The number eight is continuous and ongoing just as life itself, connecting beginning to end and back again. It has deep meanings in Christianity, numerology, Asian cultures, and many other religions and cultures. It’s the symbol of strength, determination, harmony, balance, and the ability to make decisions.
The other day, these photos crossed my screen. They were taken 8 years ago this month (in 2008), at Burgess Falls and Twin Falls. Interestingly I was also a size 8 then, and have come back around (finally, lol) to a size 8 now.
Like the number 8, waterfalls are also continuous.
While a waterfall appears the same no matter how long you look at it, it is constantly changing. Every single drop of water that flows over it is new.
Waterfalls are often related to emotional release, rejuvenation and renewal of spirit. Water is a sign of life, and also spiritual cleansing. In literature water is frequently a symbol of change and often represents turning points.
In dream interpretation: “To see a waterfall in your dream is symbolic of letting go. You are releasing all those pent up emotions and negative feelings. Alternatively, the dream represents your goals and desires. In particular, if the waterfall is clear, then it represents revitalization, regeneration and renewal.” –source
I’m not one to typically get all caught up in symbolisms. In fact, the points above were just from some reading I was doing as I was winding down after a big hike yesterday. I did FEEL something though when those images crossed my screen, and felt deeply compelled to return to Burgess Falls – so that’s exactly what I did.
On my hike, through my sweaty trail runs, while sitting at the edge of the falls, as I trekked upstream through the water… I thought of all the things in my life that have come and gone and will come again – as well as the things that have remained.
I thought of each friend I’d brought to this beautiful spot. I thought back on my childhood visits here. I thought about the trip here 8 years ago, which happened to be the time in my life I fell in love again – for the first time since my marriage ended almost 9 years earlier. It was that same beautiful, magical love that I always thought only happened once in a lifetime.
That experience renewed my hope in love and possibilities. That’s when I stopped thinking “this is my life now” (accepting fate), and started living my life – with an open heart and an open mind.
I share all of this with you to express how DEEP my trip was yesterday, and just how much meaning it held for me.
As you know, I’ve been going through a hard time lately. A turning point in my life where I’m accepting a lot of changes and making big decisions.
I feel like life (the universe, God, my subconscious) handed me a trail map back to hope, one that didn’t make a lot of sense at the time and felt more like “a whim”… but turned out to be a heart-opening journey of personal revelation.
It was also an amazing hike, and an incredible workout. 🙂
Like I said, I really just drove to Burgess Falls on what felt like a whim. I felt drawn to go. As I started out on the hike I was questioning that decision. I’ve been here a million times. What’s new to see here? I could have gone anywhere…
I wandered a bit, mind and feet both.
I even walked out of the park and up the hill back up to the main road to stand at the bridge overlooking the waterway leading to Burgess Falls. I stood there for a long minute, and finally figured I was already here so I might as well hike it…
It’s an absolutely beautiful hike, short but strenuous, and there are three gorgeous waterfalls along the way. This is the “first falls” which is the smallest of the three:
It wasn’t crowded on a Tuesday afternoon, but there were several other hikers out so it was a very social trail. I met some neat people along the way and got to pet lots of sweet dogs. 🙂
I took it slow the first leg of the trail, taking in all the familiar scenery. There are so many memories attached to Burgess Falls, like the natural spring where Slim stopped for a drink and the spot where Tawnya and I took a picture together on our hike there.
That trail is so full of memories for me, dating all the way back to my childhood.
Next I came to the Middle Falls, the second waterfall on the hike…
There’s no trail to this waterfall, only an overlook from high up on the trail – and that overlook is closed due to erosion.
A man fell to his death there last August ignoring the warning sign and climbing the fence to see the view. I thought about that for a long moment too.
I did get my perfect view of the Middle Falls though, which I’ll show you in a second. See the lush grass just in front of the waterfall? I made my way down there. 🙂
My next stop was the Burgess Falls overlook, the main and 3rd waterfall:
I found out later that I drew a crowd on this overlook when I was hiking across the top of the falls down below and climbing the opposite ledge. 🙂
The hike down to the top of the waterfall is a steep and strenuous hike, but totally worth it! I ran the steps, down and back up a few times, enjoying the exercise and the sweat:
I made it down to the bottom of the trail and the top of Burgess Falls – where I sat for awhile. Then I hiked across the top of the waterfall and climbed the opposite ledge to get a completely new view… that I had never experienced before. 🙂
Something old, something new.
The trek was starting to take meaning for me.
