I’m feeling a little frazzled myself. The last month has been crazy busy. Actually the last few months have been just plain nuts. 😛
See the 2015-16 Goal Planner in that picture? That plus the action-based note pads are new. I just ordered those a few weeks ago to help me really get focused on my goals & tasks for the rest of this year – and into the next. I got those at the same time when I ordered the new stuff for my kitchen.
Sometimes it’s all just exhausting. Life, I mean. I’m sure you can relate: so much to do, so little time!
I just got back from visiting my daughter. She left for college a year ago last week, so that’s been a big adjustment for me this year (she’s my youngest). We had a beautiful healthy meal together while I was there – at Tupelo Honey Cafe in Johnson City, TN. I had the salt & pepper grilled salmon with asparagus and cheesy mashed cauliflower:
My daughter is doing SO well. That makes me really proud. 🙂 The break was nice too. Like I said, things have been really busy lately. I kicked off a new low carb challenge a couple of weeks ago, I have a new housekeeper starting Tuesday (so yes, I need to do a little prep work for that, lol), I set up a new low carb video channel this past week so I’ve been busy getting food videos ready to upload.
I’ve also been doing a lot of stuff around the house and in my business. Mostly organizing and rearranging. You know: trying to “get it together” – whatever that means. 😛 I think I must prefer organized chaos, lol – or you’d think so anyway!
One of the things I did this past week is set up a new bed:
Interestingly, if you watch that quick video, those clothes used to FIT me. Like really well, lol. I didn’t realize just how BIG my t-shirts and shorts have gotten over the last year! I had to move my belt two whole notches just to wear those shorts, and the tee is super roomy now. That’s NICE!
The mattress is super nice. It’s by Nodical Bed and it’s called a “restore mattress”. I mentioned recently that I’ve been having trouble sleeping, and specifically with muscle tension and back pain. This thing is amazing. 🙂
If you want to check them out, use my link to get a $100 discount (and they even lowered their prices dramatically recently!). The coupon code is: VIP100.
I’m sleeping better, I’m feeling better, and for the first time in as long as I can remember… I’m not so stiff I can hardly move when I wake up in the morning. It’s a HUGE relief! As you probably know, insomnia or lack of good recuperative sleep dramatically affects your weight loss. It’s very easy to see my weight loss plateaus as they relate to days or weeks where I don’t get good sleep. The graph is very telling. So anyway, I look forward to sleeping some pounds away now! 🙂
Next up on my list is my crazy kitchen…
For whatever crazy reason, I decided to get over my breakup with my kitchen this year and re-familiarize myself with that room where my coffee pot lives. I bought a few new cool kitchen gadgets, I even got some pretty new dishes, and I’ve been saving some interesting low carb recipes to try.
Yes, this, from a woman that eats mostly take-out and only has scissors and coffee mugs and dog bowls in her dishwasher. 😛 lol. Well, and spoons, because I love to dip a spoon into the cottage cheese or sugar free jam now and then. 🙂
Speaking of, this coming week I thought I’d host an online event so we can all work on our kitchens together. Wouldn’t that be fun? 🙂
I’ll set it up on my Facebook Page to make it easy. All you have to do is subscribe to the events so you’ll get notification – or subscribe by email below.
Stay tuned – I’ll send out the details in the next day or so!
I got this new workout thingy to try out too. It’s the Perfect Fitness Ab Carver Pro
It looks really cool. Ricky and I are going to try it out together.
That’s one of my big goals for this year: to get in amazing shape.
Busy, busy, busy – and really leaning WAY too heavy on “crutch foods” lately (like Atkins bars). I have to kick that habit. I could kick myself for even buying them in the first place. This coming week I aim to get back on my 3IMAX kick of real foods and super simple meals.
What about you – what’s new with you, and what’s going on in YOUR life? 🙂
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler

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