I went on an amazingly fun hike yesterday, and I want to take you along with me on a photo tour. 🙂 It’ll be fun, I promise! Plus I did finally manage to get some current full-body pictures of me to share with you, starting with this one:
Hiking is fabulous exercise, not only because it’s FUN but also because you use a much wider range of muscles navigating nature than you do on a typical walk or run.
This hike was at a cool little place called Greeter Falls in Tennessee, and it’s about half hour from where I live. It was a cooler morning, which was perfect, and it’s early enough in the season that the bugs won’t eat you alive – yet. 🙂
I wore my Northside Burke Water Sandals for this hike because they have great grip for navigating trails and rock hopping, but they’re also great water shoes.
(I love these shoes!!)
The trails were fun to navigate with lots of hills and dips, stumps and rocks, twists and turns – with beautiful views in every direction!
See this narrow bluff?
It was so low and so narrow that you had to crawl around that tight corner very (very!) slowly – and carefully lol – to get to the cool little cave-like overhang that faced the river (wayyyy) down below.
Dirty knees, sweat, cool breeze, gorgeous view… Perfect. Wow.
Here’s a video from my viewpoint in this little shelf-in-the-rock:
Yes, it was a bit scary! lol
Next was the hike down to Greeter Falls…
A lot of climbing, tripping (lol), rock hopping, crawdad chasing, laughing, beautiful rocks to explore, amazing sights… and tons of nature to enjoy!
Absolutely gorgeous…
You should never go on such an ambitious hike in the middle of nowhere alone, of course. Meet Joe – my new instagram friend and adventure buddy. 🙂
Many thanks to Joe for snapping a few current pictures of me for you. It took me a couple of days but I finally managed to get them! 🙂 lol…
I’m currently in a size 10, with lots of wiggle room, and feeling lean and happy!
Here are my shoes, by the way. They are Northside Burke Water Sandals, kind of a cross between athletic shoes and sandals, great for creek wading and hiking!
They are my favorite shoes in the Spring and Summer when there’s so much to explore and experience. 🙂
I find hiking, skiing, walking my dane, kayaking, and pretty much anything outdoors to be much more enjoyable for exercise than going to the gym. 😛
Tennessee is full of awesome little spots like this, so I’m planning to get out and explore as often as I can before it gets entirely too hot here. Toning is my biggest goal right now, and I can’t think of a better way to work my muscles than to get out and have FUN!
What’s cool to see & do where you live?? 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
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