There are only two full days left in the current 90 Day Low Carb Challenge.
I can hardly believe that today is Day 89 and I’ve made it this far with so much motivation and commitment.
That feels amazing!! 🙂
I weigh 143.2 pounds this morning, for a total of 11.4 pounds lost during this Spring challenge.
Averaging about a pound a week is GREAT at my weight (so close to goal). I started this challenge at 154.6 pounds. I’ve also been working out more than ever, and really toning up!
What about you – did you participate in the full challenge, and how did you do??
I ate at home yesterday and even cooked a little, so I have some EASY low carb meals to share with you today. 🙂
Here is my Low Carb Food Diary for Day 88 of the “Get Lean For Summer!” 90 Day Low Carb Challenge. Note: I haven’t set a start date for the next 90 Day Low Carb Challenge yet, but the group stays open & active year round. I’ll probably host a FUN mini-challenge in July, so join in and stay tuned…
I had a very long day yesterday, starting at 4am and running until 2am (with a 90 minute nap somewhere in the middle, lol), so if it seems like I ate more than I normally do… that’s why!
Day 88: Thursday’s Low Carb Meals
I had a very berry low carb breakfast. 🙂 It’s my usual “Low Carb Cereal” with 1/2 cup crushed pecans, 1/4 cup Daisy brand cottage cheese, 2 strawberries and 1/4 cup (35 grams) of diced blueberries. It came to 8 net carbs and 83% healthy fats.
I got hungry around mid-morning so I finished off the cucumber slices from our Lost Creek Falls Hike the day before, along with some colby jack cheese.
For lunch, I decided to cook. I got groceries earlier this week, so I had plenty to work with. I started with this Pictsweet Steam’ables Cut Leaf Spinach – which is one of my FAVORITE low carb vegetables. 🙂
I have NEVER been able to cook pork… that was edible. 😛
Earlier this week I bought this package of Kentucky Legend fully cooked center cut pork chops – with high hopes!
I had some bacon drippings saved from the bacon I cooked in the oven the other day, so I fried one of the pork chops in bacon grease to season it:
That only took about 8 minutes, then I put the steamed spinach in the same skillet and fried it in the bacon drippings as well – for what I call “Dirty Spinach.”
It turned out FABULOUS!
Yum! 🙂
For dinner I took 2 pieces of my leftover bacon and crumbled it up, along with colby jack cheese off the block, and scrambled that up with 3 eggs for a quick low carb one-skillet meal:
^ That doesn’t look very pretty lol, but it tasted good – and it was quick, easy and almost zero carbs. 🙂
Here’s My MyFitnessPal Diary for Thursday:
Tracking Macronutrients (Simple Explanation of Macros)
How To Get Net Carbs in MyFitnessPal
Calories: 2054
Net Carbs: 23
Total Carbs: 34
Protein: 123 Grams
71% Fat, 24% Protein
Exercise: Ab Carver Pro (100 Reps)
PLUS: 10 Tricep Dips
FitBit Steps: 1,737
Water: 72 ounces
I’ve been doing great with my exercise this week. I still have to FORCE the habit, but I REALLY want to get in great shape this year – so I’m pushing myself to keep working on my arms & abs. Next I’m adding in some inner thigh toning exercises!
I’m at my lowest weight yet since going low carb over 5 years ago, weighing only 143.2 pounds as of this morning. I’m tracking my weight of course, but also my full body composition with the Easy@Home Bluetooth Scale on the left.
As the current challenge starts coming to an end, I find myself putting serious thought into my Summer Goals – and into our next challenge. Stay tuned for details! As usual, we’ll continue on with getting healthy and lean together! 🙂
How are things going for you?
Are you still eating low carb and seeing great results, and have you been incorporating exercise into your goals? I look forward to hearing from you!
Let me know if you have any questions, too…
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


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