I get it. Beer for breakfast and chocolate for dinner, or the other way around I think, is “not a healthy way to live.” Duh.
But at least it was sugar free chocolate and low carb beer. 🙂
My last food diary deserved some explanation obviously, and I apologize for not doing that IN the post.
In all honesty I was trying to keep my personal life (and what’s really going on with me) a little… private. That’s all. But for those of you interested, I explained the reasons behind each meal choice in more detail here.
I’ve never claimed to be organic, a clean eater, a food snob, or perfect. I actually embrace my imperfections. Some of my weirdest quirks are my strongest traits, lol.
I’m not perfect, I don’t eat perfect, and my life is FAR from perfect.
I keep this food diary as a means of helping other imperfect (REAL) people survive daily life as a low carber in a sometimes harsh always carb-filled world.
Sure I eat crap sometimes, even if it is low carb.
I’ve even been known to eat an Atkins bar (and 😯 I did not die from it!). Other times I eat super clean and super healthy. That’s life. But you should have seen how I ate before I went low carb, lol – NOT healthy, by any standards. 😛
I’m healthier and leaner and stronger now than I’ve ever been in my adult life, at almost 44 years old. This photo was taken earlier this month for example, in size 8 jeans, on a 7+ mile strenuous hike:
I’m really tired of being judged. I don’t mean that rude toward the comments on the post where I explained my meal choices, because they were right.
I don’t always eat perfect, I just do my best given the situation or the day, and I do stay on track – regardless of the location, circumstances, or the fact that I’m falling apart at the seams.
I also don’t recommend anyone else eat badly, or drink 5 beers in one night for that matter – unless you’re out dancing with a girl friend and just need to blow off some steam, in which case I say: go for it! 😛
I love 🙄 the ridiculous number of negative comments I got for eating cream cheese & peanut butter off a hotel breakfast buffet a couple weeks ago, when my hotel was sandwiched between a Dunkin Donuts and a Krispy Kreme. Seriously.
I would love to be a fly on the wall for anyone that could clearly see the flashing “HOT NOW” neon sign out the window – and see if they would choose as well as I did. 😛
Normally this kinda stuff doesn’t phase me at all. I just laugh it off and keep right on going. But lately it’s coming from every angle, and frankly – I’ve had enough!
In case you couldn’t tell it in my posture alone in these hiking photos, I’ve been SAD lately. Not depressed, just SAD for legitimate reasons. And yes I was plump in those pictures (thanks to medications that threw me out of ketosis).
Thank goodness that got worked out and I’m back to “keto lean” again!
The night before that hike, I was asked to LEAVE the little club where I was dancing – because the manager didn’t like my outfit, or the way I was dancing, or both, or something. Wait, that’s not exactly what happened…
He didn’t have the ***** to come to me directly – he went to my date 😯 and said: “you need to control your woman.” Only in the south, ya’ll. 🙄
I went back there to dance this past weekend (2 weeks later) and some of the things that happened on that dance floor made ME blush. So really, the man was just picking on me that particular night. Which is nothing new.
Lately I cannot say or do ANYthing without catching **** for it for some crazy reason. And I’m just over it. Totally and completely OVER it.
You would truly NOT believe some of the crazy things people have said to me, blamed me for, gotten upset with me over, or picked on me for lately. WTH?!
I am not perfect. I don’t even want to BE perfect. Perfect people are boring. 😛
So… on with my imperfect life, and my imperfect food diary, with yet another shitty day behind me where I very unintentionally hurt or pissed off someone I truly care about, here is what I ate yesterday – which includes absolutely NOTHING green. Also unintentional, because I did buy broccoli to make…
Monday’s Low Carb Meals
Breakfast: 1/2 cup pecans (60 grams) and a mozzarella string cheese.
Lunch: 1/2 cup pecans, 1/4 cup Daisy Brand cottage cheese, 4 small strawberries.
At this point I went to bed without dinner. And it was the second time I’d gone back to bed that day. I got up and still didn’t feel like eating, but I also didn’t feel like explaining I was having a really hard day and falling into old patterns of self-sabotage (overeating, not eating, etc) – so I got back up and ate some leftover chicken. Thank you for holding me accountable, even if you didn’t realize you were!
Dinner: baked chicken coated in Chipotle Lime Mayo and Parmesan, then topped with Mozzarella and Organic Marinara.
Here’s my MyFitnessPal Food Diary for Monday:
Macronutrients: Simple Explanation Of Low Carb Macros
How To Get A Net Carbs Column in MyFitnessPal
Net Carbs: 14
Total Carbs: 27
Calories: 1639
Protein: 88 grams
75% Fat / 22% Protein
Water: 48 ounces
No there is nothing green in my food diary for yesterday. No I did not cook (unless you count microwaving leftover chicken), or even feel like cooking – or even feeling like eating for that matter. But yes it was all “real food” and the marinara was even “organic.” 😛
My goal here is not to be perfect, or make anyone else feel like they have to be perfect – but rather to talk “real life” and how to stick to low carb eating, no matter what, no matter where. And no matter how bad things are going in your life at the moment…
Things are fine, I’m just going through a particularly difficult phase. It will pass, like they all do. So if you’re going through a wonderful phase in your life right now – ENJOY IT to the fullest. Because those pass as well.
How are things going for you?
Leave a comment & let’s talk…
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


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