To kick off our Winter Low Carb Challenge there will be a NEW class you can join in live on Tuesday at one of two times: Noon Eastern or 8pm Eastern (or both!).
You’ll get access to BOTH live classes as well as the replays to watch at your leisure – in case you can’t make it live on Tuesday.
When you sign up here you’ll get instant access to all 5 low carb classes you can watch now – plus you’ll receive the log-in link to both of the Live Classes on Tuesday too.
If you’ve already signed up before, check your inbox – I sent you an email about it! 😉
Once you register you can start watching the pre-recorded classes right away, and I’ll send you the log-in links for Tuesday’s live classes on Monday evening and again on Tuesday morning.
Live Low Carb Class
Tuesday, October 30th 2018
Class 1: Noon Eastern / 9am Pacific (90 minutes)
Class 2: 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific (90 minutes)
You can expect both classes to be FUN but also a HUGE dose of motivation. The sessions are interactive and there will be open Q&A so you can get your questions answered.
I think you’ll really enjoy the classes on Tuesday because I have some great insights to share with you that will make your low carb lifestyle MUCH easier. 😉
Learn More About The Low Carb Classes
If you click that link ^ you can see exactly what to expect.
If you want to skip that and just go ahead and sign up, click the button below. Or if you’ve signed up before, but would like to contribute again (thank you!) you can use the button below for that as well.
Five Low Carb Classes are available to stream online now, download to watch offline, or stream on mobile/tablet devices. Then you will get the log-in link for the two new LIVE low carb classes on Tuesday, as well as access to those replays to enjoy or refer back to for inspiration & motivation anytime.
There is no minimum payment required. I want to make this affordable to anyone, and give you an opportunity to “give back” at your own discretion.
The “name your own price” option is a limited time offer…
The normal rate is $99, so pick your price and claim your spot today:
Note: After you submit your amount, you’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll register for the class. Do that, then check your email for a confirmation request. If you don’t see it, do a search for travelinglowcarb in your inbox – in case it got filtered out. If you have any problem signing up, just send me an email! 😉
“You are so great at what you do! You are very informative and I love how you keep it so simple! My biggest take away is that this can be a very easy WOE! I am trying to make it more complicated than it needs to be.
I can’t wait to watch the rest of them!” -Judi
Each session lasts 60-90 minutes, and includes Q&A.
Learn More About The Low Carb Classes
I can’t wait to see you LIVE on Tuesday!
I have some fun things I want to share with you, and I also look forward to your questions as well! Speaking of…
What is your biggest question about Keto or Low Carb? Or what do you struggle with most when it comes to living low carb consistently?
Leave a comment and let me know so I can be sure to address your topic(s) and questions in the live sessions on Tuesday. 😉
Note: There are only 100 seats available for live classes, so be sure to sign up today and then plan to log in a few minutes early on Tuesday if you want to attend live.
Learn More About The Low Carb Classes
Lynn Terry
aka @LowCarbTraveler
p.s. I really enjoy hosting these low carb classes in exchange for whatever amount you want to contribute because it’s what helps keep this blog and our Low Carb Challenge free – and because I want to give everyone the opportunity to discover the happiest, healthiest version of themselves!
[…] Join us for the LIVE Low Carb Class on Tuesday […]