I only weighed 153 lbs this morning, for a total of 4.2 pounds lost in 5 short days! 🙂
My workout yesterday was strength training, using the Ab Carver Pro (doing the beginner’s workout). This thing is seriously amazing. WELL worth the ~$39 I paid for it. I’ve talked several people into trying it out, and they all love it too!
It took me 15 days to lose 5 pounds the last time I did the 3IMAX Low Carb challenge, so this is GREAT progress. Plus I’m finally getting in the habit of working out daily with this 17-day mini challenge we’re doing. Both are big WINS for me!
Oh- and I did my workout yesterday on video, so stay tuned for that (lol).
You’ll get to see how a totally out of shape 42yo woman looks using it!
Which, yes, IS totally different than you see on the infomercials and in the Youtube reviews by those “fitness experts”. 😛 Ha!
I finally figured it out though (er, after reading the directions!) and I really love it, so that’s what I’m doing again today.
I’m really excited about our Organize Your Kitchen Challenge this week. 🙂 Are you planning to join in? The more the merrier! I shared some kitchen organization & cleaning checklists on that page, btw. It’ll be A LOT of fun!
Challenge Details | Day One | Day Two | Day Three | Day Four
Day Five Low Carb Food Diary
For breakfast, I finished off the delicious Low Carb Caesar Salad (with pecans) I had for dinner the night before. Leftover salad can be a bit weird. Especially when you drove it home from Alabama to Tennessee the night before, then drove it HOME another 42 minutes the next morning. 😐 lol.
I wasn’t going to let that beautiful salad go to waste though, so I did my usual: warmed up a Mama Lupe’s Low Carb Tortilla and turned it into a “salad taco”. 🙂
That was pretty filling, and for some reason I felt really tired yesterday – and totally unmotivated to cook or even “fix food”, so I ate some leftover sausage and a slice of Colby Jack cheese (off the block).
I had actually ordered take-out for lunch, but with very little appetite – plus not wanting the leftover sausage to go to waste – I just ate that. But here’s the take-out I ordered (and saved for later). It was grilled chicken & roasted veggies. I fed the carrots to my great dane, Slim. He loves carrots. 🙂
I took a nice afternoon nap, then got up and ate about half my chicken meal – one chicken breast and some roasted cauliflower:
I still have the other half, which I plan on eating today. I know it doesn’t seem like much food… but my appetite is really low right now. I ate until satisfied, so I’m definitely not going hungry or anything. 🙂
Here’s how my macro ratios worked out for the day:
1334 calories
20 net carbs
74% fat / 21% protein
89 grams of protein
Water: 48 ounces
Exercise: Core Strength Training (beginner’s workout)
Weight: 153 pounds (4.2 pounds lost)
* TWO NOTES: Yes, I had a sugar free candy late last night, which is not a “real food” and not on my food list for this mini challenge. And yes, my breakfast was more than 3 ingredients – I do realize that. I think the salad would have been gross by itself though (lol) so I ended up with two “products” in my food diary yesterday.
Fortunately I still saw the scales move this morning, so I’m on a good roll!
What about you? How did your Day Five go? Leave a comment and share your meals & macros, and the workout you did yesterday!
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

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