The Spring Low Carb Challenge is in full swing, and running through July 1st. You can still join us if you haven’t already! 🙂 See the low carb challenge page.
Today is our Week Five Weigh In, so it’s time to check in and share your total number of pounds and/or inches lost since Monday April 3rd!;)
Below is my food & fitness diary for the weekend. I’m “eating low carb for one” and had a busy weekend, so hopefully this will give you some good ideas for quick & easy low carb meals.
I included my MyFitnessPal diaries too so you can see how I logged my meals…
Reminder: The Free Body Image Mastery Class starts this week. 🙂 Make sure you’re signed up now so you don’t miss out!
Saturday’s Low Carb Meals
My healthy low carb breakfast on Saturday wasn’t until closer to lunchtime. I had 1/2 cup walnuts (60 grams), 1/4 cup Daisy Cottage Cheese & 4 small strawberries. That came to 7 net carbs and 80% healthy fat.
For lunch, which was more of an early dinner, I made a super quick “low carb meal for one” with what I had in the freezer:
The individual bacon wrapped beef filet was better than I expected. I bought two of those frozen, and they’re 5 ounce steaks – perfect for a quick meal for one person!
I roasted broccoli with olive oil and garlic powder, and added Spicy Chili Pili Nuts for a “spicy crunch” with my broccoli. 🙂 That was a delicious combination!!
You want to buy Pili Nuts here because these are still wild harvested (not farmed yet) so they’re VERY nutrient dense. Use coupon code: LOWCARBTRAVELER (all caps) for a special discount. ♥
I went out that night with plans to go dancing and maybe get a late dinner, but the little Jazz / Blues place I used to like is closed – and it’s a grocery store now. 😛 lol.
I ran into a friend in the city though and had a coffee, then decided to head home – and just had a pack of almonds on the way back.
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Saturday:
Sunday’s Low Carb Meals
For breakfast I had the new Double Chocolate Keto Kookie with cream cheese & peanut butter. Talk about a treat of a breakfast! I really love adding things to these low carb cookies to make them “less sweet” and more of a meal. 🙂
Click here for Keto Kookie flavors, ingredients & nutrition facts.
I was going to cook my other steak and finish the roasted veggies for lunch, but on a whim I decided to hike down the river and watch the sun set by the water. 🙂
I just grabbed a plain low carb thickburger from Hardee’s on my way out:
You can see in the picture above I’m wearing a mini skirt. That’s a Fabletics skirt & tank, and I had on their new “Lisette High-Waisted Short” under the skirt:
I had on one of their new high-impact full coverage sports bras on under my tank too, and that plus the shorts is great for a swim in the river on a hot hike. 🙂
I really LOVE Fabletics for my indoor AND outdoor workouts!
I had a few pecans when I came in from my hike, but honestly… I was too wiped out to make or even eat dinner, and went straight to bed. 😛
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Sunday:
Macronutrients: Simple Explanation Of Low Carb Macros
How To Get A Net Carbs Column in MyFitnessPal
Net Carbs: 14
Total Carbs: 21
Calories: 1042
Protein: 42 grams
79% Fat / 16% Protein
Exercise: Hiking
Fitbit Steps: 10,300
Water: 48 ounces
I did a fun fast-paced trail hike all the way downriver, crossed the river, and sat and enjoyed the sunset last night. 🙂
It was great exercise, and a nice way to enjoy the evening!
The shorts I showed you above are the same ones I was wearing on my last hike (below), under the American Eagle jumper.
I just ordered a second pair from Fabletics. They’re GREAT under your shorts or skirts. They’re very flattering since they’re high-wasited and they have good compression too, so I’ll even wear them under my sundresses all summer. 🙂
That takes care of worrying about the wind blowing my dress up! lol… Plus they really make you look shapely.;)
If you get invited you get a special deal. Here’s my invite link. You don’t have to pay a membership, and you can “skip a month” anytime. I do it all the time – so there’s no commitment. And they have GREAT quality active wear!
I’m preparing for a FUN Low Carb Road Trip, so stay tuned for what I pack and take along with me to make it an EASY low carb week – plus the creative low carb meals I find along the way, eating out. 🙂
I look forward to hearing how your weekend went, and what you got into! I’m aiming for another hike (if not two!) this week since our weather is going to be so nice – however I can fit that in between work and being a grown-up (chores, blah -lol).
How are things going for you?
Don’t forget to weigh in, either here (just leave a comment below) or weigh-in in our private facebook group here.
Questions, comments – or struggling with anything?
Leave a comment & let’s talk. 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. They’ll be shipping the next Keto Krate box tomorrow, so you’ll want to sign up now if you haven’t already – because they sell out FAST. 😉


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