Yesterday was nuts. 🙄 It was just one of those days. I ended up having a royal carb screw-up too, but it was totally unintentional. Given how my day went, and how much I struggled, I’m just relieved that’s ALL that got logged. 😛
I’ll explain & share my MyFitnessPal food diary so you can see what I mean.
The day started out great. As many bad days do. 🙂 It really wasn’t that bad. I just had a bit of a meltdown, but made a great recovery lol.
(Well, except for the “carb oops!” at dinner…)
I met with my bookkeeper yesterday and got my taxes files. Which, as a successful entrepreneur, is always a little stressful. Totally deflating would be a better description. 🙄 Heh. Ugh. Anyway, I’m glad to have it done at least.
After that though, I was in a bit of a daze. Processing tons of information and solutions in my head. I drove back to town in total quiet, my mind buzzing, getting hungry… and drove around in circles for an entire hour. I kept talking myself out of BAD food choices, lol.
I finally ended up at Applebee’s. It was around 3:30 in the afternoon by then. I got seated, but never got any service – so I eventually left and went somewhere else. More driving in circles 🙂 lol. The urge to just “take a day off” was STRONG. Rah!
I decided to go to Ming’s Chinese Buffet & Grill. I knew I had two options there: eat super low carb, or totally binge. And a third option: just have a little of something I shouldn’t. I had no idea how it would go as I was walking through the door.
I did fine. Well, you’ll see. 🙂 lol. Below is my low carb food diary for yesterday. After dinner I came home and just crawled in bed – and slept ALL evening. Literally, from around 5pm until 9:30, lol. When I’m done with a day, I’m DONE. 😛
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10
Day 11: Thursday’s Low Carb Meals
I started the day with my usual “low carb cereal.” It’s 1/4 cup Daisy brand cottage cheese, 3/4 cup pecans & 4 small strawberries. (6 net carbs, 88% healthy fats)
I had a big juicy low carb burger on my way to get my taxes filed. I ordered it plain with cheese so it would be zero carbs… and also so I don’t drip while driving. 🙂
My dinner at the chinese buffet started out great. I got steak & mushrooms from the grill in the back (“soy sauce only, please!”). Delicious!
The only real screw-up was the Baked Crab on the bar. I didn’t even think about it being Imitation Crab (which is loaded in carbs!!). You can see the entire photo tour of my low carb meal at the buffet here.
Honestly, I’m impressed that the “unintentional crab” was the worst I did. 🙂 Once I got in there I didn’t even want any of the high carb foods laid out everywhere for the taking. My resolve is stronger than I realized! 😉
Here’s My MyFitnessPal Diary for Thursday:
Here’s how & what I track, and how I get Net Carbs in MyFitnessPal.
All said and done, not a bad day – except for that little oversight with the crab. Lesson learned! I haven’t weighed yet since I’m a bit off schedule, so stay tuned for a weight loss update. 😉
I’m actually proud of myself for avoiding a stress binge. VERY proud. I desperately need to get some low carb groceries (my cupboards are bare! 😯 lol), and I MUST get in a good workout today…
How are you doing with the challenge this week?
Leave a comment below, and let’s do this together!!
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. You can subscribe by email below to get my Daily Food Diaries throughout the Low Carb Challenge sent straight to your inbox. That way you’ll never miss great (easy!) low carb meal ideas. 😉

Well I’ve had better days, been down with respiratory bug all week and was hard just keeping on track. I keep SF Jell-O cups and tastes good while ill. BPC a couple times a day. I had a couple saltine crackers and that was my only slip. You know I have stayed on track since beginning this challenge but it’s sure not showing on scales?
I have that problem when I’m sick. Your body goes into a “hold”. Just ride it out and eat healthy – for your health. Sip on hot chicken broth too. It will help replace the electrolytes your body needs after being so sick. Plus it tastes so yummy when you don’t feel well!
Get better soon! π *cheers*
I wonder what they use to make imitation crab meat? That’s crazy.
I think you did great at the Chinese Buffet
That is an awful lot of temptation there. π
I think it is inspiring that even if you have a minor slip up at one meal,that it dies not ruin your resolve to stay with your Woe
I am finally getting to that point where i can do that too
In the past if i had a slip up one day i would throw in the towel and eat what i wanted the rest of the day. Glad those days are gone. I was taking a day off once a week but sometimes that makes it harder to get back on track again
At least until i get to my goal weight, i would rather not have a day off. Maybe a one off meal would be less dangerous for me. π
That’s smart, Gigi. A whole day off is way too much, and will definitely throw you out of ketosis. It’s hard on your body to go in and out EVERY week. Ack! π lol.
It’s a lesson in Mindful Eating. Just being aware of what you’re eating, and making deliberate choices (vs mindless eating). Even with a “day off” or one off plan meal, planning that in advance and choosing ONE meal is smarter than letting a binge set in on you that’s hard to recover from. π
Going on day 3 now with my low carb journey!
I’m very please with my weight loss ….. down 5.2 lbs!!
I had a close call yesterday during my working lunch meeting! Not being used to low carb of course they served pizza but luckily they had a salad too. My first instinct was going straight for the pizza but suddenly I pulled back and grabbed the utensils for the salad! Close one!
