I talked about reaching Ketosis (again) back at the beginning of this month. Ketosis in Low Carb Diets is a common thing – in fact, it’s the goal when you start eating low carb.
I had mentioned numerous times over the last few months that my weight loss had stalled. I attributed that to the fact that I was nearing my goal weight.
Although, I am not quite sure what my goal weight is at this point. The ideal weight for me specifically, that is. I certainly have no aspirations to be stick skinny.
I like my curves. 😀
I simply want to be in the best shape, and in the best health, I can possibly be at my age – and look fabulous at the same time. Is that too much to ask?? LOL…
The last time I hit Ketosis was when I first started eating low carb back in April 2011. I was incredibly cranky, weight was melting off, I had headaches… Fortunately I didn’t have any of the other common symptoms, like bad breath (lol). I never actually used a stick or strip or any other type of test to determine if I was in Ketosis.
It was just plain obvious.
Not long after that, with the weight coming off, the symptoms subsiding on their own, and me settling into the low carb lifestyle… I started adding in “products”. Things like low carb bread, Quest Bars, low carb brownie mix, etc. Now, there’s nothing at all wrong with these products. In fact, they’re awesome. Especially once you’ve reached your weight loss goal and you are simply maintaining a healthy low carb lifestyle.
That was not the case for me. I hadn’t yet reached my goal. And my weight loss stalled.
Then I started having a diet cheat day now and then. Not often mind you, and no binging, just the occasional carb here and there. Fortunately I never gained all the weight back that I lost. 😛 (VERY fortunate. LOL.)
Then, about a month ago, I decided to go back to “eating clean”. That means no products, no cheats, and a very strict diet of REAL FOOD with a total count of less than 20 net carbs a day. I wanted to lose a pesky ~5 pounds before my beach trip. And I did. 😀
Here are some example low carb meals I ate during that time. It was mostly meat, eggs & greens. Just real food, like I said, and no “products”. Grilled chicken salad, broccoli with cheese, eggs cooked every way you can imagine, etc.
I think it was on day 4 that I got a headache. And I was bitchy. LOL. And then the same on day 5 and day 6. But the weight was coming off the same as it did when I first started the low carb diet back in April – at a rate of about a pound a day or better! And that’s when I realized: I’m back in Ketosis.
It really made me ponder a few things. Like, whether “products” are a smart choice when you’re just starting out. That it’s better to eat “real food”. Why my weight loss *really* stalled back in the early summer, etc.
I assume the “products” mess up the diuretic part of the diet…
Anyway – right smack dab in the middle of all that, I went through a break-up. And I ate carbs. And I ultimately went off the low carb diet altogether – which has been a few weeks now. Fortunately I have only gained back 2 itty bitty pounds. LOL. Ugh. But I am currently just “taking a break” and taking care of myself.
I am not overeating, not binging, just taking a break. I am going to glide through the rest of this week, and then start back eating low carb on Monday. And when I start back, I am going to eat REAL FOOD until I reach my weight loss goal. Period. No bars, no mixes, no products. Just meat, eggs and my favorite low carb vegetables.
I would like to lose another 10-12 pounds, I want to tone up, and I want to maintain both. Once I get to the maintenance phase, I may treat myself to a few “products” now and then – but I don’t think I’ll be adding them in as a regular part of my low carb diet anymore.
Here’s a quick video I shot for my personal video blog, which talks a bit more about all of this and why I’m taking the short break:
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