Seeing that amazing view of the falls and the gorge below for the very first time was incredible, and of course an awesome adrenaline rush from a spot that felt high above the world! 🙂
Here’s a photo of me crossing the falls, and you can see the ledge behind me that I climbed up for my view. This is the only photo I didn’t take myself on this hike. There was a fun Chinese couple at the top of the falls and we took pictures for each other.:)
Here’s a video I took while sitting at the very top of Burgess Falls. The water is low here in Tennessee right now, but it’s still gorgeous:
With a little more pep now, I decided to climb down for yet another view of Burgess Falls. The stairs leading down to the gorge are closed and dangerous due to erosion, like at the Middle Falls, so I climbed down the side of the waterfall itself – as far as I could go safely, at least:
That was as straight down and straight back up as the Falls itself lol, so it took a lot of focus and upper body strength to climb it!
I climbed back up to the top of the falls and sat for a bit, socializing with other hikers and photographers, and considered what to do next. Hike out? No… I still wasn’t quite sure what brought me there, but I knew I wasn’t done.
Plus my adventurous happiness was kicking back in! 🙂
I decided to hike upstream to see the Middle Falls up close and personal. I’d only ever seen it from the overlook high above, which is now closed.
This was mostly a water walk, and the water was SO clear with little fish and crawdads and such scattering out of my way. The sun was HOT, the water was COLD, and it felt amazing. And then I turned the corner and there it was…
I just stopped midstream and took a deep breath. I felt like a kid again. 🙂
I literally skipped through the water, splashing and playing, like all my cares in the world got left behind that last bend I turned.
I got up close and personal with the Middle Falls. It was a breathtakingly beautiful work of nature, and a private little gorge that felt like a fantasy land.:)
Pictures truly don’t do it justice. I stayed here for awhile and viewed it from every angle, hiking all through the gorge and admiring cairns left by others who had ventured up to enjoy this same quiet spot. 🙂
This is the best I can do for you… (I’m not a photographer, lol)
I took in every bit of it, rock hopping and exploring the rocks and the shells and the driftwood. It reminded me of all the time I spent exploring in the woods as a child. 🙂
I finally hiked back downstream, across Burgess Falls again, then back up the hill. I met a photographer, a lovely couple, two girl friends hiking together, and even a sweet retired show dog named PJ.:)
Back up on the main trail, nothing had quite set in yet but I knew I wasn’t done. Instead of hiking out, I turned right and decided to take the River Gorge Trail.
This was a quiet trail in the woods with amazing views of the gorge down below. I had ventured down the path just far enough in the past to see the first overlook, but I’d never hiked the entire trail.
It’s October in Tennessee. It’s hot and cool, beautiful, quiet, colorful, peaceful. There’s less humidity and more of a breeze. Fall is setting in nicely, and with the change of seasons… it feels like a great time to make changes in my life.
This hiking trail was quiet, with no one in sight (or earshot). I walked through it softly, quiet with the nature around me, and just let things set in. It was a wonderful calm.
I came out of the trail and stood there looking right and then left, then right again, unsure which direction I wanted to go next.
I could take the easy path back to my car from there (the service road), or turn left and hike back along the waterfall trail the way I had come.
Just then a park ranger came over the hill and asked if I was lost. “No,” I said with a smile, “just making decisions.” That couldn’t have been more true.
I decided to hike the trail back, and we ended up hiking it back together. She told me about the squirrels in Washington state, we talked about the park renovations, we just hiked a fast pace for a bit, we discussed the park habitat.
I had two choices when I reached my car. I had just enough time to reach Rock Island and see Twin Falls for sunset (the other waterfall you saw in the first picture), or I could turn left and go to the city and have dinner.
I opted for dinner in the city. 🙂
I hadn’t eaten my almonds on the trail, but I did have a late lunch of sausage & eggs on the way to Burgess Falls, so I was plenty ready for dinner after 4 hours of hiking!
I pulled into the first place that looked good: Rib City. I ordered a full rack of smoked ribs (with no sauce), 2 orders of green beans, and a side of sliced tomatoes. I intended to order enough to have take-out for today, lol – but I cleaned my plate.;)
I was exhausted of course, and it was dark by now, so I drove the 40 minutes back home and just reflected on the day. It was full.
There were fun conversations with other hikers, quiet moments of reflection, frisky pups, questions running through my mind while my feet ran the trails, adventurous climbs and amazing views… I just drove home and let it all sink in.
For those of you that are worried about me hiking solo out in the woods with no cell phone signal, I always do a “check in” so someone knows where I might have disappeared, lol.
It turns out that compelling feeling to return to Burgess Falls wasn’t as random as it seemed or felt. I had to sleep on it for it to all truly sink in, but the lessons I learned in the woods yesterday were profound.
