This low carb diet is about so much more than just losing weight…
You’ve heard me say (often!) that it’s a lifestyle, with the goal to become the healthiest happiest version of yourself.
If you’re like me you’ve probably discovered that the more you improve yourself, and the more you switch over to a healthier lifestyle, the more people around you take notice… and get inspired to do the same!
Not everyone of course. There are always meanies and negative nellies that prefer NOT to be inspired by your positive change or progress in life, lol. But those people aside – you’re probably inspiring people without even knowing it. 😉
I think about that all the time.
When I’m out walking my great dane in the busy little downtown area, I hope people driving by (on their way to McDonald’s) think, “I should start walking again…”
I hope that little shop I pass by every day with the three ladies in it… that they’ve noticed me slim down by multiple sizes since I started walking by their window.
I hope the lady who serves me at my favorite restaurant, who always seems tired and less than fulfilled, notices that I eat healthier (and no longer eat for three people, lol) and how my own demeanor has changed – along with my physical appearance.
I hope my friends see how much I have changed, and how much happier I am(!), in my most recent Facebook updates. I hope when one of my current pictures scrolls through their content stream that they stop and think, “Wow, she’s really changed her life! I should get serious about my own health goals.”
It’s about planting the seed.
You’re probably inspiring more people than you’ll ever know to make healthier changes and choices in their own lives. That’s a GOOD feeling, isn’t it?! You don’t need to be told or to get credit. Just TAKE credit: KNOW that you are a walking inspiration to the world, regardless of what people say – or never say at all.
And if you’re not, or you aren’t yet… you can be.
I know I have a platform here on this blog where I get to inspire and motivate people every day. But I also want to be a silent motivator, a source of inspiration that spreads through my friend circle – and through the world even.
I am SO motivated to make a difference… that makes a difference!
I have to pause here and introduce you to my friend Nicole Dean.
We’ve been friends for quite a few years. She’s even been to my house here in TN, and hiked Burgess Falls with me. 🙂 That was in 2009.
She was also THERE the day I decided to start TravelingLowCarb, the blog you’re reading now.
In fact, she was the first friend I told about this idea – her and my friend Tracy. The three of us were having breakfast together overlooking the beach at Okaloosa Island, talking about our diets and our health goals…

I think it was Tracy that said, “I don’t know how you do it. I don’t “diet” on vacation.” It was a compliment to my resolve, which was really nice.
But my reply is how this site and my mission here was born. I laughed and said, “I’m on perpetual vacation! If I only ate healthy at home, I would be HUGE!” 🙂
At the time I was traveling 1-3 times a month. That month alone I had just returned from out of the country, was at the beach with them, and was about to head off to a week of “low carb camping” in the mountains. More recently I travel 6-9 times a year, every month or so, but I’ve been home for the Spring/Summer this year. Anyway…
Here we are. 🙂
Sometimes it’s the smallest thing that plants the seed for something truly awesome. Like Tracy’s comment over breakfast, which ultimately brought us all together! Or walking by a lady’s shop window on your way to work every morning. Or changing your order where you always stop in to pick up breakfast of lunch. You never know when something YOU do or say is going to make a HUGE impact.
I bet Tracy has no idea, even to this very day (unless she reads this, lol).
I adore her, by the way. Here’s a picture of us together in March (on my last trip). 🙂
Tracy is the kind of friend that checks in just to say hello, or just to ask you how she can make your day better. You know: the rare kind of friend. 🙂
I’m getting wordy – apologies. I do like sharing my thoughts and my friends with you though.:) I’ll get to the point…
My friend Nicole has started a movement called Awesomization Nation.
I totally missed the first one, but it’s starting back up now for the month of September. It runs Sept 1st – 30th and it’s 30 Days of Awesomization.
What does that mean?
It’s a growing movement of collective self-improvement and of improving the world – together. That’s definitely something I want to be a part of! 🙂
Not just to motivate me more, and to hold me accountable to my own goals, but to push me to make a bigger difference in my community – not just hoping I do “in passing” but making it a point to actively do/help/inspire.
I’m sure you THINK about doing awesome things in your life, and in your community too. I think about those things all the time too – ways I could do better, be better, contribute to my community even. We just kinda need a need a BOOST to get started, and to really get in the habit of DOING.
Joining “a movement” is the best way to do that. 🙂
It’s not free, but it IS really cheap to join in – if you join today I should add, because the price goes up tomorrow (on Monday). It’s things like this that really MOTIVATE me, which is worth ten bucks all day long.
Heck, if I could just buy pure motivation in liquid form I’d probably pay $100 a dose for it 😛 lol. Who couldn’t use more motivation, right?!
I’ll be there of course, along with my friends Tracy and Nicole and lots of other cool people. If this appeals to you… join us!
This particular challenge and community is geared toward business owners / entrepreneurs, but if that’s not you… you might still want to join. As Meatloaf says, two out of three ain’t bad. 😉 Or maybe you’ll use the business angle to improve or advance your career if that’s a fit for you. There’s an idea!
Speaking of business & working from home, someone asked me for the link to the Writing Jobs From Home opportunity I shared with you awhile back, so there’s the link in case you want or need it too. It’s a special discount link. You can read more about it here, but use the special link above to get it cheap.:)
I’ll let you check it out for yourself to see if it’s something you’d LOVE to join me in during the month of September: Awesomization Nation.
I thought you would at least enjoy the story of how this blog and our great community came about – from breakfast on the beach with my girl friends. 🙂
I also hope that if nothing else, at the very least, this inspired you to get out there and live a life… that inspires others.
Smile bigger when you’re out walking. Make eye contact and smile when you order your healthy take-out. Stand tall wherever you stand…
BE the glowing inspiration this world NEEDS.
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
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