It’s time for the Week Two Weigh-In if you’re participating in the Spring Keto Challenge. You can post your update in the group thread, or here on this post if you prefer (or if you’re not on Facebook).
It’s never too late to start! The challenge is FREE and you can join us today if you haven’t already. New people join in every single day. 😉
You’ll find all the Weigh-In threads in the pinned post at the top of the private group, along with Challenge Details and Group Details. That post is updated every Wednesday with the new weigh-in link for the week.
The weekly weigh-ins are just for accountability, of course… The healthy HAPPY lifestyle change is the REAL goal! ❤
You may notice great weight loss the first couple of weeks or you may start off slow. You’ll discover there are many “holds” and fluctuations on the scale as part of a VERY normal weight loss trend…
Just power through those!
Focus on feeling GREAT knowing you are eating healthy, changing habits & getting stronger. Those are BIG achievements to celebrate. 💪🥦
If you have questions about eating low carb or the keto challenge, see:
2019 Spring Keto Challenge Details
And: Keto Challenge Questions… Answered!
… or leave a comment here and just ask. 🙂
Until I get my next Food Diary written and sent out to you, here are some updates I shared on my Facebook Page to give you some ideas…
How are things going with you?
Don’t forget to weigh in this week…
Leave a comment and let’s chat!:)
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


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