
I fried up some “Italian Herb” smoked sausage to go with it, and that made a delicious low carb dinner:
Wednesday’s MyFitnessPal Diary & Macros
22 net carbs, 1583 calories, 82% fat
Thursday’s Low Carb Meals
Thursday was Thanksgiving Day, so I woke up and enjoyed some quiet time – and had a big plate of cheesy eggs for breakfast. 🙂
I drove up to see my son (a little over 2 hours north), and took him & his lady out to lunch at Ruby Tuesday – which was open, and empty!
I ordered the grilled salmon from the “Fit & Trim” menu, with grilled zucchini and steamed green beans. I also asked for a side of their delicious Parmesan Cream Sauce to dip in. Fabulous meal!!
After lunch I took the kids back so they could finish preparing for their big dinner plans with friends that night… and I stopped by a park I went to as a child, to take a quick afternoon walk. 🙂
By the time I drove home (another 2+ hours), I was wiped out for the day and just decided to skip dinner. Not for any other reason except I was too tired to fuss with it. 😉
Thursday’s MyFitnessPal Diary & Macros
12 net carbs, 1427 calories, 70% fat
Friday’s Low Carb Meals
I woke up famished Friday morning of course, but had to work that morning, so I decided to check out some new bars. D’s Naturals (@nocow) sent me two of their bars to review – that haven’t even hit the shelves yet.
That was a nice note. The husband part made me giggle. 🙂
They sent me a whole gift box actually which was super nice – after reading my “not so nice” feedback about their bars on Facebook and Instagram.:)
Aaron LOVES them. They’re non-dairy and vegan with great ingredients. I thought they were chalky and dry and just not very good.
I tried both flavors of their newest nocow bars. The Peanut Butter Crunch bar was pretty good, and less chalky than their other bars I’ve tried. The Carrot Cake bar tasted funny, definitely not something I would eat again.
This is the Peanut Butter Crunch bar:
It was okay, but still not the best bar I’ve ever had – and I wouldn’t buy them to eat on purpose. Between Aaron and “D” (D Katz, of D’s Naturals) it’s been nice to test out a few different flavors!
For lunch I made 4 slices of bacon in the oven at 400 degrees (so easy!) and heated some of my leftover roasted veggies. Just for something quick & easy:
And for dinner I made low carb blueberry pancakes. 🙂
I used the last of Good Dee’s new Low Carb Pancake Mix and added diced up frozen blueberries. They came out perfect! Again. 🙂
Her mixes are practically impossible to screw up. And SO versatile and fun to work with! 🙂
You can see some of my recent low carb creations here including a snickerdoodle pie crust I made out of her cookie mix.:)
Friday’s MyFitnessPal Diary & Macros
20 net carbs, 1840 calories, 78% fat
Slim and I have been getting out for walks this week, with the weather being a little warmer here in Tennessee. He’s loving it! And we’re both enjoying the exercise. 🙂
If you’re in the U.S. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I really enjoyed lunch with my son and his girlfriend! It was great company full of good conversation, and always nice to see my son of course.;)
Both of my children are grown and out of the house now, and doing fabulous. I’m SO proud of them!! I do miss them living at home (terribly) but am also enjoying this second half of my life – and the new phase of being able to focus on myself.
I would give anything to go back in time and have done that sooner, and to set a better example of “healthy living” for them while they were still at home. But fortunately they picked that up on their own, and they’re off to a good healthy start as young adults!
Anyway, it’s gorgeous out again today (in the mid 60’s here!) so I’m off to get Slim out in the sunshine and take a walk down by the river – so we can get our steps in, and maybe even dip our paws in the water. 🙂
How are things going with you?
Leave a comment & let’s chat.;)
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


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