Day two of “Zero Carb” was pretty easy. I was still sick, but better than the two days before. It’s not just an upset stomach, I’m also emotional & edgy.
I’m starting to wonder if it’s possible that I’m just experiencing serious chemical withdrawal (from my usual overdose of sugar free coffee creamer), which may very well be the case. Who knows.
Whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll work itself out over the next few days…
I started my day off with my usual coffees. You may remember from my update yesterday that I “caved” and had the sugar free creamer in my first coffee.
Otherwise I just had heavy cream (HWC) in my coffee the rest of the day – no artificial sweeteners. I had a total of 9 coffees. 😯
Day Two Zero Carb Food Journal
Since I didn’t eat breakfast (gosh I miss my pecans!!), I had an early lunch: Tuna with Duke’s Mayonnaise. A very simple LCHF tuna salad.
For dinner I heated up the last two leftover chicken thighs:
I had to work late, so when I got hungry again I ate four sausage patties. These were leftover from breakfast the day before, and Ricky cooked up plenty for me to eat on today. That was nice! He cooked up the chicken thighs for me too. 🙂
The sausage was filling. As you can see from my MyFitnessPal Diary below I ate over 1500 calories yesterday, which is a few hundred more than my usual.
Calories: 1551
Carbs: 4
Ratios: 81% fat / 19% protein
Protein: 96 grams
Water: 64 ounces
Exercise: 30 reps on the Ab Carver Pro
* All four carbs were from my 9 coffees of course.
I got my exercise in at the last minute, when I realized I hadn’t worked out yet for the day. It’s still a new habit I’m breaking into, but I’m determined!!
I still haven’t reached the limit on the new Ab Carver that leaves me feeling sore, so I’ll push that a little further today. And I’m definitely doing my T25 workout today too.
That always makes me feeling amazing!
The scales moved this morning, btw – back down to where they were at least. Fluctuations are normal. Especially when you’re sick, when you’re making big changes in your diet, after a significant weight loss, when you start exercising, etc.
Current Weight: 153 pounds
It would be REALLY nice if I could get (and STAY) under 150 this week. Although… that’s just a number, and we have to remember not to let any of our numbers define us. Still, it’s good to have goals, so it’s definitely about balance…
Push yourself hard, but stay focused on the long-term plan <- that's the key.
The “Zero Carb” thing has been an interesting experiment so far. It hasn’t been as hard as I thought it might be, and it’s definitely helping me break bad food habits – and get rid of cravings. 🙂
I’m not sure yet what I’ll eat today. I still have some boiled eggs, plenty more fresh eggs, 2 more pieces of sausage, there’s hamburger meat thawed… and I could always order Naked Wings from Pizza Hut too. lol…
How are things going on YOUR health journey?
Are you eating low carb, doing this zero carb challenge with me, getting in more exercise – or what’s your challenge right now? Leave a comment & let’s chat!
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

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