Hi all! I’m Lynn’s friend, Nicole Dean, from NicoleontheNet.com. Lynn introduced me to Low Carb eating when we were on vacation together in June in Destin, Florida.
Not only did she tell me how to do it, she answered all of my questions, too. Plus, we ate every meal together so I got to see how she ate on the go. (Which was a huge help, too.)
Actually, Lynn decided to start this blog when she was in Destin – probably to get me to stop asking questions. 😉 Aren’t you glad she did?! I am.
When I returned home from Destin, I started eating low carb, had some very quick success, and right away everyone wanted to know how I was doing it. I told them, and it became contagious. Now everyone around me has lost weight! (My husband even lost over 30 lbs in only a few months.)
It’s crazy how simple and easy this diet is.
I’m a blogger, like Lynn, and so I started to have a desire to share my low carb tips and tricks with others. However, I need another blog, like a fish needs a bicycle. 🙂 So, instead, I asked Lynn if I could pop over here on occasion to share. She obviously agreed. Pfshew! I really didn’t need another blog.
Today, I’d like to share one of my favorite low carb coffee drinks that I have every morning.
Here’s the back story.
My husband accidentally bought the Vanilla Atkins shakes (instead of the Chocolate ones). In my opinion the Vanilla ones taste like Baby Formula. GAG. I couldn’t STAND it … until I figured out a solution.
Now, I actually like it. Here’s what I do.
- Instant Coffee (Don’t go cheap or generic on this. Get something decent, like Folgers.)
- Bit of hot water (You’ll need just enough to dissolve the Instant Coffee. Not enough to water it down.)
- Atkins Vanilla Shake
- Cinnamon
- Get a big cup that can take some heat.
- Put a bit of hot water in the bottom.
- If you LOVE coffee, put up to 2 TBSPs into the hot water. If you aren’t a fan of the taste but just like the caffeine, add just one teaspoon.
- Sprinkle some cinnamon into the coffee.
- Stir well. Make sure all of the coffee is dissolved. (If not, add a splash more water.)
- Then, add the Atkins shake.
- Stir again.
That’s it. Between the cinnamon and the coffee flavors, I actually like this now.
Of course, you can add some low carb whipping cream or drizzle in whatever low carb syrups you like if you want to experiment. I was just happy that I was able to turn lemons into low carb lemonade.
Let me know what you think – or if you have a trick of your own to make your low carb coffee drink delicious.
Nicole Dean
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