I’m getting SERIOUS about rocking a bathing suit this summer. 😉 Er, or at least wearing tank tops and shorts without total embarrassment, lol…
Early Monday morning I happened to catch an Infomercial for the “Fast Results” Focus 25 Workout System and found it on Amazon. One of my favorite reviews (it ranks 4.3 out of 5, btw) was this one:
“fat girls can do it too”
by Jessica Jones
Although this workout is hard core it helped that there’s a person doing the modified version. When I got tired it’s easy to switch and still get the results I wanted. 4 weeks and down 25 lbs this fat girl starting out at 260 can do it so can you! –source
I ordered it from Amazon on Monday around lunchtime, expecting it to get here on Wednesday. It arrived a day early – I got it after lunch today, on Tuesday! I do have Amazon Prime for free 2-day shipping, but dang! That was faster than fast. 😀
If you watch even a few minutes of the video above, you’ll see why I ordered it. For FAST results. 😉 I have a beach trip in early June, and plan to spend the summer on the lake – in a (eek!) bathing suit. lol. I’m easily losing weight eating low carb, but I’m embarrassed about the way my arms and thighs look (not to mention my stomach, hips & butt!). It’s definitely time to TONE UP!
I also decided to add this ultra thick workout mat to my order. It will be great for the Yoga DVD I like to do, as well as my Zumba DVD’s.
Sometimes I like to go to local workout classes too, and call me a snob (really I’m just a germophobe, ha!) but I don’t like using “public mats”. Gross. 😛 lol. So I was glad I found that while I was placing my order…
So here it is:
Now I’m committed. 😀 😛 And for accountability, I aim to share my results with you. Awesome results even, like you see in the video above. 😉 So stay tuned for that. Or better yet – JOIN ME! I can just SEE myself looking great and feeling confident in my bathing suit this June, and that idea feels GOOD. I want that.
Truth Time: At the beginning of the year I signed up for a special at my local Gym. I paid over $100 for the 3-month special, and went maybe 3 times. I didn’t get a very good workout either, mostly because I didn’t really know how to use all the equipment, and there were way too many eyeballs there. I could have gone to the classes, I could have let them train me on the machines, but I think it boiled to two reasons excuses: my schedule (finding the time, when I was showered & dressed lol, or coordinating with their training/class schedule) – and feeling a little shy. I can be a bit of a clutz, lol. I’ll also confess to being a little grossed out sharing equipment with so many sweaty people, and by the public restrooms and sharing gym lockers. I wanted it to work out, I really did – I had good intentions! It just didn’t…
I’m planning to give T25 my ALL, and really rock this thing. 😉
After reading all the reviews I asked around about it on Facebook, and in my low carb group, and it turns out quite a few people have it already. Everyone that has it, says they LOVE it!! One of the highlights being the “modifications” to help you ease in to the higher intensity workouts. They really sold me on getting T25!!
Note: I should tell you too, that I decided to order it on Amazon because I didn’t want to get on their mailing list or get “phone spam”, or deal with all the upsell offers. I often do that if I find something on TV that I want to order – I get it on Amazon instead. I feel more comfortable with their return policy too.
Click Here To Check It Out – Or better yet. join me!! 😀
I’m off to give it a whirl, and get started on this amazing program. Stay tuned – I’ll keep you posted with updates & progress, and cannot wait to have AMAZING “after” photos to share with you…
What about you?
What are your favorite workouts, and how often do you exercise?
Lynn Terry
aka Low Carb Traveler
p.s. Here’s an older workout system from Shaun T: Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body DVD Workout It’s not the “fast results” T25 system, but it’s a lot cheaper and has great reviews too! Of course, I really like the Zumba System too…
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