The August Keto Krate is now sold out. Sign up now to secure a September Keto Krate, shipping out September 7th.
They always sell out fast! 😉
Also, KetoBrownie is now offering single sample orders for a limited time. That means you can order ONE Keto Brownie bar, instead of whole box – if you just want to try them out. 🙂 Enjoy!
*Update: those single bars sold out FAST but stay tuned to see if he offers that again. Apparently people *loved* that option.;)
Below are ALL of my low carb meals for four full days, including my MyFitnessPal diaries so you can see how I logged those foods.
This is for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday of this week. You can see Monday’s Meals here, and the previous 5 days in this Low Carb Food Diary post.
Let me just say upfront…
I haven’t had much of an appetite this week.
You’ll recall I was feeling down on Monday’s Hike, and just finished my hiking snacks when I got in and went to bed at 7pm (lol). Then on Tuesday I slept something like 11 hours on and off. I felt exhausted that day – all day. 😛
As for the rest of the week, I really can’t say. Nothing appealed, but I did my best to get in enough calories and to make good food choices.
I think between having a lot on my mind, and some work stress to deal with this week on top of that, I just lost my appetite.
I’ve decided on a solution for that though, which I’ll share with you in a minute. 😉
My Low Carb Meals on Tuesday
After falling asleep at 7pm the night before, I was up by 1am. I had ZERO appetite though, and went back to bed around 5am. I ended up sleeping a little over 11 hours total that day, on and off.
Around 10am I knew I needed to eat something, especially after skipping dinner the night before. So I grabbed two Keto Brownie Nutrition Bars for breakfast:
Those bars are delicious, so I *knew* I would eat that!
For lunch/dinner I made a HUGE plate of 4 eggs and 4 slices of bacon, with the eggs scrambled in real butter with just over 2 ounces of cheese cubed off the block.
That actually made two meals for me 😉 and I had another Keto Brownie bar later that night. I also had 4 coffees, and drank 72 ounces of water…
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Tuesday:
My Low Carb Meals on Wednesday
I had zero interest in breakfast and a few errands to run, so I grabbed some raw pecan halves and mozzarella string cheese (and a bottle of water, of course!) to take with me on the go.
I snacked on that ^ closer to lunchtime, then decided to try to get in a GOOD meal – so I took myself out for a late lunch. 🙂
It was a gorgeous day here in Tennessee, so I picked one of my favorite restaurants that has great patio seating.
I started off with a crisp, fresh side salad:
I ordered a big juicy Delmonico Ribeye steak smothered in fresh mushrooms, with roasted vegetables as my side. That includes carrots, which I always bring home for my great dane. 🙂 He loves carrots!
It was fabulous, and cooked perfect, but I really only picked at it. 🙄
I did finish it later that evening though, along with the rest of the salad. 🙂
I also had 5 coffees, and drank 56 ounces of water…
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Wednesday:
My Low Carb Meals on Thursday
Breakfast… ugh. Here we go again. 😐
lol – food just felt like a hassle at this point.
Fortunately I had that box of Keto Brownie Bars so I grabbed two of those with a serving of raw pecans – something I could (and would!) eat at my desk while I got some work done. 😉
Those are so incredibly good! Although not everyone agreed. But they were definitely my save this week – and such a wholesome bar to enjoy when you don’t feel like fussing with food!
For lunch I threw together a snack plate of nuts, meat & cheese: a pork stick I got from a recent Keto Krate Box and some colby jack cheese slices & raw pecans:
Dinner… was date night! 🙂
I met Aaron at O’Charley’s because we both LOVE the Cedar Plank Salmon there. It’s flown in fresh (never frozen!) and the ONLY place I know of in Tennessee to get FRESH salmon.
I ordered my salmon blackened, with steamed broccoli and asparagus – knowing this is a meal I will most definitely EAT. 😉
I didn’t touch it. Not one bite. 😛
I got caught up in conversation (with zero appetite, even though it looked amazing!) and put the entire meal in a to-go box to bring home:
So much for good intentions. 🙄
I had 4 coffees, and drank 56 ounces of water too…
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Thursday:
My Low Carb Meals on Friday
I got up and made my favorite “low carb cereal” with 1/2 cup pecan pieces, 1/4 cup Daisy brand cottage cheese and 4 small strawberries:
That’s my favorite meal, always delicious, and it has perfect LCHF macros. 🙂
For lunch I had my leftovers from O’Charley’s the night before, which WAS delicious – and just as good the next day!
