Weight Loss Motivation is an interesting thing. It’s so easy to get complacent and just revert back to old habits, or make excuses not to stick to your weight loss plan – whatever that plan happens to be.
Or, if you’re an “emotional eater” (raising hand), it seems there’s always a good excuse to rationalize a binge.
What is it that keeps some people motivated consistently, while others struggle with it constantly?
I know for me that seeing results is motivating, and that tends to keep me on track. It’s almost like a game, and as long as you’re “winning” it’s fun and easy.
Other times the motivation comes from a negative feeling, like being downright disgusted with myself and refusing to gain another single pound. This is usually the result of not fitting into the pants I want to wear (or not fitting into them the way I want to, lol), seeing a photo of myself and being shocked at how I look, or just passing by a mirror and realizing I’ve put on weight. 😐
I’m not perfect, as I’m sure you’ve figured out if you’ve been following along for any amount of time now. I got seriously sidetracked from both my low carb lifestyle and my exercise goals over the last year+ between multiple stressors and major health issues – which ultimately lead to surgery and two months of total bed rest. All of which were really good “excuses” but I refuse to be hard on myself. It was what it was.
With all of that behind me, I’m ready to get (and stay) focused on my health goals. Just having the surgery and getting off the hormone therapy is a huge step in the right direction, health-wise. So I’ll count that as a positive.
Now it’s time to focus on food & fitness. 😉
I only have 19 days – including today – until my 40th birthday. It’s sneaking up fast! I find events, milestones, trips, and things like that to be HUGE motivators! I hear that from other people too…
When you have a wedding, reunion, vacation etc coming up, that weight loss motivation really kicks in – don’t you agree? It’s when you’re going through the motions in your everyday life that it can be hard to stay motivated, or easy to just slack off for awhile.
That being the case, it only makes sense – if you REALLY want to lose weight, and keep it off – to always have something coming up, or some real reason to look great. It doesn’t have to be a huge event, and it’s not like you have to be doing something all the time. Even something fun or important planned three or four times a year is enough to keep you motivated in between. Or it is for me!
Of course I usually get so bogged down in day to day life that those things sneak up on me, so I think it would be helpful to stay focused on those upcoming dates & events. Keeping them in mind, deciding how I want to look by then, and always working toward looking my best at the next get-together or event or whatever.
Short term goals with a real *reason* tend to motivate me best. I am really excited about turning 40, and about the whole decade ahead of me actually. Realizing I have just 19 days until my 40’s start has me seriously motivated! 😀
Yesterday I spent the afternoon at my favorite coffee shop, and I ordered chicken salad over spinach with water to drink – then took my dane (Slim) out for a walk downtown last night:
I’ve been going to the gym several nights a week, and doing solid hour-long workouts. My food choices have been hit or miss though. Some days I do great, some days not so great. But for the next 19 days I have two goals: to eat low carb consistently, and to work out every single day. I feel seriously motivated! It’s nice to have a short term goal, and a true motivator. I want to FEEL FABULOUS on my 40th birthday. 😉
I’ll be keeping you updated over the next 19 days of course. Feel free to join me! Another big factor for “weight loss motivation” is having someone to do it with. I know that’s what keeps me going to the gym – having girl friends to work out with.
You should join us in the Low Carb Challenge Facebook Group too. While the current 90 day challenge is coming to an end, the group stays open – and it’s a great place to find & share recipes, and hang out with other people who have the same goals.
What motivates you?
Do you find yourself more motivated to lose weight when there’s something coming up, or what keeps you exercising and eating healthy – even when you don’t feel like it??
I know when I get disgusted with myself the most – when I’m shopping for a new pair of bra. I did it today and I HATED it! There’s no escaping the extra rolls in the cubicle (or whatever you call the place where you fit on a new pair of bra..).
The feeling of disgust tends to vanish though so I don’t get any long term boost that way. And I don’t much like strict time frames either. I’m all for moderate measures you can repeat for the foreseeable future.
Blah, my comment feels pretty pointless and vague. π My brain function must’ve deteriorated by the stress caused by fitting on a new bra! π
LOL I totally caught your point. Shopping does me in every time. π Working from home doesn’t help since I can “live” in comfy PJ’s that fit plus or minus 20 pounds, lol.
I’m trying ,once again,to get a handle on my weight doing low carb and I’m glad I’ve found this site!
It’s helpful to read about low carbing and other’s experiences! Love the low carb recipes,too!
You are an inspiration!
Welcome Linda! and thank you. π Glad you joined us! You’ll probably enjoy the challenge group too if you’re on Facebook? The link is at: http://www.90daylowcarbchallenge.com along with some of our podcast episodes.
I’ve been doing low-carb for only 2 weeks, and like others, found you through a Pinterest link. Since then, been pretty obsessed with your blog! It’s very helpful and I like looking at pictures of food!! I was getting a little frustrated the first week because I wasn’t seeing the weight “melt” off like everyone else talks about. Finally, this morning bam! 7 lbs…it’s a start π Seeing results helps my motivation and I already feel so much better (did have a couple of grumpy days in ketosis) after eating low-carb. No bloated feeling after I eat! I have family pictures in 2 weeks and that’s my goal for staying focused. I don’t want to be horrified when I see the pic! Thanks for your site, I love it!
Welcome Jordan! π I’m so glad you’re finding it helpful. And congrats on sticking it out and losing 7 pounds already!! That’s a great source of motivation. Those pictures will probably be shared, and around for awhile, lol. I can’t wait to hear more from you in the coming weeks. Wishing you big success! π *cheers*