I’m finding myself wanting something sweet in the evenings (like going crazy! After all, my routine is to have ice cream every night) This I a struggle and as of yet I have not strayed but I know it is coming. I have been drinking a small glass of diet Pepsi trying to satisfy my sweet craving.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Roberta,
Close call, and great save! π
Try having a cup of chicken broth at night. It’s savory instead of sweet, but I find it fixes my cravings. I keep sugar free candy in the house too – one Werther’s sugar free hard candy usually does the trick for me. π *cheers*
Good to know, never thought about doing a savory chicken broth instead of something sweet! I’ll have to try that!
Thank you so much for all your great ideas and encouragement!
Now for the weekend, oh my!!!
Yay for not stress binging Lynn!!! I would say yesterday was a success for you especially with all the tempting foods at a Chinese buffet…Idk if I would have been able to refrain myself lol. Kudos to you for doing so!!
Yesterday for me was could’ve easily been a cheat day. With a sick baby, no sleep, and feeling really bloated I would usually eat whatever the hell made me feel better (fries, chips, chocolate). But I had none of that. Instead I had:
B: bpc (this had me full for hours so I didn’t have my usual breakfast with it)
L: meat omelet (ssausage, bacon, colby jack cheese)
D: 2 Oscar Meyer smoked sausages, salad (romaine, 1 Celery stalk, feta, cesar dressing), boiled egg, diet dr pepper
S: 16 pepperoni slices w/1oz colby jack cheese, 1/2 pecan bar, 1 Russell stover sugar free pecan delights
I had a total of 9 net carbs and drank 67oz of water. Not a bad day considering I kept finding reasons to have a cheat. Yay for not caving.
*high five* Justine! We both made it through a tough day. π Way to go!!
Hi L
I did a little research about the ‘Natural’ burger on the menue at Hardees.
It is made with grass fed beef…no hormones or steroids or antibiotics.
This is great because grass fed beef iss es high in CLA. (congegated Linoleic Acid) which has been found to be one of the best fats for melting body fat. Like coconut oil, and oils from nuts and seeds, these are healthy fats. If course, calories must be considered as well. We cannot overeat even on healthy fats or we will gain. (common myth with some LCHF woe people) Macros have to be the right percent in relation to carbs abd protein. You got it correct Lyn with your macros.
But we must not forget about our micronutrients found in fresh veggies abd LC fruit like berries.
I have not been good lately with getting my raw greens in lately. I need to at least have a stick of celery with my meal ir preferably a big green salad.
I am excited about the natural burger from Hardees. It comes with red onion, cheddar cheese, lettuce,tomatoe, ketchup abd Mayo. I will order it with onion cheese lettuce abd tomatoe only. I like mustard. π
I guess i have issues with eating regular beef that is not natural. Great. I will order one bunless Natural burger today π
Sorry. I type from my phone and make too many typos. I DO know how to spell. Lol. This tiny keyboard is the problem. I need my PAD back from my daughter. Lol
Great to know, Gigi! Thanks for researching that and sharing the details. π Let me know how you like it if you do get it today!
Hi Lyn
Sorry to say I did not like the burger. It seemed to have a stronger taste than the regular burgers and it tasted greast. Akk….
So much for research. I can however a little bit of the butter (from grass fed cows) i think i could handle that. In this case tastes wins out over what is the healthiest. I couldnt eat more than a few bites. Good think i ordered a side salad. I sliced a half of avacado in my salad.
Next time i am ordering the grilled chicken club from Hardees. My first instinct was to order THAT.
Not a great day for me. I stopped and had a SF dilly bar at DQ.
I will do better tomorrow
I think it might be me though. I have lost my taste for burgers of ant kind. But that one was yuk.imho. I do not know why. π
I meant it seemed greasier than the regular burgers.
I am SO glad you said that, Gigi – lol – because I did try the Natural Burger ONCE and was like blech blech blech. It tasted funny to me. π I felt bad because it’s supposed to be “better” but I couldn’t hack it. haha!
I forced down four small bites. My dog loved it though. To say it was yucky was an understatement. Lol
Next time i will get one of their grilled chicken entrees. The BbQ one looked yummy. Maybe tomorrow. π
Hi Lynn,
Just curious, how much did you weigh this morning, love your posts.
Hi Sarah! π
Since I slept last night 5-9:30pm, I was up most of the night, and had two short sleeps this morning – so I’ll get a “true weigh” tomorrow. π At the moment I am STILL at the same weight, lol… but I do FEEL leaner today (less bloated) so I’m looking forward to my next weigh. π
I’m happy to announce my tummy is happy today!!!!! I don’t know if it’s because I eliminated Xylitol from my diet the past few days or if it’s from only taking the probiotic for one day, or if I had that yuck virus and it’s finally gone. Whatever it is, I’m very very happy to be rid of it. I’ll keep taking the probiotic and I’m going to avoid Xylitol for a while and then slowly reintroduce it and then limit my daily intake from then on.
I’m down .5 lbs today! This puts me 3.5 lbs from my goal!!!!!!
Egg fast is doing awesome π
Great to hear, Jennifer! π I’m cheering you on to reach your goal!!