I decided not to go to Atlanta this week after all. You know how much I love to travel – and I do! 🙂 – but I’ve really been on the go a lot lately and I decided I need the downtime.
Sometimes you have to stop and analyze, and make smart choices. My big goal in life is to become the healthiest, happiest version of myself that I can be.
I came home from Vegas with a virus. That was nasty! I came home from Orlando with a cough. The idea of being around 500 more (germy) people again this weekend didn’t seem like a bright idea. lol.
On top of that, I was feeling a little stressed last night. Nothing major, just lying in bed unable to sleep with a million things running through my mind.
Like the fact that I need to UNpack my Orlando bags to pack for my Atlanta trip. 😛
I took a deep breath and decided to call it off. Relax, I said to myself. Let go. I got up and outlined my highest priorities – work deadlines, personal goals, etc – and made the decision to stay home, stay focused, and baby this lovely cough I was gifted with.
Health Update
That reminds me… I went to the doctor recently for a full workup and got a big fat A+ 🙂 🙂
My kidneys, my blood sugar levels, cholesterol, thyroid, you name it – all perfect. 🙂 Yay! Not bad for almost 43 years old, right?!
I feel very fortunate for good health, silly viral nonsense this season aside, and very glad I started eating a healthy ketogenic diet five years ago!
In other news, I’m down a bra size (or two). 😐 lol…
There were two things working against me today. First, with the trip off the plate I no longer have this strong incentive to lose a few more pounds and fit into some super cute new dresses this weekend. I can lounge in my comfies, which accommodate practically any weight. 🙂 lol.
Second, I am 152.8 pounds. Less than three pounds from being back below 150 (goal!). Every time I get super close to my goal… I tend to self sabotage.
Why?! Because I’m human. 😛 Fear of success maybe. Being more comfortable “always losing” than facing the uncomfortable: Who am I at my goal? What IS my goal? “Let’s just avoid that a little longer…”
I refuse to give in to that mental battle. It’s a TOUGH one, believe me. I know you do – you probably have some of the same conversations in your own head, right? 😉
I ended up eating an Atkins Bar instead of a candy bar today. I forced myself to get up and go for a walk, even though I didn’t feel like it. Then I MADE myself cook a healthy low carb dinner instead of going out to indulge on what I REALLY wanted.
Today was a success – one meal at a time, one choice at a time.
Speaking of new dresses, do you want to see one of them? 🙂 Since I’m not going to be “seen” this weekend, I’ll show it off here. I got this one on Amazon too:
Ice cream will NOT fit in that dress. 😛 lol…
View the dress on Amazon It’s a GREAT dress. I lack a few pounds wearing it *comfortably* but I’m really into the retro look lately!!
I once had someone tell me (in a comment on Facebook): If I looked like you, I’d eat anything I want! Er, yeah. 😐 I wish I could. I really do.
My weight loss journey has been a TOUGH one, and it’s STILL a constant struggle. I have to work HARD just to maintain my weight – much less continue to lose.
Then there’s the fact that I’m sucking in and wearing serious undergarments to hold things together under my new dresses, lol. I have A LOT of toning to do.
I’m determined.
I want to meet this “happiest, healthiest version of myself”. I want to see what that FEELS like. And so for one more day, I chose to eat low carb and exercise. (Blah, lol) Again, it’s one choice at a time. We just have to keep making the healthy choices…
I’ve lost 4 pounds this week so far, and I am not about to undo all of that hard work. I’m tired of feeling discouraged, disgusted or disappointed. I think forward to how I’m going to feel in a bathing suit in a few short months. Or what if I have a hot date out of the blue?! 🙂 haha. *sigh*
I know it’s tough. I’m right there with you. I’ve been at this for FIVE years, and still haven’t achieved what should have been SO easy. I am not giving up. I am determined. Every single day I am going to wake up and decide to BE HEALTHY.
Are you with me? 🙂
Someday (very very soon I hope!) I will show you some shocking before and after pictures of my amazing transformation. Soon, because I’m still working on that “amazing transformation” part – lol.
I’m off to do a quick arm workout, in my quest to see if there’s any real hope for “armpit tits” and “batwings” in your 40’s… 😛 I’ll let you know!! *cheers*
I know they don’t show that much in the picture above, but that’s because I’ve learned to hold my arm very strategically for photos 😉 haha.
