I’ve been really tired this week. Unusually tired, even. Last weekend was a very long working conference, so I’ve pretty much just been taking it easy. I haven’t felt like cooking, that’s for sure. 😛
It was kinda cool that the Quest Bars came in while I was away. Those have made for super easy snacks, and I’ve been eating them for breakfast most days.
I’m having the Apple Pie Quest Bar and some Almonds with my coffee this morning, in fact.
I love the hint of cinnamon in those!
I also received my package from LC Foods Corp. Now that I’m starting to feel more rested, I’m anxious to get in the kitchen and whip up some of those low carb brownies – and also try the easy low carb bread I ordered from them as well.
The scales are really challenging me (ie not moving) so I have been watching my carbs closely. I honestly can’t complain given how much weight I’ve lost in such a short period of time.
The scales will move slower from here on out given how close I am getting to my ideal weight. I probably have another 10 pounds or so to go – mostly around the middle. 😉
Up to this point I haven’t exercised at all, so I’m thinking it’s time to get into a regular daily exercise routine and work on toning. Getting thinner simply isn’t enough. I want to look and feel FABULOUS!
Outside of the Quest Bars, I’ve been keeping it really simple with my low carb eating. Last night I had take-out from the Mexican restaurant – a taco salad (minus the taco it came in, of course):
I’ve been snacking on Almonds and string cheese during the day, eating leftovers, etc. The other night I cooked cheesy broccoli to go along with pre-cooked steak strips (the fajita meat I get at the grocery store). That was an easy 10-minute dinner:
I use frozen broccoli and boil it for about 5 minutes (or until tender). Then add butter & salt, put it in a baking dish and smother with cheese. I bake it at 400 until it’s nice & bubbly. Easy!
I ordered some low carb breading from www.HoldtheCarbs.com so I’m anxious to try that this week with fried squash or fried okra – and maybe even homemade chicken tenders. 🙂
How about you – how’s your week going, and what’s been on your low carb menu??
Lynn, I’m so glad you started this low carb blog – it has me motivated again. Eating low carb has always been the only way I could lose weight – I just could not stay on it for very long. I have just recently finished radiation and chemo treatments and just got the news that the treatments worked! Now I need to start eating healthy again and get my immune system and strength back to normal. I love the idea of your cheesy broccoli – sounds good and nutritious as well as being very easy! I’m going to try the Quest bars also. Thanks again for all your ideas and tips!
That’s great news, Barbara! Congratulations π I know that outside of this week (I’m just exhausted from the 5-day conference) that low carb eating has really given me a lot more energy. I usually stick to lean meats and good greens which helps a lot – both with losing weight and with having more energy.
I look forward to hearing more from you. Glad you stopped by today!
Leafy greens have amazing uplifting energy and are a great natural pick me up! Did you know also that 500 calories of spinach has the same amount of protein as 500 calories of chicken? The spinach is going to amount to more volume, of course, and so it makes you full faster too. My latest not-so guilty pleasure is kale chips, lightly sprayed with olive oil and baked at 350 for 8 minutes. SO GOOD! Cheers, Lynn!
I’ve heard of Kale Chips before. I must try them! I do love spinach – particularly in eggs. That’s my favorite. I’ll definitely add more leafy greens until I get my usual energy back. π
Hi Lynn, thank you for all the goodies of your low carb diet, I tried it years ago for 4 years but it was great for first few months as it along with exercise, together for first 12 months, then came to a Platoe, and never lost another ounce, Until my Girl Friends Daughter, told me about the Paleo Diet, and she got me onto it and I’ve been on it now for near 3 years and its great so every one for their own, must exercise, as well as eat good healthy no junk food , as my poor old Dad used to say Junk in Junk out took me a while to figure it out but He was right in anything in life today even the internet.( Garry)
Hi Garry,
What are the major differences between Paleo and Low Carb?
Hi Lynn!
I absolutely love almonds (especially almond butter), glad that somone else likes them too.
Do you have any special plans for exercise? Going to take Slim on extra long hikes? π
I have a bag of Almonds sitting right here beside my keyboard as we speak π For exercise I am going to start walking with Slim more again, now that it’s cooling off. So that will be my initial goal. I also want to work my upper body, and for that I prefer to use my Gazelle. I’ll be sure to post updates and will probably use Angie’s check-ins on Facebook too. π
I am so happy with all the recipes for the low carb diet. I can not find the pizza recipe made with almond flour? Should I use the garlic stick recipe? I wonder if I could be
Putting to much cheese I my diet is there a limit? I do count the carbs.
Hi Linda,
I’m not much of a cook – but yes, you could use the low carb bread recipe: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/680/low-carb-bread-recipe/ to make a pizza crust. You just want to slightly undercook the bread part before you add the toppings – so it doesn’t burn. Burnt almonds smell awful. π
You should limit cheese if your weight loss stalls or you experience constipation. I usually only eat an ounce a day or less. Just track it – your total carbs of course, but also your fat/protein ratios. See: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/7006/macronutrients/