Join us for the Fall 2016 Low Carb Challenge!
Happy Monday! 🙂 We’re kicking off the 8th week of the challenge, and it’s time for the 7 Week Weigh-In.
If you’re participating in the Challenge Facebook Group, use that link to post your weigh-in. Otherwise you can leave a comment here on this post.
We talked about doing a FUN group Exercise Mini Challenge to GET MOVING, so stay tuned for the details. We’ll kick that off this week! 🙂
I weighed in at 139.2 pounds this morning. I was 139.8 last Monday, and 139.4 all week long. I’m pleased with a little over half a pound lost this week!
I’m more interested in toning and gaining muscle at this point (and at this weight) anyway – which is why the Exercise Challenge will be ideal!
There’s a lot of talk about slow weight loss in our groups. I decided to look back over the past year this morning to get a bigger picture, given I’m a slow loser.
One year ago today I weighed 156 pounds…
I am 16.8 pounds lighter now (at 139.2 pounds). I got up to 160 pounds in November, down to 149.8 at the end of January, I bounced around in the 150’s for 2 months, then got and stayed in the 140’s starting at the end of April.
April is when I got really serious and super consistent – and it has taken me these last FiVE FULL months to lose about 10 pounds. Talk about slow! (lol) I’ve also gained muscle during that same time though too, of course.
Am I happy with that? Yes!
Could I have done it faster? YES!
I’m pleased with where I am NOW though…
I’m two full sizes smaller than I was this week last year, and in MUCH better shape than I was then. That’s not all though… I also FINALLY overcame my emotional eating and binge-eating issues, which is the REAL win (for me).
It helps to look at the bigger picture, and the journey as a whole.
I started 5 1/2 years ago and went through A LOT of struggles along the way, including: hormone therapy, unexpected surgery, several losses and tough periods of grief, etc. I’ve lost 60 pounds total.
But in all that time and in all those pounds lost, the last year and the last 16 pounds have been the most rewarding and the biggest success in terms of REALLY changing my lifestyle.
I’m healthier, happier and stronger than I’ve ever been! 🙂
Remember that it’s okay if you’re not losing weight as fast as you would like, because you aren’t just losing weight.
You’re changing your entire lifestyle and becoming a whole new version of yourself: the happiest, healthiest version of YOU!
It’s a process, and the process itself will change you in so many ways… that cannot be measured in pounds alone.
Our bodies seem to have a mind of their own sometimes, and we all have our own weight loss trends & patterns to figure out.
On that note, read this: Mysterious Weight Gain & Stalls if you aren’t sure why your weight loss seems to be at a hold, or you’re not losing weight as fast as you feel you should be. There’s a lot of helpful information in that post! 🙂
How are things going for you?
It’s day 50 and we’re kicking off the 8th week of the challenge. How are you doing with your low carb meals & macro tracking? Any questions or struggles?
I would love to hear your results so far…
Don’t forget to weigh-in, here or in the Challenge Group.
If you’re losing slow, at a stall, or frustrated in any way with your weight loss… read this first – then leave a comment below and let me know how I can help. 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I made low carb Honey Almond Biscuits yesterday that were really good, and super low in carbs. I’ll share the recipe with you in the next post, so stay tuned! 🙂


2 lbs down this week for a total of 12 in the last 7 weeks! I am close to my goal (I’ve lost over 100 lbs since 2011) so slow and steady wins the race! π But my body feels great and clothes fit so much better and even loose! The only problem I’m having is horrible headaches…not sure if this is keto related or not. Maybe I’m lacking something? I look forward to your post every day! You’ve helped me so much! I’m very thankful for that and I hope you have a great week!!! π
Wow Casey – 12 pounds in 7 weeks is great. π Way to go! And congrats on losing over 100 pounds. That’s nothing short of amazing! I’d be curious to know how you feel it’s changed your life… besides just being a different size?
I only get headaches if I’m going in and out of ketosis. The keto flu is different for everyone – I get screaming headaches, extreme irritability & insomnia. Some people only experience a bad or metallic taste in their mouth.
