I got my last two Keto Krates with 13 new keto-friendly foods to try. It’s always so much fun to see what low carb products will be in the box! 🙂
It’s like getting a big birthday “surprise box” every single month, lol. I love it!
I love that they send low carb products I may not have tried or even heard of otherwise, and that they’re hand-picked for quality and carb count.
I have found SO many great products this way, and it really helps me mix things up in the kitchen. 😉
You can see what was in the July and August, and September and October and November low carb boxes. I just realized I forgot to share December’s box with you last month. Oops! 😳 I got the January Keto Krate last week too, so I’ll share all 13 products I got in both boxes, so you can see what was in them.
In those 5 posts I gave you detailed price comparisons of each product in the box, and also gave you links where you can find the products individually. I’ll do the same for these boxes, because it’s FUN to discover fresh new low carb options to try.
If you got the January Keto Krate too, I look forward to hearing your thoughts…
If you haven’t signed up yet, you should give it a try. Just click here and look for “the secret” at the top of the page. I believe you can get a discount when you sign up that way.;) You can cancel anytime, so there’s no risk – and it’s tons of fun!
13 New Low Carb Products: December & January Keto Krate Boxes:
Each Keto Krate box comes with 6-9 full-sized low carb products. My last three boxes had 7 cool new foods in them. These two boxes had 13 brand new products to try!
I’m working with Keto Krate to help spread the word out about this awesome service, because I LOVE it. I can tell you firsthand they are super cool guys! Probably because they’re Canadian. 😉 Speaking of, they’re working on ways to be able to ship to Canada affordably. In exchange I get to try the products plus I earn a small one-time referral fee when you sign up. And I don’t get to dive into my box the minute it arrives and devour the chocolate, because I have to take photos & do product research to put together all these fun details for you!
The 13 Low Carb Products in the last two Keto Krate boxes
I included the prices for each individual product as listed on Netrition (my favorite low carb store online!), Amazon, or their own website…
Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Chipotle Lime Mayo ($9.95)
This “mayo with a kick” is dairy free, gluten free, soy free, canola free, sugar free, uses cage-free eggs, and is Paleo approved. It’s cheapest on Netrition at only $8.99 for a full-sized 12 ounce jar. I cannot wait to try this one! It will be great in an avocado chicken salad… or with grilled salmon. 😉
Amazon also carries a variety pack of their great products:
I have the Greek Dressing and now this spicy mayo, so if I love them both I’ll end up ordering that variety pack for sure. They make GREAT products!
Good Dee’s Low Carb Snickerdoodle Cookie Mix ($11.99)
I’m already a HUGE fan of Dee’s low carb brownie mix, and I’ve tried her chocolate chip cookie mix too, so I cannot wait to try this new Snickerdoodle cookie mix! 🙂
I have a special 10% link for her products. You can also get this mix on Amazon with free shipping.
Wild Alaskan King Salmon Jerky ($7.99)
I’m not a big fan of jerky, but I *do* love salmon so this actually sounds GOOD! They have a lot of cool products listed on Amazon here but they don’t carry the jerky there – or on Netrition. But if you order from their website, they are on Ebates so you can get 4% cashback on your order.;)
I’ll pack this on my next hike. 🙂 They have A LOT of products on their site I’d love to check out, so I love that they’re on Ebates!
Foods Alive Mexican Harvest Flax Crackers ($7.49)
I loved (LOVED!) the Foods Alive Onion Ring Clusters I got in another Keto Krate, so this reminded me I need to order more. 🙂 I haven’t tried their Flax Crackers yet, but I do love the Savory Flackers I got on Netrition, so I’m sure these are just as good. You can get the Onion Garlic on cheapest on Vitacost.
The Vitacost store is also on Ebates, so you’ll get cashback ordering there too! Plus they have all kinds of deals, discounts & free shipping.
Keto and Co Brownie Mix ($11.49)
Confession: This mix concerns me… lol. I’ve tried several low carb brownie mixes I did NOT like, so I’ll have to read reviews on this one before I whip it up.
So far the only one I’ve EVER liked is Good Dee’s brownie mix, using MY recipe. (I discovered that awesome mix in Keto Krate too!)
Coco Polo 39% Cocoa Milk Chocolate Bar ($5.99)
A low carb chocolate bar with GREAT reviews made with stevia and cocoa beans. “Their goal was to create the best tasting stevia sweetened chocolate on the market.” I cannot wait to try this bar! 🙂
You can find a variety of flavors on Netrition: Whole Almonds, Hazelnut, Milk Chocolate and Cherries. They come out to $4.17 each (instead of $5.99).