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

I love your honesty! Stay the course Lynn – you will make it to goal!
Thank you, Gail! π *cheers*
I love that you stress one day one choice at a time! Is the only way some things, this, can be done and keep ones sanity!
That’s so true, Billie – and for me, some days… it’s one moment at a time, lol.
Good for you, Lynn! Putting yourself first is so important in this quest. Many of us, women especially, put everyone else in our life–including mere acquaintances–before our own needs. Do you think that’s an inherited or a learned trait? There comes a time in life we have to realize if we don’t take care of ourselves, we really aren’t taking care of anyone else either. That’s such a struggle for some of us, maybe because we think we’re being selfish or–as I’ve begun to think in my own life–it’s a convenient excuse for avoiding the hard work of becoming fit. Anyway, I’m very proud of you for thinking of yourself first and for being so committed to becoming the best you can be. You look absolutely terrific…so slim and petite in your beautiful new dresses. Wish my bra size would decrease some more. Ha, we’re never happy with what we have, are we? Your honesty has helped me in this journey by realizing I’m not alone, and I love your sense of humor. Thanks for being you, Lynn!
That made my day, Cindi. π Yes, we all have our own issues – body image, torn between what we do for ourselves vs what we do for others, etc etc. It seems like a constant balancing act and mental saga, hey? π
That time you take for yourself – to exercise for example – makes you feel SO good that you’re actually more beneficial to the people in your life than you would be otherwise… when you’re tired, overwhelmed, feeling down about your own goals, etc.
It’s a catch 22, like so many other things in life. But the things we do to take care of ourselves really do make us better people for the people we feel love or have obligations to.
When I DO take the time to exercise, it makes such a BIG difference – a positive difference! I’m really pushing myself to make it more of a habit and less of a chore. π
Thank you so much for this post! I’ve been struggling with 7 lbs for the last month. I get so close to my goal and then sabotage myself. I need to get out of my “if I get to _____ lbs, I can “reward” myself with some (insert some carb heavy food). I will be turning 30 in May and I have decided this is my year! I’m going to push hard and be the healthy, happy best version of myself. I have to do this for myself but I also want my 1.5 year old and husband to have the best me I can be also!
You’ll love your 30’s Kimberlee – and then your 40’s. π They are two amazingly great decades to enjoy!! And definitely an ideal time to look and feel your best!
I get the reward thing. That’s why I turned to dresses and shoes. π lol. It actually motivates me to stay on track (fitting in the dresses and looking great!) and it’s a NICE reward for losing weight – because something new just makes you feel pretty. π
I’m totally changing my style since losing weight, which is a lot of fun – and just makes me want to ROCK those outfits! It was definitely a great switch in my reward system, lol.
I went with cute workout clothes too – for the same reason, and to inspire me to exercise more. Which is also working. π Looking good FEELS good, and feeling good feeds your motivation…
Oh Lynn thanks so much for the post! Just what I needed to hear today. I didn’t even weigh myself this morning because I’ve been so discourages/disgusted – I’ve been stuck at 143 forever and yesterday morning I was 145. My goal is 130 so I’m fairly close but just can’t seem to stick with it all day every day and GAINING stead of losing??? So just for today, like you say, I’m going to determine to make one good choice at a time. Thanks again. Have a wonderful day!
Feeling discouraged/disgusted is one of those things that really makes me spiral downward – give in, give up, then get more disgusted. It’s an ugly trap! π I find it really helps me to just get sick of feeling that way, and get seriously determined!!
I find that yo-yo’ing on the diet really keeps me in a spin too. Not just mentally but physically. Your body starts going into ketosis, you knock it out, start over, bounce in and out – it’s hard on you.
Try getting super focused just for two weeks, 14 days, tracking very closely and MAKING a breakthrough happen – both mentally and physically. π You’ll be so glad you did!
And you will get to goal (SOON!) and you will continue to “tweak”! π My question is… I’m a frequent “pee-er”… you know… 1/2 C. bladder. How on earth would I manage with those Spanx and a DRESS on! And that… is what keeps me from considering them. π
Keep on keeping on! Love your blog.
lol Karen! I pee A LOT too. π Especially in ketosis, as it’s a natural diuretic. Fortunately the model of Spanx I ordered has a very well made “pee hole” (I’m quite sure it has a better name, haha).