I would make sure you’re eating 20 net carbs max, 70% fat minimum consistently and not eating anything that might throw you out of ketosis (maybe bars, shakes, Arctic Zero low carb ice cream throws me out too), etc.
The only other thing is: are you eating enough? I get headaches when I don’t eat enough… Other than that, I’d say it’s FALL. Whatever it is that blooms or grows or whatever this time of year in Tennessee messes with my allergies. That plus the change of season – the rise and drop in barometric pressure from the fronts moving in and out give me dull pounding headaches.
I “only” get headaches – meaning related to eating low carb.
I also get stress headaches sometimes, in addition to the seasonal stuff. π
I ultimately made the change to be healthy for my kids. I wasn’t able to play in the floor or on the playgrounds. Swinging was outta the question. No energy and limited mobility. The first time I was able to swing with my girls was such an incredible feeling. I love being able to be an example for them. Choosing healthier options and exercising in front of them so they see it and hopefully pick up the same good habits. I feel like I’ve reduced my risks of so many weight related diseases that run in my family. Being healthy and happy for my 3 kids is my biggest accomplishment through the weight loss. I’m happy to be a smaller size and feel good about myself but to be an example for them is amazing! Thanks for asking and letting me share! π
And thanks for the headache advice. All my macros have been perfect. I’ve even increased my fat to closer to 80%. So I don’t think I’d be going in and out of ketosis. Very possible it’s the fall weather coming in and that stress thingy that I’m sure no one deals with π
That’s powerful, Casey. π π
Watch the barometric pressure, and track that alongside your headaches, and just see if it seems to be the culprit. The season change wreaks havoc on me, but it took me awhile to put that together.
I so needed this message today, Lynn, as, once again, I’ve gained weight. It’s only 1.8 pounds which I can inhale, but it still bugs me. I feel it’s due to two things: (1) I had a small cheat yesterday, but a cheat nonetheless. I rarely cheat. What the hell is wrong with my head? (2) No exercise for a week. I got lazy. Our car died and I had no way to get to the gym. Yes, I could’ve done some at home but I didn’t fell good so let it snowball. We finally got another car so as of tomorrow, I will be back at the gym. So I have a plan.
What you said about looking at the big picture is right on target for me. It’s taken me 14 years to ditch almost 100 pounds, but I am almost 100 pounds lighter. I keep looking at that and try not to focus on a gain of 1.8 pounds. My problem. . . . and one I daresay for many others. . . is we are trained to go by the numbers on that effing scale and ONLY by that to judge success. It’s so much more. I had two Non-Scale Victories this weekend. I went to a reunion of some old friends and one of the gals gave me a big hug and called me SKINNY. ME??? I just giggled. And then I found a pair of pants I had bought last year, decent dress pants. They barely fit me when I bought them. I should have taken them back. Now I can wear them; in fact, they are quite loose. So there is mucho progress despite what that @($(@$^*$(^*(@^$*$@ scale says!!! I’m just tired of gaining and losing the same 5 pounds over and over, regardless of what the number is.
Will I ever get this scale “thing” out of my head? Film at 11. . . .
I get it, Carla. I’ve lost HUNDREDS of pounds over the years – if I could count the same pounds I’ve lost multiple times – lol. π
It would be great if we could just have a mental reset to TODAY. Today I have lost __ pounds, and I weigh __ and I am healthier now and happier with myself than I have been in a long time.
Hmm. Maybe we should all tape that to our mirror and read it first thing every morning. π I may just do that!
You’ve lost almost 100 pounds (KUDOS!) – so don’t let less than 2 pounds make or break you at this point. π
What I have to fight is the old dieter’s maxim of. . . . “If I’m gonna gain weight, there’s gonna be a damn good reason for it!!!” and use that to go batshit crazy with eating. I can’t do that for health reasons as I’ll start puking, but. . . . ask me how I know. SIGH So today I will stay on track with what makes me healthy.
Yup, or “if it’s not working, I might as well eat what I want.” Which is a great way to get the scales to move… the wrong way. π haha
The mental part of this is so much harder than losing weight. Losing weight is the EASY part. It took me years to figure that one out, lol.