I’ve been feeling anxious and unnerved about losing so much weight. It all feels so new: a new body, a new size, different clothes. It just feels weird, and a little awkward. Realizing that I was once a size 8 before, hiking through those same trails, made me realize there’s nothing really new under the sun.
This isn’t change – this is a returning to myself.
There was some trippy mix of realizing that nothing is new and all things remain the same (the sun rises, the sun sets, the water flows)… and also realizing that nothing stays the same. Life moves forward and brings new experiences, new friendships, new things to enjoy.
I’m on a journey to become the happiest, healthiest version of myself – inside and out. Yesterday felt like a giant leap forward in what has seemed like such a long and drawn out process. 🙂
Life Goes On
It’s such a cliche, and not always the thing you want to hear (“life goes on” – often followed by “get over it” lol). I think it’s better to say life moves forward. Because it does, while remaining the same… which I’m still processing. 🙂
I’ve only ever shared the Burgess Falls trails with people I am very close to. It’s “my spot” – a space that’s special to me. Some of those lost friendships have haunted me for years. Yesterday I let that go…
I stopped pining over the losses as the good memories of fun times there followed me on my hike… and came out of those woods instead with an appreciation for what was great once, realizing there will be more great to come.
What I Took Into The Woods
Everyone always asks me about “the stuff” so I’ll tell you what I took. I had my Samsung S6 mobile phone for taking pictures. It does voice commands so I can take hands-free shots.
I also had my selfie stick and a remote that works up to 30 feet away. I was wearing Northside Burke Water Sandals (my favorite!!) and a Fabletics fanny pack – which I find helpful when I need all of my hands & feet for adventurous hikes. 🙂
Oh – and a Fabletics sports bra, which was necessary for running (lol).
My wish is that the hope I rediscovered on my hike brings you hope too, in some small way. Sometimes the smallest things can seem larger than life and so completely overwhelming. The truth is though, it’s a big world out there… and the only consistent thing in life – is change itself. Irony at it’s best. 😉
Sometimes you have to step out of your usual environment, step away from your usual daily circumstances, and get a little lost in the woods to truly find the meaning of things. Or to just let some things go, and rediscover others…
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I have an Infinity Ring that I wear sometimes. I tried to trade it in for a “six month ring” once, but the jeweler said flatly “We don’t make those.” To which I replied, “Well then you’re missing out on a huge market.” 😛 haha – He didn’t get my humor. (lol) I have a new love for the ring now, and all the meaning it really holds…


Loved this post! You’ve had a great breakthrough emotionally, kind of like a keto whoosh!
I too was an 8 years ago and I look forward to returning there for my health and bring all my experiences along with me. Thank you for this thought provoking and positive post!
ps your photos of the falls and woods are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Joan. 🙂 I’m so glad you enjoyed the photo tour and the topic. I really appreciate your kind words. It was definitely a breakthrough.
I’m still struggling with feeling stressed and anxious, but I’m doing all the right things (sunshine, exercise, friends, plans, etc) – and feeling very hopeful. 🙂
Thanks so much for your posts- I enjoy them so much. You seem like such a real person to me and are truly an inspiration. I look forward to your blogs every day. Thanks for all of your advice and help.
Thanks for sharing it all!
Thank you, Susi. That makes my day! I really enjoy writing them, and hopefully spreading some good ideas & advice & thoughts that others will find as helpful as I have (and am!). 🙂 *cheers*
Beautiful post! Yeah, I was one of those worrying about you out there all alone. I mean, hey, I have a daughter your age. 😉 I figured you did something like the check-in. I also worry about you hiking in shorts and a tank top. I’d be falling and shredding skin. This just proves how good you are at what you’re doing!!!
Sounds like you had a major breakthrough emotionally. I’m very happy for you, Lynn. I was in the 300-pound range most of my adult life. And although I’m way heavier than you, I know about body-images changing. When I got into regular plus sizes, I cried. I didn’t know who I was for a long time. When I could wear an XL, I cried some more. I’m stuck but just along for the journey. There will be more adventures. . . . for both of us!
lol Carla – my legs are all scraped up. 🙂 I look like an 11 year old tomgirl, haha. It’s nothing terrible though, just little abrasions. I look forward to cooler weather where I can comfortably hike in pants & layers!
I can totally relate to feeling lost and losing your identity along with your weight. It’s not just the weight – it’s the struggle, it’s the habits, it’s a lot of change to process. I’ve had a long period of feeling very awkward and anxious lately for the same reason – and I’m struggling to finish cleaning out my closets.