I wore mine for 3 days in a row in Orlando (12+ hour days) and never managed to pee on it. π It has great coverage so you don’t have to wear undies – although you could if you just had to – but the hole works well for those frequent bathroom breaks. No getting undressed required! π
Here’s the one I got: http://amzn.to/1PjpA99
Ok then! I’m ON it! LOL Thanks Lynn.
O my im not alone and low carb (after trying other “diets” )this is the lifestyle for me
Armpit tits!! My kinda girl, I love that you listen to your own voice and body and decide that YOU have the power to choose your own options. Enjoy your relaxation and comfies.. enjoy life and feel great about nursing yourself into health and happiness π You always seem to validate and confirm all of our similar feelings.. it’s special. Thank you!
Thank you, Wendy. π I think that’s important: OWNING your own choices. Over the last couple of years I’ve really gotten into the concept of “mindfulness”. In fact, I bought some books/courses on that topic I need to dig out and finish reading, lol.
Just making more intentional and strategic choices has made a big difference in my life. Otherwise you just find yourself “going with the flow” – and being pulled along by other people’s choices. Which is not always ideal.
That leads into “mindful eating” which I find very interesting as well. Making intentional choices, even when you decide to go off plan. When it’s your choice, and you do it intentionally, there’s no guilt and negative feelings (and negative self image) attached. Which keeps you from using it as a platform to spiral out of control.
Anyway, I’m glad to hear that. I think we all deal with so many of the very same things – body image, stress, habits, LIFE in general… it’s tough stuff sometimes. Likewise, you all keep ME feeling validated and sane and motivated. π
Just curious, do you ever feel anxiety or a burden to not let people watching your journey down? Do you worry about that and if so does it help you or hurt you?
Hi Stephanie π
Yes, I do. It’s less of a negative (anxiety, burden, pressure) and more of a motivation for me though. I think we ALL do so much better having each other to talk to, report in to, sort out the issues with, etc. But yes, there are days it definitely keeps me on track… when I probably wouldn’t otherwise. π
Try it! If you don’t already have an Instagram account for your low carb life, that’s a great place to start. I’m having GREAT fun on Instagram!! Here’s my account: http://www.instagram.com/lowcarbtraveler Just knowing that gaps in my posts “looks suspicious” inspires me to make the best food choices I can. π
That dress is adorable on you. I ordered the black and white one you posted a while back on Instagram. I haven’t received it yet, but I also ordered another from the same company and got that one already. It’so cute and I love the material. Enjoy your relaxing weekend. You are such an inspiration, Lynn.
Thank you, Kathy! π Did you get the black & white dress with the buttons, and the little bows at the top? This one: http://amzn.to/21B0f1q ? If so, you are going to LOVE the material and the way it fits!! That combination of material hardly wrinkles, is very fitted but really moves with you, breathes nicely (I didn’t suffer at ALL in the Orlando heat), and just totally impressed me. π So much so that I ordered more dresses from the same company that had that same material!
Very inspirational and honest Lynn and I love the dress, you look amazing in it.
Thank you, Sand! π I’m a few pounds lighter than I was the day I had that picture taken, so I might have to try it on again and see if I’m at “comfort size” in it yet. π You know, where I can sit down in it and still breathe – lol.
Just love seeing you shine Lynn. You go girl π
Thank you, Lisa! There is such a huge difference between being motivated and inspired… and feeling discouraged and “blah”. Oddly enough, everything in your life can be exactly the same, so it’s really just about mindset – or how you feel. That’s the hardest stuff to battle (mindset). I like the word “shine”. That defines it well, because I FEEL like I’m shining from the inside out. π
I love reading your posts. flew from NY to Phoenix last weekend for a wedding… I don’t know how you do it…traveling and keeping up with the food in airports and on planes isn’t easy… didn’t plan food well enough on the way out…not realizing home to plane to hotel would be about 9 1/2 hours. Ended up buying their cheese and fruit ‘snack’ on American Airlines. Killed me to pay $9 for it.
I always sleep on my flights, Cynthia. π I should probably do a fun write-up about all my flying around and how I plan & enjoy my trips!
I always arrive early. I love airports, and love hunting down a good low carb meal or snack before my “flight nap”. π I also pack a baggie of pecan halves, and sometimes a bar, or pick up sunflower seeds and cheeses – just in case.
I love to travel – and enjoy the trip at least as much as the destination, if not more sometimes. lol.