I feel like once you accept your mission of changing your life with LCHF and commit yourself to the plan you will have good days – successes and you will have days of frustration- where you are tempted to throw in the towel. BUT – don’t, find a friend to talk to – remind yourself you are making smart choices and the reward is far greater than a piece of cake – your health and over all shape and tone is so much more valuable!
I’ve been in a stall pattern of late – I’m following my macros to a T – exercising & being lazer focused – and then step on the scale to see no loss – which lets all be honest it is the goal for a lot of us. Then inevitably you’ll hear muscle weighs more than fat – and aren’t your clothes fitting better- all of that may be true – but when it comes right down to it – a lot of us want to see the #s move downward- so it is a challenge that all of us who embark on this lifestyle have struggled with. Keep on keeping on – put the hard work in and the results WILL come!
I always love that saying, lol: Muscle weighs more than fat. A pound is a pound is a pound. π Muscle IS leaner than fat though, so you WILL lose inches sometimes instead of pounds.
That’s why it’s so important to do body measurements too, or get a full body composition scale. This is the one I use: It gives you a much more accurate picture of your progress.
You can read the reviews on Amazon here:
I agree though, the scales are a big part of this. When you step on the scales you see a number. When you look in the mirror you still see yourself. For me, I still see myself the same way. Seeing side by side photos SHOCKS me, because I do NOT see that in the mirror…
That’s why it helps so much to look at the big picture, and get it in your mind that you’re changing your whole lifestyle – you’re eating and being healthy. That’s what I have to say to myself on weeks where the scale doesn’t move (or fluctuates all over the place). It’s not about this week. It’s not about this month. It’s about being healthier and happier.
And I am. π
186.4. OMG. I’m 52 and 4’11”. I’ve been struggling for a life time. I’ve been following your blog for about a year now I even signed up for the last challenge but failed. Got scared I guess. I’m going to start again today. I appreciate your support!
Hi Karin π I struggled so long that struggling became my norm. Not just my norm, but also how I defined myself. And not just with my weight and health, but with life in general. For awhile there I even called myself “The Queen of Adversity” (lol) and just settled in to claiming that title. π
Getting on this path to losing weight – and in the beginning that’s ALL it was about for me – totally changed my life in SO many ways.
I’m the one in control now (not life).
I never fail anymore, I have temporary setbacks or “learning periods” where I gain insight and realize what I need to change – and then change it.
I have no fear. That’s a new one for me. I was a shy introverted CAUTIOUS girl in my 20’s and 30’s. All my life I guess. The sense of accomplishment fueled me out of that – and I’m embracing life and adventure in crazy fun new ways I never EVER would have imagined myself doing! π
I’m aging backwards. I don’t know what’s up with that. I’ve heard many people say a keto diet makes them look younger. All I know is I FEEL younger than ever. I’m more attractive, more fun, and younger in my 40’s than I have ever been.
I share all that just to say… this is so worth it. π I’m really glad you’re starting back today, because it’s one step forward into a whole new life that you’ll LOVE! π *cheers*
Good morning! I’m not sure how this works but I need some insight. I’m on day 3 and doing well with the food part. No cravings but I’m so crabby! I recall you talking about mood swings…I’m not really swinging I’m just crabby. Angry at nothing. I drop things. The light bulbs burn out…hubby drank all the coffee (he never drinks all the coffee). Is this normal and how long is it going to last? I’m taking my granddaughter to Disneyland this weekend so I need to be happy!!
Hi Karin π
That’s a good sign, because it means it’s working! It’s called keto flu and you can read more about it here:
One of my worst symptoms is extreme irritability. That and insomnia, headaches and leg cramps. It only lasts me 1-2 days though. π
Drink chicken broth. It replaces the sodium & electrolytes lost during the diuretic process of your body going into ketosis (fat burning mode).
