I kicked off the New Year sticking to my health goals: under 20 net carbs plus a workout. This time I did abs & arms.
I leave for my next trip (Vegas!) in just 7 days, so I’m motivated to stay on track and look & feel amazing on my trip.
I woke up today weighing 152.8 pounds, which means I’ve lost 3.4 pounds so far this week. That doesn’t really count since it’s weight I put back on, right? 😛 lol. *sigh* At least I’m not gaining. 😉
This is a daily struggle for me. Yesterday I stayed in and just ate what I had on hand (which you’ll see below). I did have a couple of pieces of sugar free candy later in the evening that I neglected to put in my food diary, but otherwise it’s all there. I don’t eat it often, but a piece or two hits the spot when I think I want to indulge.
I could easily lose 3 pounds in the next 7 or 8 days, before I arrive in Vegas. That’s doable! That would put me at my goal of being in the 140’s (at the high end, lol) which I haven’t seen in almost five years! I like having something easy to shoot for, in a short amount of time. That really keeps me on track…
Friday’s Low Carb Food Diary
My breakfast isn’t pretty, but it’s filling & delicious! All healthy “real food” and no cooking, which is a HUGE plus. It’s 1/2 cup of Daisy Brand cottage cheese, 1/2 cup of pecans and 3 diced strawberries. (8 net carbs & 80% fat)
For lunch I finished off the “pizza toppings” from my NYE delivery…
And for dinner I had the last two leftover chicken thighs. I just removed the bones (and sketchy parts, lol), chopped up the chicken and warmed it up, stirred in 2 TBSP of Duke’s mayonnaise – and called it “warm chicken salad”. 🙂
Nothing I ate yesterday was “fancy” or “pretty” 😛 but it filled me up and kept me on track. Bingo! I also had 7 coffees, and drank 24 ounces of water.
Here’s my complete MyFitnessPal diary for yesterday:
Exercise: Arms & Abs
It was almost 10pm before I got my workout in, but I refused to let the first day of the New Year pass without doing my exercise! THIS (toning/fitness) is my big goal for 2016, so I wanted to start it off right.
I was tired, so I opted for arms & abs (toning) instead of cardio. Here are the two videos I did. They are both fairly short, and EASY to do, but you WILL feel it – lol.
Here’s the second one, I did them back to back:
I like that lady. 🙂 She made the workouts fun!
What about you? What are you eating, and what’s your favorite kind of exercise? I am really PUSHING myself to make exercise a “habit” – and also to keep it FUN. I’m mixing it up a lot with my DVD home workouts, fun YouTube video workouts, and fast-paced walks with my Great Danes. Me and the boys pass joggers on our “walks” – we have a serious pace!! lol…
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I’m kicking off a new Low Carb Challenge soon, probably on Monday, so make sure you’re signed up so you’ll get the details!

You can do this Lynn! My goal is to see the 160s by end of January! And OMG, the bat wings video from Tracy (link you posted) has my arms burning. I’m putting this on my calendar to do every day this month! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Joni! WE can do this. π I am down to 152 this morning, so I’m excited about reaching my goal before the trip!! I loved that video – so glad you enjoyed it too. I’ll be doing it often as well. I have some light hand weights I can add in too, as soon as I’m ready. π *cheers*
Lynn, thanks so much for your motivation and being so real with this! Even though this WOL works well for many of us, it isn’t always easy is it… I have a question for you: Have you ever heard of anyone having a condition or illness that prevents them from losing weight or inches, etc…even if they are in Ketosis? I have been staying true to LCHF for almost 3 months now, with only a couple of meals where I at off plan. I stay 20 carbs or less, about 70% fat, etc… and I have lost and gained the same 5 pounds for 3 months. I may have some health issues that haven’t been determined yet, but all of the doctors I have asked say they can’t find any reason for me to not be losing weight. Last year I lost 40 pounds on low carb, but everything stalled and I even began to gain in February this year. I’ve been to several doctors to figure out what’s wrong, so far nothing… ever heard of anyone else having this issue???
Thank you Renee! And no, it definitely is not easy. Anything you challenge yourself to accomplish (that’s truly worth having / experiencing) is not easy I suppose. π
I haven’t heard of that issue, no. But I’ve been through long stalls myself. For me, it was during really stressful times – and again when I was on certain medications.
Try this for the rest of January: no processed foods, a maximum of 3 ingredients per plate or meal, all very simple real foods. Cut out cream cheese, BPC (if you drink it), eat less cheese, and cut out any nuts other than pecans or walnuts. Just for the next few weeks (end of January).
Also try going for 25 net carbs a day and 80% fat for your macros. I’m losing again doing that myself. My carbs are mostly greens, pecans, berries usually.
I’m going to do just what you said…possibly drink more water too, just to see if that helps. This may be medication as well, so I’m probably going to see my doctor to see if I can stop some of the things I’m taking! Thank you!
Let me know how that works out for you, Renee. π I just started drinking more water myself – I was never a water drinker before at all, so 3-6 glasses a day (24-48 ounces) is what I usually drink. I haven’t noticed any difference though. :p
Be sure to read this too: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/4884/how-much-water-should-i-drink/
Medications and stress can both have a huge impact on weight loss. Especially any kind of steroids and hormone related meds.
Hi Renee,
Have you had your thyroid checked? A hypothyroid condition could make weight loss very difficult, or even not possible for some people.