You can buy them individually on Vitacost for 4.99 each. You can also get them on Amazon for about $5/each (in a pack of 5).
You can buy them on CocoPolo.com by the case, but you get more bars for the same price at Netrition (12 bars instead of 8) so Netrition is a much better deal!
Chorizo Droëwors Dried Beef Sausage ($7.00)
I can only find the spicy version on their website, and they don’t carry this product on Netrition or Vitacost. You can find this version on Amazon though, with free shipping – along with other flavors.
Pork Clouds Malabar Black Pepper ($4.00)
I wasn’t too excited about these (basically pork rinds) UNTIL I found the recipe in my Keto Krate for Chorizo & Cheddar Cheese Snack Balls (using the other product above). YUM! They look AMAZING. So that’s what I’m going to do with these two products. 😉
They are only $2.49 on Netrition and you can buy individual bags in 3 different flavors. They have a variety of flavors on their website, but you can only buy them in bulk variety packs. You can also get them on Amazon but they are MUCH smaller bags for a MUCH higher price, so Netrition is the best deal.
Spicy Pepitas & Jack Cheese Snack Pack ($2.50)
I love these little snack packs by LC Foods! Great for having with you on the go for road trips, for a snack at work, and a perfect snack for my day hikes! These are $2.00/ea on the website, they are only $1.84/ea on Amazon (in a pack of 6), and Netrition carries a flavor I REALLY want to try: Low Carb Raspberry, Coconut & Pumpkin Seed Snack Packs (only $1.49 🙂 !!).
“Innocent Chocolate” Chocolate Bar ($4.99)
These are not available on Vitacost, Netrition or Amazon. You can get them on InnocentChocolate.com only right now, and a box of 12 bars is $59.95 😯
Keto Carne All Natural Beef Jerky ($7.00)
You can get it in a 2-pack for $13.99 on the website. It’s not available on Vitacost or Netrition or Amazon (yet). It has GREAT reviews on their website though.
XyloBurst Grape Sugar-Free Fruit Sours ($3.59)
I like the little tin these come in. 🙂 “XyloBurst mints are sugar-free and sweetened exclusively with 100% all-natural xylitol.” They are $3.59 on the website (plus $5.99 shipping). You can get them on Amazon for $3.32. I can’t wait to try these!
ChocoRite Sugar Free Milk Chocolate Pecan Clusters ($1.59)
I love the ChocoRite sugar free chocolate bars and their other low carb candies!! These are only $1.06/each on Netrition ($16.99 for a box of 16). They cost more on Amazon, and they’re $3 more on the ChocoRite website too.
The first thing I want to try is the “Chorizo & Cheddar Snack Balls” dipped in the Chipolte Lime Mayo. I think… there are so many good things in these two boxes! 🙂
Price Breakdown & Comparison
You can get some of the items on Netrition where I indicated above, and they have a low flat-rate shipping of $5.95 no matter how much you order, but other items you’d have to order on Amazon or on their website.
Of course, you have to order most of the items in bulk or by the box instead of individually. Using the cheapest options, it would cost you A LOT to buy all these products online individually…
That makes the Keto Krate a GREAT value at only $34.95! You can cancel anytime, or even order individual past Keto Boxes on their website too. They also include coupons & discount codes in every box, increasing the value even more.
It’s AWESOME to sample individual products at such a great price!
Cool Keto Krate facts:
- Always Low Carb: All snacks in Keto Krate have less than 5g of carbs per serving. Often much less.
- Natural Is Better: “Nuts, dried meats, dried cheeses and more. If it’s natural and low carb it’s at the top of our Keto snack list.”
- No Contract / Money-Back Guarantee: You can cancel at anytime, there’s no long term contract. And your satisfaction is guaranteed!
You get something different in your Keto Krate every single month, so it’s a great way to discover interesting new low carb products you may fall in love with!
Plus… who doesn’t LOVE to get a big fun package in the mail?? 🙂
What better way to reward yourself, and keep low carb’ing FUN?!
I’ll be using ALL of the products that came in my Keto Krate box so stay tuned to see what I think of them, how I use them, and what becomes a favorite…
Are you already a fan? If so, what did you try out of this box so far?
You should sign up for Keto Krate today if you haven’t already. You can cancel anytime, by the way – you don’t have to commit to a contract or anything.
I cannot wait to try everything in these two new boxes! 🙂
Don’t forget to sign up for Ebates if you do ANY shopping online. I get a lot of cashback that way… and it’s just FREE MONEY.;) *cheers*
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I included my referral links in this post, so thank you in advance for using them when you check things out for yourself. I think you’ll really enjoy the website. There are some fun things to discover there if you’re paying attention. 🙂


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