Ugh. Day 3 on a new low carb challenge is the pits! 😛 That’s when the Keto Flu always hits me. Screaming headache, leg cramps, irritability, etc. NOT fun!
On top of that, my abs AND arms were sore from my killer workout on the Ab Carver Pro, lol. Double Whammy!
I love that feeling though, because it means it’s working. 🙂
I have lost 3.6 pounds in the first 3 days of this challenge. Yay!
Yesterday was an odd day though, given I had the keto flu. I intentionally knocked myself out of ketosis before this challenge started on Monday (I had ONE off-plan meal Saturday night) because I like to kick off a new challenge on the same track with everyone else. (You’re welcome! lol)
I was miserable all day yesterday. I got up at 5am, worked a full day, and totally crashed by 5pm. 😛 I slept a solid six hours, which is my norm, which meant I woke up at 11pm last night ready for coffee. 🙂 lol.
Oh well! Fortunately I work from home so I can do that. 😉 The great thing though, is that I woke up weighing less! I’m down to 151 pounds today.
How to track meals when you’re off schedule? I have this rule that “it’s not tomorrow until I’ve slept.” Since I woke up at 11pm (after a full sleep) I decided it was officially “tomorrow” (today) for me, so I started a new food log. I didn’t actually eat until after midnight anyway. That makes sense, right?!
I guess some people go by the 24 hour clock, some people go by their own clock (day), depending on your work schedule and such. Whatever works!
Challenge Details | Day One | Day Two
Day 3: Wednesday’s Low Carb Meals
I woke up early (before sunrise) and did NOT feel like eating. That’s when you know ketosis is setting in, as it’s a natural appetite suppressant. I had coffee and got some work done, then finally grabbed breakfast when I went out for errands.
I stopped by McDonald’s on my way to my Reflexology appointment. I have no idea what she does to my feet exactly, but I love it. 🙂 Anyway, I ordered a double Sausage Egg McMuffin at McDonald’s (and just ditched the muffin).
I ate one sausage and one egg before my appointment, and had the other half an hour or so later – when I got home from my errands. While I was out I stopped by the grocery store for a few quick low carb staples:
That chicken broth is for my Keto Flu. 🙂
It’s my favorite (Campbell’s canned chicken broth), and it’s PERFECT for replacing the electrolytes and sodium lost during the diuretic process of going back into ketosis. Highly recommended if you’re feeling rough too. 😉
Since I finally had my favorite healthy low carb foods in the house after that trip to the store, I had my “low carb cereal” for the next meal – which ended up being my last meal of the day.
It’s 3/4 cup pecans, 1/4 cup Daisy brand cottage cheese, and 4 small (frozen/diced) strawberries. 6 net carbs and 88% healthy fats. It’s all “real food” and very filling!
I’ve gotten spoiled on frozen strawberries during the “off season”. I always got fresh berries before, but I find them SO easy to dice up while still slightly frozen – plus I like the icy crunch in my “cereal.” 🙂 And they never go bad before I can use them all! I just wish my local store carried frozen raspberries… Mmm!
My complete MyFitnessPal Diary for Wednesday:
Here’s how & what I track, and how I get Net Carbs in MyFitnessPal.
Calories: 1244
Net Carbs: 12
Total Carbs: 22
Protein: 50 Grams
Macro Ratios: 84% Fat, 13% Protein
Exercise: None 😐
FitBit Steps: 1,715 😐
Water: 40 ounces
Starting Weight: 154.6
Current Weight: 151 pounds
Weight Loss (so far): 3.6 pounds
That’s a current picture of me, taken Tuesday night. I love that American Eagle dress (especially the blue color), but it was WAY too short for me -lol. Fortunately I had a pair of matching AE leggings. Not a figure-flattering outfit, but definitely comfortable. 🙂
The lack of exercise yesterday was sad. 😛 lol. I felt like H*LL though, and slept all evening too.
That’s okay. I probably needed a day of muscle recovery after that killer ab workout the day before. Today I am going to do my Focus T25 Fast Track workout. I love the “fat girls can do it too” review on Amazon, lol. That workout is only 25 minutes, so it’s easy to fit in – but it definitely kicks my butt!! 🙂
I just had my usual “low carb cereal” (same as above) to kick off my Thursday, and for lunch (which will happen before daylight, lol) I’m going to have my leftovers from O’Charley’s. It was cedar plank salmon, baby green beans & loaded broccoli.
I was only able to eat about half that for dinner Tuesday night. They give you HUGE amounts of food at restaurants! 😛
It will be interesting to see how today’s food diary plays out, given I started at midnight (lol). I expect my carbs & calories to be much higher as I get back on my usual schedule, but I aim to still try to get as close to my daily macro goals as I can.
I was really excited to wake up at 151 pounds this morning! I’m SO close to being back under 150. 🙂 I have no idea what my goal weight is, by the way. My current goal is to lose fat, and gain muscle mass – meaning: get in AMAZING shape.
It’ll be interesting to see how that plays out in numbers on the scale. I’m using a full body composition scale to track muscle gain, fat loss, bone density, etc. It gives you a much better overview of your progress if you’re also working out, with the goal to tone & gain muscle.
How did you do on Day Three?
Leave a comment below, and let’s do this together!!
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. You can subscribe by email below to get my Daily Food Diaries throughout the Low Carb Challenge sent straight to your inbox. That way you’ll never miss great (easy!) low carb meal ideas. 😉

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