I mentioned in my last food journal that I ate off plan a few times last week. We’re kicking off a new Year-End Low Carb Challenge on Monday though, so I decided to get super strict again and get a little head start this weekend. 🙂
A year-end health challenge through the holidays is an ambitious undertaking. My advice: have a REASON for your goal. It needs to be a real reason with a real deadline. A New Year’s Eve party, for example – and an awesome outfit you want to ROCK that night. 😉
I’ll give you a sneak peek at my NYE dress. I ordered it on Amazon super cheap (26.99 + free shipping) and I got it in red (not the purple in the picture). Anything with the words “vintage” and “retro” gets me every time! 🙂
I haven’t tried it on yet, but I did get it – so I’ll share a picture with you soon. It’s unique, a bit sassy, and I most definitely want to fit into it by New Year’s Eve – and nicely!
A bit off topic, but not really… you’ve probably noticed I’ve been shopping a lot lately, and dressing better (lol). There are two reasons for that. First, because it feels SO good to be thinner and new clothes that FIT is a nice reward. 🙂 And second, because I’m “finally finding my style”. I’m in my early 40’s and my youngest just left home last year, so I’m starting a whole new phase of life – as a whole new ME!
I find that getting out of my sweats & PJ’s (and oversized tops & loose jeans) keeps me motivated to continue losing weight too. It’s so easy to get comfortable… in your comfies. 😛 Pretty clothes make you WANT to look better!
Saturday’s Low Carb Food Diary
I had a lazy morning yesterday. I skipped breakfast, just enjoying coffees on the deck with my great danes. I finally threw on shoes and went to the store to stock up on some low carb staples for the week – to keep me on track.
I already had some things at home: frozen broccoli, cauliflower, spinach & brussel sprouts. Fresh zucchini, mushrooms, avocado, etc. In this cart is: coffee, Coffee-Mate sugar free hazelnut powdered creamer, tuna, cucumber, colby jack cheese block, Polska Kielbasa, sauerkraut, pecans, frozen berries, chicken thighs, Daisy Brand cottage cheese, edamame and bottled water.
For even more ideas, see this Low Carb Grocery List + the comments.
While I was putting the groceries away, I noticed I had some Johnsonville Polish Sausage leftover that I had cooked the day before – so I heated that up and scrambled a couple of eggs with cheese to go with it.
I used half an ounce of cheese (Colby Jack, off the block), and scrambled the cheesy eggs in 1/2 TBSP of real butter. There was a bit of ketchup cooked on the sausages so I counted that as well. You’ll notice that I enter ingredients individually in MyFitnessPal to get an accurate count:
I didn’t feel like cooking dinner, so I just made my favorite dish: 1/2 cup Daisy brand cottage cheese, 1/2 cup pecans and 4 diced strawberries.
Mixed together, it tastes like cereal. 🙂
7 net carbs, 539 calories, 19 grams of protein, 81% healthy fat
I ended up going to bed early, like 8pm early lol, but I had a quick snack before I called it a night. And this was totally LAZY of me, and a total “frankenfood” 😛 but it did the trick! I had a can of vienna sausages dipped in mustard, with another half ounce of cheese:
Complete MyFitnessPal Diary for Saturday:
* I had 6 cups of coffee (Ack! lol) and 24 ounces of water. 🙂
How I Get “Net Carbs” in MyFitnessPal
Tracking Macronutrients (Why They Matter)
Yesterday’s meals (above) were really lazy. I decided I should do some “meal prep” today for the week ahead, which I rarely EVER do. But I need things on hand – quick and easy to eat – to stay on track this week. 😛
Today I’m going to make my favorite pecan bars (I’ll share that recipe with you in next post), a batch of the low carb fritters, and I’m also going to cook up the sausage & kraut and some veggies. That way I can just heat things up and eat healthy – without having to think too much about it. 🙂
I love foods that keep well & reheat nicely!
The challenge officially kicks off tomorrow, but I am going to go ahead and start my exercise today too. My goal is to work out EVERY SINGLE DAY through the end of the year! I don’t want to do a hardcore workout every day because my muscles will need time to recover, but even a brisk walk with the danes or an arm workout will be good some of those days.
I hope this gave you some low carb food ideas, and some inspiration too! *cheers*
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I’m kicking off a new Low Carb Challenge on Monday. Plan to join us! You can sign up for the low carb challenge here if you haven’t already. Make sure you’re signed up by email to get official challenge updates. 😉 Let’s end this year STRONG! *cheers*

I followed the directions for your MFP hack for seeing net carbs, but it didn’t seem to work. I’d like mine to look like yours with net carbs and total carbs listed separately. How can I do this? Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Patricia,
Did you do it in Firefox or Chrome? It only works online by the way, not on the mobile app.
Lynn…I can’t seem to comprehend the myfitnesspal thingy. I had set something up several years ago, but I can never seem to figure out how to actually use it. I’d like to completely wipe it clean and work with it as you do.
Hi Kathy,
The hack only works online, not on the mobile app. So you have to set it up online in either Firefox or Chrome. I have a video tutorial on how to set it up here: http://www.travelinglowcarb.com/6938/food-tracker-net-carb-calculator/ π
Thank you so much!!!
I love Vienna sausages with mustard :). Thanks for that suggestion, however I’m actually writing because I have joined and signed up on FB the 90 Day Challenge, I like getting your emails …… however it seems now I am not only seeing posts in FB I am also getting every post in my email and I really don’t want that many emails. How can I turn off getting the FB post in my email?
Thank you for all your help with everything!
Are you talking about email notifications from the Facebook Group? If so, you can edit your settings IN the group. Just go to the group and turn that off. π
Oops sorry also meant to ask ….. I signed up for MyFitnessPal, actually have been a member for some time but how do I get the “Net Carbs” calculated? Do I really have to go to Chrome and download another program?
Oops again :), meant to say I love your dress!!
Thank you! I can’t wait to try it on. π I’m going to do that this week!
And yes, you have to install an addon (or maybe it’s a plugin) in either Chrome or Firefox to get the Net Carbs hack to work. It’s great – totally worth it!
Thank you for your reply, I love it that you read these :). I will try to edit the email notification in the Group.
I’ll work on the add on for net carbs.
Thanks again.
You’re welcome, Roye π Let me know if you have any problem with either of those! *cheers*