I’m working hard at getting comfortable with who I am now, and on creating new things in my life. It’s a tough thing stepping away from your old self and setting out into the unknown…
Wow such a beautiful place! I’m glad you are checking in with someone. 🙂
I have an infinity ring too that is my engagement ring. It might mean we’ll be engaged for infinity haha! We really need to get on that.
I’m glad you’re having breakthroughs and doing what you love. You are always an inspiration no matter where you are in life or what you’re going through. So unique and one of the most real people (actually you must be THE most) I’ve ever known. I hope you move out of the rough patch quickly and on to be truly happy like you are working to be. Hugs my friend! xo Angela
lol @ infinity engagement 🙂 As long as you’re HAPPY, that’s what matters most! And you never know, I might send YOU the “check in note” one of these days lol. Do you have 911 in Canada?? 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you over the years, and love that it evolved into a friendship. 🙂 *hugs* back to you! You really brightened my day.:)
Totally you could send me a check in note. We DO have 911 but I’m thinking they wouldn’t dispatch to the US, lol. But you could still check in with me though I might be a pain in your butt asking if you’re OK every hour or so lol! I’m a helicopter mom don’t ya know 😉
lol – it wouldn’t matter since there’s no service out in the woods… I would never see your messages haha. 😀
Love your adventures as always! I’m going through a healing time myself….
The last few days I’ve been going through my closets and it’s funny how my mind won’t catch up with my body. I’m wearing a medium petite shirt and size 6 or 8 pants depending on how they’re made. Why can’t I get rid of those clothes that are huge on me? I still feel the same and even see myself the same in the mirror but someone told me the reason I stayed cold is because I’m tiny??? Again, why can’t I get rid of my fat clothes??!!! Lol
I get it, Marti. I see “her” in the mirror too. Then I put on my favorite “before I got fat shorts” – and they hang off of me. It’s unsettling, and just feels WEIRD. 😛 It seems the brain takes much longer to catch up, lol. I discovered awhile back that losing weight is actually the easy part. It’s fixing my “fat head” that’s been the real challenge. 😉
OMG Lynn, this is your best post ever! What a blessing, thank you!!! You inspire me so much. Check out my FB page pics from this weekend. I climbed a mountain this weekend and hiked a waterfall as well! I never could have done that 116 pounds ago. I have a LONG way to go to look as good as you and be as strong as you, but I am getting there!
Doesn’t it feel amazing, Rosa?! I wasn’t able to do these things before going low carb either. 🙂 I love being able to have a more active lifestyle now, and more FUN!!
It didn’t take me long at all to work up the strength to do simple things – like amateur rock climbing. I mostly walked at first (1 mile, then 2-3, then 4 super fast). Then I started doing Tricep Dips. Arm muscles are small and easy to strengthen up pretty quick – and I discovered I *needed* upper body strength lol. So that all happened really in the last 6-8 months (arms).
Keep challenging yourself, and keep having FUN! 🙂 *cheers*
Thanks for the amazing photos . I love to hike and be outdoors. I will put that falls on my list to hike!
It’s beautiful, Melissa. 🙂 Are you in or near TN? If so, let’s get together and do a hike one of these days!!
We can “check in” with Angela ^ ^ 🙂 haha
🙂 🙂 🙂 !
You amaze, astound and inspire me. A recent walk up and down a winding Arkansas Ozark wooded trail was very physically challenging for me. However, I’ve lost 33 lbs since July 11 and have promised myself that walk will be much easier next Fall. Still have 50 lbs to go, but I’ll get there!
Congrats Gaye – 33 pounds lost since July 11th is amazing!! KUDOS 🙂 And congrats for challenging yourself on the walk/hike too.
Most of my hikes are VERY physically challenging. Especially because it requires much wider range of muscles to hike than to just walk – stepping over and around rocks, stumps, the hills, rock hopping, etc. I’m sore today. 🙂
I started slow, with urban hiking (town walks, paved river trails, etc) and worked up my stamina that way.
From reading your blog I know you love your hikes and climbs, but doesn’t your “checkin” let people know you are alone. You can’t be too careful. We do all worry about you. Take care.
Ah, it was a private message. 🙂 I just pick someone I trust. It doesn’t have to be someone local, just someone that knows to expect an “I’m alive, I made it!” message by a certain time, and can call me in as lost or injured if not -lol. 🙂
I don’t do live checkins online. I usually check in after I’ve left an area, restaurant, coffee shop, etc. I found out the hard way if you check in when you get somewhere… someone may show up. 😛 haha
Beautiful post. Your words are put together beautifully. Ha I was an 8 eight years ago too. I think it is my goal size. So today I was off work and working around the house. I ate an egg for breakfast and being lazy also for lunch. so for dinner I made the best green beans I have ever made and a hamburger patty. And dessert slightly frozen strawberries with a squirt of stevia. Tasted a bit like strawberry ice cream. Yum! Good day. Thank you for your post.
