Hey! How are things going with you? I hope this note finds you having a great day. 🙂 I was curious if you’re still eating low carb, or if not, are you thinking about getting back on track and interested in participating in a group challenge, or setting some year-end goals? I find that I do so much better staying focused on my goals when we do it together as a community!
I’m doing great (better!), but also struggling, so I’ve been slow at sending updates or sharing food diaries, but I have been posting notes & videos on Instagram and even more on my Facebook Page if you’re on either of those sites.
I’m making good progress on my recovery, but having to rest a lot in between, so I’m slow at reaching out or responding, but I think I’m getting a better handle on that – finding a more solid balance.
Anyway, I’m writing because I would love to hear from YOU and what’s going on with you. 🙂 How are things on your end? I’d also love hear about your year-end goals, and if you’re interested in doing a challenge together with our group – or if that’s NOT a high priority for you right now (maybe later)…
I look forward to catching up. 💕 xo ~ Lynn
p.s. I know I’ve asked about interest in doing a low carb or weight loss challenge again since July and several times since (with no response) but I thought I’d check in again to see if anything has changed. 😉

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