I’m still hanging on! Allowed myself to get a little off track this past weekend and had around 30 net carbs a few days over the past week and I’m seeing it on the scales! Up 1 lb from last weeks weigh in, but it’s ok! It’s reality and I know that I have to stay focused! I’ve also been more active and that can only help in the long run, right? I’m going to focus on my carbs this week and see where I am next week! We’ve got this!!!
It sounds like you’re doing great, Jennifer. π 30 net carbs is still REALLY low, and a pound is only a pound. And yes – being more active is GREAT for you!! π *cheers*
Most of all… you sound happy, and motivated, which are both worth far more than a pound. π
Was reading one of your articles where you chose baked chicken over the shredded chicken in your taco salad, was just curious as to why and what’s the pro’s and con’s of the shredded chicken as it is one of my favs!!! And is the salsa a no no?
Also, curious as to the numbers I should be going by on my fitness pal when trying to lose on the low card. ie, amount of cals, carbs, sugars etc I should NOT be going over.
Thank you so much for all your help. Love reading everything you post. I’m a newby and this is all so helpful! Thank you!! π
Thank you, Lisa!
Mostly I ordered my meal that way because I was trying to keep it simple – all whole foods and easy to track. The shredded chicken is fine but it has sauce or seasoning and peppers & onions, so I didn’t feel like messing with how to track it, lol. Plus I just LOVE their plain grilled chicken chunks.
You want to keep it simple: 20 net carbs max, 70% fat minimum. This is a very simple explanation & illustration:
I am really struggling. I changed scales, threw old one away and bought new one, so I don’t have an accurate weight loss number. Since aug 29 (new scale) I’ve been fluctuating 3-5lbs, measurements are slightly increased also. I’ve read everything on weight stalls.
I did have too many adult beverages over the weekend, but not able to identify any other triggers.
My carbs are almost always below 20g, my fats are high 125-150g, protien is low (rarely hit 20%) 60-70g.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Beth! How long have you been eating 20 net carbs max consistently? I assume you count your alcohol in that. I ask because it’s not uncommon to experience a hold after the initial weight loss, while your body adjusts.
Is your fat always 70% or more? If not, that’s the easiest fix – even go up to 80% for a week.
The first things to cut are cheese, cream cheese, nuts, dairy, bars/shakes, any processed foods – lunch meat and smoked sausages.
The alcohol takes MUCH longer to metabolize than food, and metabolizes first, so it creates the “alcohol stall” effect. The scales don’t generally move for several days after an alcoholic drink.
Just curious about cholesterol levels. I’ve been with you since the mini summer challenge and am down 12 lbs. I feel wonderful and will keep going. I had my cholesterol checked and it is higher than its ever been in my life! My LDL is high too. Any suggestions?
12 lbs heavier all blood work wonderful- me miserable!
12lbs lighter blood work horrible but I feel great!
Hi Jill π
My bloodwork was perfect across the board at my last appointment. I have heard that it spikes before it levels off or something, but I can’t remember exactly how that went. I would Google it for sure. This is definitely a heart healthy diet, especially if you eat a lot of health fats with nutritional value (avocado, salmon, pecans, etc) and green veggies & berries. Anyway, before you stress Google it a bit. I know the Atkins website has some good articles on that if you use their search box and type in cholesterol. But I do remember others saying their numbers went up before they stabilized.
Could you please recommend the best alcoholic beverage to drink while on this diet? I know no alcohol is best but we have several social functions coming up and this will be a hard one.
I like rum & diet coke (zero carbs). For beer I prefer Michelob Ultra (2.6 carbs per 12oz bottle). It’s fine to enjoy a drink. π It does metabolize VERY slow, so it creates what is called “the alcohol stall.” Just don’t weigh for 3 or 4 days after drinking. π
One more question. Why did you say the first thing to nix is cheese and nuts – both are in your brilliant breakfast concoction. Not sure I can do low carb without my cheese!
Hi Emily π
That is only if you are in a very long weight loss stall, or not losing weight just eating 20 net carbs max, 70% fat minimum. When that happens the first things to cut (or test cutting one at a time) are the known potential stallers: bars, shakes, processed foods, nuts, cheese, cream cheese, dairy, etc.