That sounds SO delicious, Amy. 🙂 The dinner and dessert I mean. I just ate eggs AGAIN and I’m getting sick of them lol.
I’m really focusing on adding more color to my plates right now. I feel like with my body or balance or whatever out of whack that nutrients are super important. That’s why I chose the tomatoes and green beans as my sides last night (because the side salad had very little nutritional value) – and why I made the veggies earlier this week to have on hand.
Wow. Love this post. That place is absolutely beautiful. So glad you decided to go!
Me too, Tammy. 🙂 Burgess Falls truly is a beautiful and magical kind of place. One of many in Tennessee, actually! I’ve traveled all over, and always love coming home to TN!
Some deep soul searching you’ve got going on! I love your nature pics! We live on 44 acres and I take the dog for a trail hike everyday! It’s my way of meditating!
I came across this website and thought you might get some inspiration off of it. His name is Mark Manson and he just came out with a book called The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fu(k. I read a bunch of his blog posts and it’s hitting home for me. Thought you might enjoy it.
Thank you, Barb – off to enjoy some reading! 🙂
WOW, WOW, WOW…. what a post. Absolute breathtaking beautiful hike. Unbelievable scenery, I don’t think I could leave those waterfalls. Oh I feel I can hear the sounds as I write. These hikes definitely serve you well. Glad you are bouncing back, sounds like your path is turning to the brighter side. Embrace your new body. You’ve worked hard for it.
I am glad to see you do “check-in” with someone. I don’t even know you personally but yesterday I knew you were out hiking solo & was worried about you. Sorry to say but this world has turned a bit crazy & you never know about people. Not to mention if you were to fall on one of your crazy climbs & needed help.
Thank you, Melissa! And lol – I do check in, and I also choose well traveled hiking areas where there are plenty of people around. It was a very social hike this time, which made it fun. 🙂 And the few times I ventured off on my own were “safe areas”. At Burgess there are park rangers on duty too, so your car in the parking lot after hours would instigate a search. 😉
Breathtaking scenery and profound insight! You are well on your way to being not just ok but great! My favorite quote…”This isn’t change – this is a returning to myself.”
That was probably the best lesson I learned, Edith. That this is not some “big scary unknown” or major life change, but a familiar (positive) place to come back to. What’s scary is how I got so far off track and away from my true self for so long – and how I never (truly) realized it as it was happening.
It’s funny how even the uncomfortable can become comfortable, or become your norm, so easily. Not funny, scary or sad really.
If nothing else, I am much more aware now. Aware of how easily you can get swept up in life, or how easy it is to fall into bad habits, aware of how easy it is to get totally sidetracked from your goals and desires – and blame life, instead of being proactive – etc, so many things.
Absolutely beautiful scenery…and just as beautiful thoughts. I especially liked,
“I’ve been feeling anxious and unnerved about losing so much weight. It all feels so new: a new body, a new size, different clothes. It just feels weird, and a little awkward. Realizing that I was once a size 8 before, hiking through those same trails, made me realize there’s nothing really new under the sun.This isn’t change – this is a returning to myself.”
I’m going through some stuff and this blog post came at a perfect time. This isn’t change – this is a returning to myself
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Janna – and that the timing was as good for you as it was for me. 🙂 That makes my day! It took me HOURS to write this post, and to be honest… I’m still processing just how much that hike affected me. 🙂
Lynn…such a great adventure day, and awakening day too! You have inspired me, as just eating alone isn’t working on this road for me. This morning, I got up at 5am and walked on the treadmill. I’m doing it tomorrow too. I think that, in combination with the right eating, will hopefully push the weight off. I know that harboring stress keeps it on too, so maybe, although you don’t realize it, processing everything you’re going through is making you let go of the weight. I wish you many more great hikes. Thanks for sharing and for being so inspiring!
Thank you for the good wishes, Sarah! 🙂
When you said eating alone isn’t working for you, what’s not working exactly? I lost all of my weight just eating low carb – and only started exercising to tone up. And more recently, for the sunshine & exercise to FEEL better through a tough time.
Anyway, how are you tracking? I’m happy to help! 🙂
I agree too that releasing emotions will release weight. Stress is a known factor in weight loss stalls. There’s science to it that I can’t recall right this second (it’s after midnight lol)…