I only made it through about half that plate though, and put the rest back in the refrigerator. I’ll finish that sometime today I’m sure. 😉
And yes, I went to bed hungry – but too tired to care…
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Friday:
Working Out Solutions…
For the most part, I got in enough calories this week. Especially considering I’ve been fairly sedentary since my big hike on Monday. Yesterday being the exception, because under 1,000 calories is not acceptable.
I’m less concerned about calories of course, and more with my lack of appetite in general. I realize that intermittent fasting is popular in the low carb communities, but that is only EVER okay if you do it mindfully and intentionally.
I’ve had some heavy things on my mind this week (VERY heavy) and my response has been to NOT eat, where I used to binge eat when I was stressed or emotional.
While I’m not skipping meals on purpose (as a form of self punishment, like bingeing), it still concerns me.
In case you’re curious:
No, I’m NOT losing weight.
My body seems to be in a bit of a “hold” fluctuating up and down a pound or two, stressed no doubt between my lack of eating and sporadic exercise.
Going from a 2,000+ calorie burn to an 11-hour sleep and skipping meals has my body all confused 😛 lol.
I’m a big believer in listening to your body: eat when you’re hungry, sleep when you’re tired. So I’ve been following that this week, while trying to get in enough calories to keep going – and going out for fatty meats and green vegetables.
It crossed my mind that I might have Keto Flu this week, meaning something I ate last week knocked me out of ketosis (the bar, the cookie, maybe?). I have had leg cramps, and the keto flu does make me feel emotional (like PMS on steroids! lol).
With that in mind, as a possibility at least, I decided to just ride this out. But I’m not one to let things “ride” too long 😉 so I’m getting proactive about it – starting today!
I decided I should start walking again, every single day.
There’s no reason I can’t get in at least a mile, especially with the weather cooling down. And my great dane LOVES to get out and walk around town with me!
This photo from last Fall reminded me how much we LOVE our walks!
Walking again should stimulate my appetite, plus it always helps me work out stress and work through things on my mind. There’s nothing better than a fast-paced walk in the sunshine to clear my head!
The second thing is to DEAL WITH the things that are stressing me with work.
This seems so obvious, right? Yet all too often we just LET stress eat at us (heh, I love a good pun!) instead of addressing the problem.
Right, simple: address the problem!
Feeling down on yourself because you’re not exercising like you want to be? (me!) Solution: get off your ass and work out then!
Feeling stressed with a work project that you can’t seem to finish? (me!) Get it DONE already! Knock it out, get it off your plate, get on with it.
Whatever the problem, because life is FULL of them, it seems it’s human nature to get sucked into the problem and let it affect you far more than it should. When the solution is to simply DO this or STOP doing that.
I could literally (and did this week!) curl up on the couch and watch two full episodes of some show I don’t even follow, because I’m feeling down or stressed about not exercising or that work project – when in that same amount of time I could have outlined a solution AND walked a good mile or two!
I’m usually all about intentional living. Meaning: make deliberate and intentional choices based on the outcome you desire. Period – plain and simple.
Sometimes you just get sucked into stress or emotions or the flow of life in general.
When that happens, STOP and take note of your thoughts & feelings. Are they in line with who you want to be and what YOU want to be doing?
If not, do something about it. Take action, change course, fix problems, whatever it takes to break out of the hamster wheel!
On that note… I’m off for a walk. 🙂
And no, I do NOT feel like getting up or getting out or walking even one measly mile. I’m just going to MAKE myself do it, knowing I’ll feel GREAT afterward – or at least better than I do now.;)
How are things going with you?
I would LOVE to hear how things are going on your end. What are you struggling with, how is your weight loss going – any questions?
Leave a comment & let’s chat.;)
Apologies for the long ramble, but hopefully my working this out “out loud” proves useful to you if you’re in a funk too, or the next time you are.
It’s okay to have downtime, or even to be down sometimes.
It’s just not okay to stay there.
Especially when you realize it’s starting to spiral and make you feel worse, or MORE down. Stop that right in it’s tracks, and redirect.
Put yourself back in the driver’s seat and get back to your happy, spunky self!
Tip For Today: ♥ Love Yourself – Take Care of YOU ♥
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. Knowing I was falling into this “funk” I ordered myself the Jump-Start Your Goals in 90 Days! Motivation & Success Planner. So after my walk this morning… I’m going to sit down and brainstorm goals & solutions. 🙂
I *LOVE* the InnerGuide planners, plus this one is perfect for the upcoming 90 Day Low Carb Challenge that starts on September 1st!


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