While we’re waiting on the next Keto Krate to arrive, this is a great time to tell you about The Keto Box. It’s a similar company, I assume a direct competitor to Keto Krate, and the pricing and products are similar as well.
People have asked me if I’ve tried other keto delivery companies, so when they offered to send me a box to check out & sponsor this review, it was an easy Yes!
I’ve had a chance to receive & review 4 different boxes full of low carb products from The Keto Box now. I’ll show you what all came in this September box – because this is a GREAT way to discover new low carb foods you may want to try.
This particular box had 9 low carb products in it, and a few of them are… interesting (lol). I’m anxious to get YOUR opinion on them! 😉
TheKetoBox.com – Use Promo Code: TRAVELING to get 5% off your first box!
Note: While I’ve been working with the Keto Krate company for a full year now, I am not affiliated with The Keto Box in any way outside of this sponsored review.
Using the Promo Code above gets you 5% off your first box, and also lets the company know who referred you, but no money is changing hands on orders. I’m required by the FTC to let you know things like that.;)
The September box above is no longer shipping so if you sign up now you’ll get the October box.
I don’t know what will be included, but you can see what was in my first two boxes here and also see what was in the last box here for examples.
Plus I included a list of everything in THIS box below – along with the link where you can get these low carb products individually. 🙂
The NEW Peanut Butter Keto Kookie Made It’s Debut in The Keto Box!
This is an exclusive launch for the new Keto Kookie. They’re just starting preorders for it this month, so TheKetoBox.com subscribers have been the first in the world to taste it.:)
I’m a BIG fan of the Keto Kookies so I was excited to have the brand new peanut butter cookies to try. And I was NOT disappointed…
Of course in my usual fashion, I made a “super stack” out of mine with cream cheese & berries. 🙂 YUM!
The keto kookies alone are a bit sweet for my taste to eat straight up, and have that “cooling effect” with many sugar free sweets, so combining them with other low carb foods like that makes them PERFECT to me!
What I Found Inside The Keto Box (September Shipment)
NINE Interesting New Low Carb Foods To Try…
This was a very full box, with quite the variety of low carb products in it.
Two of them made me cringe a bit when I first opened the box (lol), but when I took a closer look… well, I’m willing to give them a try! So let’s start with those:
Skinny Pasta (Zero Net Carbs) The Only Odor Free 100% Konjac Noodle
This reminded me of Miracle Rice and Miracle Noodles which I’ve always been afraid of, simply because I don’t know what it is – and the rumors of the horrible fishy smell. 😛
Then I looked it up and it says “the ONLY odor-free konjac noodles” and it’s pre-cooked and ready in 2 minutes… and looks VERY easy to prepare.
So I’m going to give it a shot. 🙂
Have you ever tried this type of rice/noodle?
The Skinny Pasta brand comes in a variety of “shapes” for different cooking options. The cheapest option for trying it out is this variety pack on Amazon:
I love nuts 🙂 so these look like they’ll be GREAT to try!
Old Dog Ranch Organic Rosemary Walnuts
This little sauce pouch intrigued me…
Keto Friendly Sweet & Spicy Srirachoy Sauce for Meats & Veggies
I’m thinking this will be VERY good on shrimp, chicken, or even my favorite Spinach Burger Recipe! 🙂
I was REALLY excited to see TWO packs of Gorilly Goods low carb snacks in this box, because I fell in love with those when I first got them in my February Keto Krate box. 🙂
I enjoyed them on a hike back in March and meant to order some more because they were SO good, but totally forgot!
Gorilly Goods Organic Raw Vegan Trail Mix Individual Snack Packs
Everly All Natural Peach Mango Drink Mix
I don’t use energy drinks, or drink anything other than coffee & water really, so I’m not sure how excited I am about this one. You can read the Q&A and Reviews here.
RUNA Organic Clean Energy Drink from the Guayusa Leaf
And of course… the Peanut Butter Keto Kookie. 🙂
Peanut Butter Keto Kookie
This is a BRAND NEW flavor, not even released publicly yet (preorders just started this month). They’re really good. 🙂 Note: I recently did a comparison between Keto Cookie vs Good Dee’s Low Carb Cookie Mix here.
I’m excited to try the Sweet & Spicy Srirachoy Sauce! 🙂 There are quite a few interesting low carb products in this box actually, so I can’t wait to dig in and try some. I’m even going to get brave and try those “noodles” 😉 lol.
Stay tuned as I do, and share my thoughts on them with you here in my daily food diaries.;)
Again, this ^ box is no longer available but if you decide to sign up for The Keto Box and use the special promo code, you’ll get 5% off your first box – which will ship in a few weeks: October.
My Thoughts (What I Know, and What I Don’t Know!) About The Keto Box
They’re now taking orders for the October box. I’m not sure what will be in it, but the products I shared with you above (and my links to the previous boxes) should give you an idea of what to expect.
Shipping is free, and they are currently donating $1 from every new box sale to help Hurricane Harvey families.
TheKetoBox.com – Use Promo Code: TRAVELING to get 5% off your first box.
They don’t specifically say they are gluten free, or “malitol free” like Keto Krate does, or have any specifics on their site other than the products included in each box are “keto friendly.” So that’s all I really know, outside of the examples I’ve seen so far.
The products included in my four boxes have been GREAT. Very interesting, new FUN things to try – which is what I love so much about these low carb boxes & delivery services. It’s such a great way to discover new low carb foods I never would have found otherwise!
It is only available for delivery in the United States, although they WILL ship to Canada but the cost is just too high to justify.
The price is about the same between Keto Krate and The Keto Box, btw.
Have you tried a Low Carb / Keto Delivery service yet?
If so, I would love to hear your thoughts. I’ve really enjoyed working with Keto Krate over the last year, and trying so many great new low carb products, and it was fun to try The Keto Box in comparison these last two months too!
Even if you don’t subscribe to keto deliveries, or don’t have an interest in that (or your outside the U.S.!) I would love to hear your thoughts on the 9 low carb foods I shared with you from this September box…
Have you tried any of them, or which products piqued YOUR interest?
I can’t wait to try that sauce!! 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. If you want to try out TheKetoBox.com be sure to use Promo Code: TRAVELING to get your discount!;)
* Next up will be the September Keto Krate, as I just got notification yesterday that my box shipped! They are shipping out the next batch of the September Keto Krate on Friday, so you still have time to sign up & get one next week if you do that now. 😉
I can’t wait to see what’s in it… so many FUN new low carb foods to try!!


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