It’s time for the Week 12 Weigh-In if you’re participating in the 2019 Keto Challenge. You can post your progress in the group thread, or here on this post if you prefer.
We’ll have the final weigh-in on Tuesday, April 2nd and a new low carb challenge starting soon – so stay tuned for details! 😉
I’ve lost 10.6 pounds in the last 12 weeks.
That surprises me actually. That’s GREAT loss in such a short period of time for me, considering I’m so close to my goal weight.
I’ve always been a SLOW loser. Plus the last 10-20 pounds are the MOST challenging to lose!
I weigh 140.8 today. The scales have hardly moved since I saw a slight weight loss 3 weeks ago, but I have lost two more pounds since I got this weird flu.
My actual weight on the scales is irrelevant to me at this point.
I’m only about 2 pounds above the weight I felt BEST at two years ago, but my body composition was totally different then. So my goal right now is to GAIN muscle (back) and continue burning body fat too.
Apologies for not posting my daily food diaries over the last week…
As I mentioned, I picked up another flu about 10 days ago and this one has been WEIRD. It seems to come and go in phases, and one of the symptoms that bothers me most is the upset stomach and total lack of appetite.
I have not felt like eating lately AT ALL. Even the smell of food turns my stomach. In hindsight, I did have Roast Chicken Bone Broth and low carb crackers: Know Thins in my pantry, and if I’d been smart I would have tried that.
Those are two GOOD items to always keep and have on hand, btw.
I’m glad I remembered those! I’m having some peanut butter on low carb crackers now – because NOTHING else sounds good. 🙂
My Low Carb Meals on Thursday
This may sound crazy, but the ONLY thing I’ve been able to stomach lately is the KetoBrownie blondies and brownies.
I’ve had some in my pantry for awhile, but was saving them because I’d been doing clean testing series, during which time I avoided other keto snacks.
Almost anything else literally turns my stomach at the thought or smell of it, which has not been fun. Thank goodness I found these stashed away!
I tested this link and it will give you 15% off at the KetoBrownie website. They’re also on Amazon here, but they’re cheaper on the website with my LOWCARBTRAVELER discount code:
I had a Keto Blondie for breakfast, and a Keto Brownie for lunch, and mostly just sipping water otherwise yesterday (64 ounces).
It was a BEAUTIFUL warm, sunny afternoon but I felt exhausted. I wasn’t able to nap, so I decided maybe some exercise and sunshine would stimulate my appetite AND help me sleep better.
I honestly had to summon my super powers to do this, I had zero energy, but I got up and made a bucket of soapy water and washed my front fence – all 5 panels, both sides!
I questioned my sanity more than once lol, but I powered through and finished the job – and even broke a sweat! 🙂
That’s the first time I’ve gotten any real exercise in over a week, lol. I’ve been SERIOUSLY taking it easy trying to recover from this bug.
It worked though. 🙂
I actually felt HUNGRY after that, and even felt better. I had a little more energy, and dinner actually smelled GREAT when it came through the door.
Aaron came over and brought me take-out from O’Charley’s, my favorite: Grilled salmon with asparagus and loaded broccoli:
The loaded broccoli is just broccoli loaded with baked potato toppings – butter, sour cream & cheese (and bacon too if you like).
This is one of my favorite restaurant sides. 🙂
I did manage to eat 3/4 of the salmon, some of the asparagus and about half the loaded broccoli before I started feeling icky again – so I put the rest away to have for lunch today.
Here’s how I logged my meals…
My MyFitnessPal Keto Food Diary for Thursday
I did finish that beautiful meal, what was left of it anyway (lol), for lunch today.
I like O’Charley’s salmon because they fly it in fresh every single day. It’s never frozen. And you can definitely taste the difference!
The peanut butter and crackers are hitting the spot…
And my fence looks amazing now. 🙂
I haven’t been at all worried about macros or weight loss over the last week or so while I get over this crazy virus or flu thing. Instead I’ve been focused on sleeping and resting, drinking plenty of water, and eating what I can when I can.
Being outdoors helped A LOT yesterday, even though I felt seriously wimpy. The sun was shining bright and it was a nice warm day here for a change. A good reminder for me to get outdoors more often – feel like it or not!
Anyway, that’s why I haven’t been sharing my daily food diaries with you lately. I hate to set a BAD example of not eating enough, living on keto brownies (heh, yum!), being very UNcreative with my meals, etc.
I had a few interesting things though, so I should give you a quick photo tour of at least some of my “highlight meals” over the last week or so. I’ll do that, so keep an eye out for it…
How are things going with you?
Don’t forget to weigh in this week…
Leave a comment and let’s chat!:)
Lynn Terry,
aka @LowCarbTraveler


Lynn, have you been to the doctor? This could be something other than flu maybe. Hope your feeling better soon!
I haven’t yet but my next checkup will be soon. But I got this from Aaron and I’m about 3 days behind him on this bug with the exact same symptoms… and he did go through a round of antibiotics, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. He’s feeling better the last couple of days, not 100% but definitely better, so that’s encouraging! 🙂
Lynn, I’ve had the very same, weird stomach thing for over two weeks!! All I could handle was peanut butter and crackers and chicken noodle soup!! I just knew I would feel better TOMORROW!! I finally went tomprompt care, and they sent me to the ER!! I was dehydrated and got 2 bags of fluids and had to drink liquid potassium!! That was over a week ago, and FINALLY, yesterday, I MADE myself get up
And do something!! It has taken forever to get over this!! I wish you a speedy finale!!
So sorry to hear that you have been so sick. Hope that you are feeling much better real soon.
Oooo… I will have to make a version of Loaded Broccoli when I need an idea for a side.
Hope you are feeling better. Thank you for the food ideas. I love your blog. Take Care.
Hi Lynn,
I am new and learning. Can I ask a silly question? How come your lunch brownie is 19 net carbs but your total for the day does not reflect that?
Thanks, Sue
Dear Lynn, I.m so glad I found your web sight. I found the Air Force diet in, low carb. diet.
A little Del book with a 6 weeks of menus. Lost 35 lbs. in 6 weeks. kept it of on maints diet for twelve years. I think lost 25 lbs.
But after being laid up with knee injury. Any way gain a lot of weight for many years. Having tried for many years and don’t stick with it or remember whats what. So i’m glad to get started again. It was in 1967 the first time.